Mon and Tues Photography Haiku and Blog Links

Summer Shoe Styles seen this weekend  for Mosaic Mon. link

Cape Ann MA ~ for Happy Blue Mon. link

Haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku ~ prompt ~ 'earth song'

'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' for Monday Mellow Yellow Link

New sticker for my car ~ 'I don't like my dog very much?' Ya think? for Ruby Tues Too link

Welcome to another week on Cape Ann MA and its glorious summer activities. One wild and wooly rainstorm on Friday and beautiful, lovely temperatures and sunshine for Saturday and Sunday. Always a good happening for those needing respite from the week's travails. Posting from the USA some of my posts may be late for your blog. Hope you had a lovely and fun weekend.

We are linked with these creative bloggers:
mosaic monday
happy blue monday
monday mellow yellows
carpe diem haiku
ruby tuesday too

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your comments continue to delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it.' ~ Sai Baba
