52 Photo Projects and A Creative Harbor



We are linked with Bella's 52 Photos Project ~ The Prompt was 'To look up' What do you see? ~ So here on A Creative Harbor you will see lots of Sky Photos ~ Love the Sky ~ Awesome. 

Hugs and namaste,

We at Creative Harbor love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day. (Boss Dog)
Ruff! Ruff!

Check out our blog hop on Mondays ~ Magical Monday ~ to add a bit of magic to your life for the week ~ thanks.

SHARE THE CREATIVE JOURNEY is our other blog ~ sail on over by clicking the highlighted orange link in the title and read about Mental Monday, view Whimsical Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday and more to entertain you. ~ Thanks, Carol ^_^


  1. Loved your post today, your photo and your words. You inspire me all the time my creative friend!

  2. Oh, I love these soft blue hues. Wonderful captures.

  3. wonderful shots, very pretty! loved all of them but more specifically the 2nd and 3rd!

    namaste and tx for dropping by at My Third Eye

  4. Beautiful skies. Thank you so much for the visit, Carol. xoxo

  5. I love sky pictures .. beautiful
    Karen from 52 pics

  6. I love sky pictures .. beautiful
    Karen from 52 pics


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)