A Full Moon Dream Board is linked with this site : http://jamieridlerstudios.ca/full-moon-dreamboards

My dream board is about creating and a fantasy about having a sports car. I say fantasy, as the pragmatic side of me, is wondering how practical that is for living in New England. Having been pragmatic most of my life, I am nearly ready to cast aside the 'pragmatic' and live out my dream of having a sports car.  My dream board also has the whimsical character and car that I have been creating daily, the colors are the colors of the moon and the sun ~ the yin and yang, the anima and animus that we all need to integrate and become our authentic self.

Wild woman that I am; I am really very tired of the old yankee ways and ready to dance with the light of the moon. My art is starting to surface into a carefree style and flowing rather naturally as you can see in my dream board. I am also teaching a small group about soul collage cards and that is exciting for me as they are somewhat similar to 'dream boards. So, dear readers,  I pulled 'anchor' and have set sail on my journey to being closer to my authentic self.

Wish me well for the 'highest good for all concerned'. Also, check out the dream board link. 

Hugs and namaste,

Carol and ArtMuse Dog


  1. I see New England as moon dancing, quarterly rituals, as in All Hallows Eve coming up. . . the dream board is fantastic. My yellow cottage in Cornwall would fit in beautifully with what you are doing. What do you think would happen if you do not obtain your dream car? What would happen if you do? There's your answer. Don't think about what others would say, they aren't living your life, feeling your feelings. , . . Happy Luck. I want a ride soon :) Blessings, Janet

  2. go on out and buy that car....you only live once.....and you deserve to have the wind blow in your hair as you drive around town....

  3. Carol, I almost always had a convertible until a few years ago when I bought a sensible and safe Toyota. I missed my convertible and talked and wrote about riding with the top down all of the time. One day I saw my dream car and without thinking twice bought it. That is something I never do. I love my car and I am not someone who loves things but I have so much fun riding with the top down. I have a feeling you would too. I have a Skye Saturn which they don't make anymore but if you ever see one at least take a test drive. It is awesome.

    I love your dreamboard and would love to know more about soul collage.

  4. Carol, your dream board is so beautifully whimsical! My favorite part is the hand holding "create". Most anything is possible through dreaming and putting action to our dreams. Wishing you a MOONth of dreams come true!

  5. I see create in your board. I was going to take a soul art collage course and they had to cancel it... the new date that they scheduled I can not do as I work.

  6. Oh Carol, I love this post, I feel so connected to you. Your dreamboard is simple yet full of meaning.

    I was researching the 'soul collage card' too, should be a lovely thing to do in a group. I'm hoping to pass on my full moon collaging tips at my up and coming Art&Yoga retreat!

    Sue x

  7. oh I LOVE the colors on your board...and am glad you are branching out and participating in the full moon dreamboards! LOVE the top photo on your blog page..WOW...that really draws me in and makes me wish to see that spot in person! I sort of feel like I have been there before which is super weird. You have intrigued me on this blog and your other and I am going to check it out further when I get done with work. THANKS for stopping by and checking out my board this month too! I appreciate it and your comments! BLESSINGS! (your little dog is adorable!)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)