Welcome to our blog where we view life through the eyes of an artist's soul and explore what creativity can do for one's inner spirit.

Today we are having our own blog hop ~ MAGICAL MONDAY and are linked to MACRO MONDAY and CREATIVE EVERYDAY.

Join us with your Magical creation. It could be a photo, painting, sketch, poem, craft ~ whatever one creates is magical because it begins within the inner spirit and is birthed by you and becomes 'something' special from 'nothingness'. What are you creating? What have you created? Shine your 'light' with us today and join the fun of sharing and viewing wonderful creativity of the spirit. Link is below where it reads 'you are next' ~ enter. Thanks.

The above photo is for Macro Monday and Magical Monday. As I viewed the photography I could see all the 'magic of the world' in that one flower. Look closely and be amazed at 'Mother Nature's' beautiful, magical work. See the magic in the day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog. Thanks. 

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Fashion fades. Only style remains.' 
(Coco Chanel)


  1. Beautiful, delicate flower! Nice photo!
    Have a great Monday! :)

  2. That's one beautiful flower! Flowers are my favorite creations in nature. Blessings to you! :)

  3. Gorgeous photo...tried to link up but it did not work. So, I will try again later.

  4. I did check on the link for Magical Monday ~ seems to be working now ~ ^_^

  5. Calling by as another participant in Macro Monday, a lovely composition.

  6. Beautiful flower.

    Regards and best wishes

  7. the pink is so lovely, so pale and delicate

    great quote by Chanel

  8. Beautiful flower with soft pink and white petals and vibrant yellow center!
    And your blog header is awesome! Very lovely!
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog post for Macro Monday, the double daffodil.
    Happy Gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie

  9. I love the colorful flower closeup. It displays a light happy mood. You linkup is working fine too. I'm using my android phone right now so it was hard for me to crop my image, but that is the phone issue, lol.

  10. I love the colorful flower closeup. It displays a light happy mood. You linkup is working fine too. I'm using my android phone right now so it was hard for me to crop my image, but that is the phone issue, lol.

  11. Love the soft pink and white color!
    Nice center detail.

  12. Gorgeous shot! I am so ready for Spring to get here, and that photo does not help the matter at all LOL ;)

  13. What a beautiful shot of that flower... and i love the Coco Chanel quote too... "fashion fades. Only style remains" How true. Have a great night Carol! xoxo

  14. Beautiful presentation and color in this image.

    Happy MM

  15. Beautiful picture, we live on different sides of the earth but we have as tulips in our home.
    Marit, Norway

  16. Thank you for your wonderful, supportive comments on Monday ~ March 5th ~ wishing you the 'best in the day' ~ namaste, Carol and ArtMuseDog ^_^

  17. Oh, I love the idea of a Magical Monday blog hop. I hope you keep it up!! I'll come back and post next week.

    I love how CED2012 brings up so much wonderfulness for me!

  18. Such a beautiful and delicate looking flower!

  19. That is a very attracative color on a tulip. Thanks for sharing. :)


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)