Another Red Haired Girl Spirit
(part of a series)


Welcome to a Creative Harbor  ~ Hope you enjoy our photography, paintings, and collages. Today we are linked with Creative Every Day and Ruby Tuesday and ArtFul Rising. To go to them click on their 'orange' link.  (A Virgin A Day has her own page ~ click above tab)

The above painting is done on 5 x 5 artist canvas with a 2" cradle. It is professional canvas quality and done with Sennelier Oil Pastels. The red haired 'Girl Spirit' is the fifth in a series of seven. Each one is unique; yet all are redheads. Power to the Red Haired beauties. They are a tribute to my maternal side, my grandmother, mother and aunt all were red haired wonders. A Tribute to the Divine Feminine in my family and yours.

Hugs and namaste,


We at A CREATIVE HARBOR love to have you post your comments to delight us all in the day. (Especially, ArtMuse Dog)

Sail on over to our other blog by clicking on the 'orange' link, Share the Creative Journey. ~ Thanks, Carol ^_^


  1. Another nice tribute to the family genes! ;)

  2. Love her!!!! Yay for the redheads!!!!

  3. A winsome smile is beguiling, a look of innocence and intellect. As if she sees far beyond us, pretty and special. The red hair is beautiful, this is a wonderful portrait!

  4. So beautiful!

    My Ruby Tuesday, please come and see. Thanks!

  5. Hi Carol, I'd like to say thank you for visiting my site.

    You have a nice one around here and your artworks are very impressive. I'm wondering if you're selling soe of them?

    Have a great day!

  6. That's nice..

    Visiting for RT! Hope you can visit mine too.



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)