Haiku Heights and Sweet Saturday

My son cooking crepes at Xmas


Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today we are linked with two creative blogs, Haiku Heights and Sweet Saturdays. The above photo is for Sweet Saturdays.

Sean is cooking a crepe recipe that was a traditional Christmas Eve dish that his father cooked. He always made seafood crepes and then strawberry crepes for dessert. Sean respects family traditions, thus the cooking of crepes. They are always delish!

Below are my haiku for Haiku Heights ~ prompt was 'childhood'



wee one, all is new
gazing through newborn eyes here
everything a puzzle.


that first step shaky

balancing on two feet a trick

to learn all your life.


childhood much learning

takes place and then forgotten

somewhat new adulthood.

(copyright by Carol L McKenna)

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog. Thanks, ^_^

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QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' (Albert Einstein)


  1. NIce haiku, love the first one especially. Yum crepes!

  2. Lovely haikus, Carol. The third one is so true! It's breakfast time now in Italy, and I'd like a yummy crepe!! :)

  3. If only we could remember all the learning from our childhood..we would be the happiest..a lovely haiku that..

  4. All excellent, but the last line of the second is a gem.

  5. Lovely set of haiku Carol...Loved the third one more!

  6. You captured the spirit of growing up beautifully!

  7. Lovely :)


  8. Your words spoke the path of growing...beautiful work

  9. yummm indeed. lovely words for this prompt. :<)

  10. Carol -- what a wonderful post!! Thank you for sharing your perspective of the prompt! Delightful! :)

  11. Lifelong learning starts the day we are born! Lovely haiku Carol.

  12. They grow, time passes so quickly, and next thing they're adults. I can't believe I'm this old! LOL! Nice post. :)

  13. Childhood well depicted. Hard to pick a verse I liked best as I liked them all. Nicely done. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  14. I just want to thank you all ~ Sweet Saturday and Haiku Heights followers and commenters for taking the time to post your supportive comments ~ We love you and wish you the best week ever ~ Hope you turned your clocks ahead ~ ^_^

  15. oh how sweet is that!!!! Crepes ....yummy!!! What a wonderful and sweet post Carol!!! Thanks for participating!!!!

  16. Yes, I'm still learning that trickiest of maneuvers: staying on my feet!

    Childhood’s Dandelion

  17. Yes, standing on 2 feet, I love this haiku!!!
    thanks for visiting me!!

  18. I love the Standing on Two feet....Yes aren't we learning this throughout our lives!! :-) Lovely.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)