Poetry and Spirit Collage Saturday

Simplicity Collage



Welcome to A Creative Harbor. Today is Poetry and  Spirit Collage Saturday. We are also linked today with Sweet Saturday.

(click the highlighted link (orange) to go there

The collage above is one of my more 'zen' like collages. I find that when I try and keep life simple I am more relaxed and at peace with myself and the world. I am finding that the more I create the less complex I want my paintings to be. Of course, now I have confessed that, my 'ego' may waltz me around and get complex on me. Essentially, though, my style has always been that 'simplicity is beautiful.'



O there is a little artist,
Who paints in the cold night hours;
Pictures for wee, wee children
Of Wondrous trees and flowers.
Pictures of snow-white mountains,
Touching the snow-white sky;
Pictures of distant oceans,
Where pigmy ships sail by,
The moon is the lamp he paints by,
His canvas, the window pane;
His brush is the frozen snow-flake,
Jack Frost, the artist's name.

(Nellie M Garabrant)

Hope you enjoy our Simplicity Collage Card and our Poetry Saturday. Do come by again as we love visitors. Peace to you all.

Hugs and namaste,


We at A CREATIVE HARBOR love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day. Especially, ArtMuse Dog ~ ruff! ruff!

SHARE THE CREATIVE JOURNEY is our other blog. Sail on over by clicking on the highlighted link (orange) and view Paint Party Friday, and more to entertain and inform.

Come by A Creative Harbor on Mondays and link up your post for Magical Monday. Thanks, Carol ^_^


  1. of course I love this simple, zen one! And the poem is just lovely too.

  2. Nice! Both of them! :)
    Have a great weekend, lady!

  3. Lovely collage and what a sweet poem, I did not guess it was jack frost until it was said :)

  4. Lovely zen-ish collage. I enjoyed that poem.

  5. Oh Carol!! what a wonderful share for sweet saturdays....I love this poem!!!! very sweet indeed.....Thank you for joining us this week!!!!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)