Paint Party Friday and Haiku My Heart




ArtMuse Dog and Carol welcome you to our blog where we see life through the 'eyes of an artist's soul' and explore what creativity can do to enhance the 'inner spirit'.

This is my Friday post and one of my favorites because I get to see wonderful paintings by artists at Paint Party Friday and inspiring haiku by writers at Haiku My Heart. (click link to go there)

The painting above is another Asian brush painting done from a photo on a greeting card. It was not copyrighted and even still it  is my own rendition of this wolf family. I put a tentative matte around it and will decide later how I want to frame it. Hope you enjoy it and will continue to read below what I have written about creativity and maybe even comment rather than rushing off to the next blog. Below are my haiku.  Enjoy.



grey day lingers on

whispers of sunny days

beach sand tickling my toes.


Taoism emphasizes

living each moment well

letting grey days go by.


cold, numbing faces, bodies

passing soon, crocus up

warming hearts today.

As I used to write in my previous blog, Share the Creative Journey, everyone is creative and sometimes the 'inner spirit' just craves to create and other times it is dormant. For me, historically my creativity was manifested in the 'world of traditional work' and being a wife and mother which was a wonderful life. Yet, the 'seeker' in me wanted to paint and write. So finally in my thirties, despite losing many significant people in my life at a fairly 'youngish age' I began to 'dabble'. Now, thanks to supportive people including PPF and HMH that I am linked to today I am beginning to do less dabbling and more working. It is work like I have never felt before ~ yet it is 'play' as well. For most of my life I have tried to love whatever I was doing. Today, I love what I am working on ~ creating and enhancing my 'spirit' through writing and painting. I hope you are doing what you love ~ at least part of the time. If not, what are you waiting for?

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comment, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day, especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^. We can now reply to your comments if you have questions or want to 'talk'.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'In solitude we give passionate attention to our lives, to our memories, to the details around us.'(Virginia Woolf)


  1. This is a fantastic post with a fantastic message for all to heed. My thoughts are racing through my head and stumbling out of me so fast I can't keep up. It wasn't until I learned to forgive myself for my past that I flourished and accepted everything that I do as my creation. Is it "good"? Doesn't matter, it is what has been created, be this art, writing or any act of daily living and loving like drinking coffee or talking with a friend. You are a wise one Carol. Love your words and the wolves too. Grey days are nothing more than life experienced in black and white instead of technicolor. Very Cool!


  2. wonderful.. I love haiku´s too....

    xxx Susi

  3. your haiku!! Love how you've embraced your creative journey. So much resonates with me in much the same way. Yes -namaste'!

  4. Loving your sweet Haiku......Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  5. What cute wolf family! Great poem as well. :)

  6. I am really enjoying your japanese brush paintings. Lovely haikus too... wish I were on that beach instead of expecting snow!

    (P.S. Email me, Carol, and maybe I can help you change those settings - even though you are using your domain name - yours still looks like it is using Blogger as a base.)

    1. Am not ready to turn 'word verification off' ~ I think that we all tend to rush from blog to blog without appreciating ~ each one and word verification does slow one down ~ I am learning still to 'stop and smell the roses' ~ thanks Eva for all you do ~ and your help ~ namaste

  7. Oh yes, letting grey days go by... you perfectly depicted the feeling we all have now that Spring is around the corner!

  8. Grey days are there to make us appreciate the sun.
    I love this post and your thoughts on could
    be writing my life story here. ♥♥♥

    1. Perhaps it is many people's life stories ~ ^_^ thanks for your warm comments ~

  9. Grey days should never be despaired. Just shows better ones to come.
    great words.

  10. Love your work today, very warm feeling!

  11. I love your wolf family, mum has a very special endearing look, cheers up a grey day until the crocus blooms!


    Sue x

  12. Beautiful haiku, Carol, and an adorable wolf family.

  13. You always have such meaningful posts and pictures. I love that little picture of you working in your studio on the side of your post. It makes me see you in a different light!

    1. Wow! So good to 'hear from you' ~ and thanks for your kind words ~ I try my best ~ That is a fun photo ~ and I was having fun ~ (it was actually at a studio where I was taking lessons) thanks again, namaste, carol ^_^

  14. Love your combination each Friday of art and haiku! Wonderful!
    Especially love this little painting of wolves. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  15. Wonderful haikus, and lovely painting! I agree, it's important to have something that makes you happy working and playing with. Happy PPF!

  16. Marvelous painting and wonderful haiku. I know what you mean about gray days, I'll work on letting them "go by".

  17. Those 3 are wonderful! Your haiku spoke to me today! Thanks

  18. Great post, Carol.

    Your wolf family is so sweet! Your haiku is wonderful.

    Happy PPF!

  19. I am enjoying your asian paintings and your haiku conjurs all that bursts forth in spring, as well as letting go... I do love what I do, my work, my play, there is no demarcation, and that seems to be a miracle... thank you!

  20. I love that painting! so very sweet.

    Have a happy weekend! xox

  21. Hi Carol!!!! love this super cute painting you did!!!! adorable!!!!

  22. yes! such a positive invitation to follow ones passion! i love that you are painting and writing and sharing with all of us!

  23. Carol, I love LOVE this little painting. Aww. Adorable. VERY nicely done. Happy PPF

  24. letting grey days go by.. a life lesson!

  25. So much beauty in your haiku this week. The first one reminds me that sand is a natural exfoliant. And it's great to be creatively told not to sweat the small stuff. Love your haiku. Have a great week ahead, Carol.

    1. Hazel ~ you are a gem ~ glad that you enjoyed my post ~ wishing you the best for the weekend ~ hugs and namaste, carol ^_^

  26. Another great brush painting. Love it.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/Happy Horse Studio

  27. Carol, this is such a meaningful post. Your brush paintings are wonderful and I am enjoying your Haiku something that I do not know that much about. Your message today was so important. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Ginny ~ thanks for being you and sharing such thoughtful words with me ~ enjoy the weekend ~ namaste, carol ^_^

  28. A beautiful post Carol. I love your artwork of the wolf family. When I think of love I often think of animals and their warmth and connection with one another. Your haikus are each lessons for the heart and spirit. Each one offers the reader something to take away with them to better their understanding of life and their journey. Thank you.

    1. Noelle ~ thank you for taking the time to post just kinds words ~ You truly must be an enlightened woman ~ and I agree ~ I think animals many times are better than humans at loving each other well ~ much love and light to you ~ enjoy the weekend ~ namaste, and Thank you! ~ Carol ^_^

  29. Sweet Haiku and luv those adorable little wolfs. Lovely work.

  30. Such a dear painting!
    Lovely set of haikus!!!
    I am practicing my
    5/7/5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. We are all so lucky to have found an artful way forward, and friends to support us on our journey, aren't we? Your posts and comments always remind me of that.

    1. yes ~ tis true ~ we have connected with some wonderfully creative artists and writers ~ enjoy ^_^

  32. I like grey days. They help me appreciate the sunny ones.
    Nice job on the wolves and the poetry, too. :)

  33. I love the wolf family and the particular kind of art/painting. Blessings, Janet PPF


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)