Haiku, Watery Wordless Wednesday and Giggles

52 Photos Project (prompt was 'what makes me laugh') ~Son's Xmas Decoration does!

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the  eyes of an artist's soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today we are exploring what photography, haiku, silence and laughter adds to living a more balanced and creative life. Our exploring is done by linking up with various blogs with a variety of creative styles. Those blogs are 52 Photos Project which is what the first photo above is about as the 'prompt word was laughter). It just makes me giggle when I see it. It is a Christmas decoration with some humor. The other photo is for Outdoor Wednesday and Watery Wednesday taken shortly after a hurricane. Then we have Sensational Haiku and my three haiku are below for the word prompt (fiction). Because it is Wednesday, we are also linked to three Wordless Wednesdays as silence is always good for the soul. They are Aquariann's, Dave's and In Him. Click on any of the colored links to see these blogs.



it is all fiction
told to the young and restless
live the


stranger than fiction
we are told by 'they' power 
you know who 'they' are.


ocean waves tell tall tales
ebbing in and out with time
don't go near the water.
(carol l mckenna)

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog. ^_^

Join us in our very own blog hop ~ Magical Monday Meme which will continue for a few days. Love to have you join us with your style of creativity, photo, craft, art, family, poetry and more. Everyone is creative in some way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Smells are surer than sounds and sights to make heartstrings crack.' ( Rudyard Kipling)


  1. Cute little guy up top, whatever he is.

    Catch My Words

  2. Hi Carol,

    The water looks calm and at the same time forceful. Water is soothing, nourishing, peaceful at at the same time has so much force to destroy. Yet water is essential for everything!

    Thanks for linking up and Happy Wordless Wednesday!


  3. What a cute figurine. Or figurines, I guess. Makes me giggle, too. :)

  4. That sounds like a neat idea. And memes are really for sharing. Thanks for visiting mine.

  5. cool cliff in the water. :)

    NF Waters will open tonight if you are interested.

  6. Love that water photo, but sure wouldn't want to be caught in that!

  7. I need to get one of those Christmas decorations for my husband. He watches all the Christmas shows every year and the Rudolph show is one of his favorites. Amazing water photo!

  8. I think....no, I'm positive, I like the ocean wave haiku best. And that abominable snowman image brings back time for me and our grown kids with the seasonal TV special they never missed.

  9. Your photo in the header is beautiful. I love the beach and bays, it's so calming. I am so happy to meet you and find you have a very interesting blog, I look forward to taking the tour. I look forward to visiting your poetry. I'm delighted to meet you.

    The French Hutch

  10. Excellent variations on the theme.

  11. Waves do indeed tell tales and carry stories from other shores...

  12. Yes, love that abominable snowman! One of my favorite Christmas cartoons. :)

  13. Wonderful haiku makeup. I wonder who 'they' were!


  14. Thank you for sharing. Always like your haikus.

  15. I have often wondered who "they" are... ;)

    Love the Rudolph/Bumble picture. They Bounce, you know... ;)

  16. I needed this this morning--thank you for the post! I also love the Rudyard Kipling quote--you learn that in acting class. Think of a particular smell to bring up a certain emotion--it works pretty well. And thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment--I appreciate it!

  17. Love it! That is from one of our favorite Christmas movies - terrific post - love the haiku!
    Hope you have a blessed day,

  18. Carol...
    Your first Haiku is a bit wordy...:P

    Excellent job!

    1. Thanks, I see what you mean ~ I fixed it ~ namaste, ^_^

  19. It did make me smile. What a fun Christmas decoration, but it can be enjoyed all year round!

  20. Lovely set of haiku. I always enjoy your writings very much. Great picture. The ocean teaches us so much when we are akin to it.

  21. Wonderful haiku .. number one my favorite!

  22. sweet thoughts! love living in fantasy!

  23. Lovely post, Carol, both words and pictures...

  24. I also thought of 'stranger than fiction' while thinking of this week's haiku theme. Nice haiku. Have a great week.

  25. Beautiful photo of the water after a hurricane. Man, oh man, how close were you?


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)