We are also linked today with Creative Everyday. (click on the 'orange' link to go there) 

Welcome to our blog where life is seen through the eyes of the artist's soul and what creativity can do for one's deeper spirit.

Today is Monday Blog Meme ~ Magical Monday. I see the above photo as very magical ~ nature's magic. The ocean can turn from being very calming to being a force that one should respect. I also see the sacred in the ordinary and any creation is a miracle to me. What do you see today that is magical to you?

Below is the linky to add your blog. Please just leave your link to your Monday post and not to your whole blog. This because some people come later than Monday and it is clearer where the link up is . So join us. We would love to have you.

Hugs and namaste,

We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day. Thanks, Carol ^_^

Sail on over to our other blog, Share the Creative Journey, by clicking on the 'orange link' to go there and enjoy Sunday Sketches, Paint Party Friday and more.


  1. lovely photo Carol, I didn't seem to have anything magical to post today, sorry!

  2. I had no idea this was a blog hop. I was certainly impressed with the magical image, though. I don't have anything magical this week, but I am offering a free altered book course on my blog.

  3. Great photo - it really brings out the power in nature to me!

  4. I think ocean is magical, too. I have take dozens of photos every time I go near it. I love your header, too.

  5. Beautiful - in every which way!!!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)