Welcome to A Creative Harbor and Spirit Collage Sunday. Today we are also linked with Weidknecht Weekend Blog Hop and Art Everyday Month

I have been creating collage artwork for over seven years now as well as other types of art work historically.  Today the collage is about how 'topsy turvy' the world feels sometimes. With the moon in the wrong place (could be read another way also) and the wondering and seeking for knowledge and wisdom. Thus, of course, I chose the owl as symbolic of 'wisdom'.

This type of collage is very simple and easy to do. You, certainly, can make it as complex as you want. The base is a matte board and I used a stamp pad to ink the background. From there I sketched an owl and used color pencils to colorize her. I have a notebook of clipped photos from recycled magazines and that is where the tree, the moon and the sun came from to hold this collage's focus. Then I began to glue each piece on to the matte board. Because I am not selling these, I use this type of collage as way to keep 'dabbling' and expressing myself. It also is a technique that I used in my previous life when working as a psychotherapist. It allows one the time and space to work on color, design, composition and tone for other art work. I hope you will give it a try and if you would like to have your collage posted here that would be wonderful!  I would love to have you share your work. So, go play, go create, go to your room and do art!
Have fun!  Today. Now. ^_^

Hugs and namaste,

A CREATIVE HARBOR enjoys and loves you to post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day.
Including ~ Ruff! Ruff!

SHARE THE CREATIVE JOURNEY is our other blog. Sail on over to visit by clicking on the highlighted link and enjoy Mental Monday, Sunday Sketches, Whimsical Weds and more to entertain and inform. Thanks, Carol ^_^


  1. I've always enjoyed doing collages as well. I enjoyed looking at yours. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for the recent visit Carol.

  2. I always like to see what you make. Love the cute owl! :)

  3. Great blog, fine photos. Have a really nice sunday!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. A wonderful collage- I especially love your spirit dolls.

  5. I really like this! It's fantastic!

  6. Pretty!! Thank you for joining Planet Weidknecht's Weekend Hop. I am following you and hope to see you again soon.

  7. Very cool!

    Owls are so neat.

    I just heard one the other night when I was out for my walk......


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)