Kitty at Play

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today is Friday and two wonderful creative blogs are linked with us. Paint Party Friday is hosted by Eva and Kristin and have excellent artists linked in with a wealth of creativity. We are also linked with Haiku My Heart hosted by Rebecca and having an array of haiku poets to enjoy.  Poetry is rhythmical and pleasing to hear and read and so good for the spirit.
 (Click on the colored link to go there) Before you go hopping over to these wonderful blogs, please read my haiku below and view and contemplate my Asian brush painting of 'Kitty at Play'.

(These 'buttons' are for beauty ~ Please click the highlighted links above.)



walked dog at beach
winds whirling sand in eyes, hair
no time to be peace.


summer came last week
today, winter winds howling
short walk at park, chill.


buds, jonquils blooming
yet, wind, cold swirling round us
spinning mind around.

Wishing you a healthy and fun weekend. Come back and visit again. We thoroughly enjoy your company.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Every Monday we have our very own blog hop, Magical Monday Meme. The purpose of this meme is to provide a link for bloggers of all kinds that find magic in their creative style, whether it is in decision making, creating a painting, a craft, poem, photo, needlework, jewel smith, being a parent and how creative one has to be and other ways of finding magic in your day. It is there; sometimes you just need a reminder. It is all magical and miraculous. Come join us and meet some new bloggers and let 'your light shine.' 

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Out of clutter, find simplicity.' (Albert Einstein)


  1. Purrfect capture of Kitty playing! Your Haiku sounded so true. Enjoy your day!

  2. Hi Carol and ArtMuseDog! I always like coming to see you! Your cat and ball of yarn are AMAZING!! Hope you two have a great weekend :)

  3. The weather's on the change where I am, too.

  4. pretty blog and photos!! now i follow you!
    Spring is all around us! The Nature Jotter opens its doors to all photography's lovers!
    Send your naturalistic photos to or post it on the facebook fanpage! All the photos will be published on the blog with links and names of participants! Enjoy! :))

    you can partecipate also with your drawings!

  5. Loving your picture. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  6. Your cat is so delightful! The black and blue go so well together. Your haikus describe the weather so lively - I just want to go for a long walk on the beach now, with the wind on my face! (Unfortunagely, we don't have any beaches here...). Happy PPF!

  7. I like the whimsical nature of your painting. The haiku all speak of what has been happening to most of us as far as weather has been concerned. Great creative use of words and haiku to tell of being alive. Wonderful all the way around.

    Much Peace

  8. Lovely post Carol and Artmusedog, happy ppf, much love xxx

  9. Great post. Love your kitty at play :) and your beautiful Haikus. Love and light to you. Happy PPF

  10. Well done Carol, nice composition. Lovely painting I love the haiku too.

  11. I could just picture you on the beach. I really enjoyed both your painting and your Haiku very much.

  12. So much natural burgeoning and whirling, there just isn't time to be peace. Love that contrast!

  13. Beautiful kitty painting and a lovely heiku. :)

  14. Kitty at Play is delightful! Your haiku is SO descriptive of Spring weather... one day warm, the next chilly. Happy Friday, Carol!

  15. Lovely haiku! I like the simplicity of your painting, you have captured the essence of the cat stance. We had temperatures in the high 70's last week, snow is predicted tonight!

  16. Hi Carol...Love your cat and yarn watercolor. It has such a delicate feel, almost Asian inspired. Very lovely. The Haiku is great as well. Give Art Muse Dog a pat for me. Happy PPF! :-)

  17. You are so good at this brush painting, Carol. The cat and yarn are beautiful. Loved the haiku, too. Faye

  18. I love the swirling wind and sand in your poems...beautiful.
    and I have to share a link to my cat drawing as it's so much like yours!
    We are a kin in our love of cats it seems! (
    Thanks for coming by my blog today and leaving a much appreciated comment!

  19. You write great haiku. We've been having the same kind of weather here. But I tend to think this is typical of Spring. The wind washes winter out of the sky and rushes in flowers and green leaves. Just enough rain to keep summer from drying it out.

  20. quite cute is your painting
    and lovely to have a glimpse into your days through your haiku

  21. beautiful cat - beautiful haikus!

    xxx Susi

  22. The cat painting is lovely. I like the way that blue yarn winds around. The Haikus are so fun. Makes for a nice Friday combination. Happy PPF

  23. Hi Carol. Love your kitty and yarn ball, definitely at play. Great work. Love your Haiku's too. Have a great weekend.

  24. aaah, the paradox that is March! Lovely haiku, thank you!

  25. I love how elegant your line work is- very beautiful!
    Happy PPF,

  26. hi Carol! Lovely brush painting and great haikus.
    I love the perspective or view of your cat painting... love seeing it from behind him. :-)
    Happy weekend! xoxo

  27. What a beautiful kitty painting. I love the shapes of cats. They're so graceful and fun to watch.

  28. Nice image and love your first haiku especially...anything dog-related tugs at my heart strings. :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  29. I love this one so much! the tail is so delicately rendered - just one stroke which is the great Asian style - such flair - beautiful poems as well!

  30. I guess wind is making your world crazy too...we're buckling down for a weekend of it!


  31. Very serene post! Just lovely! Great job!
    Happy PPF!

    Hugs Giggles

  32. Lovely cat - and I love the quote at the motto in life...Simplify...simplify :)
    Have a lovely weekend! big hugs x


  33. You've captured that moment 'pre-pounce' just perfectly. All that muscle rippling beneath the fur. Just great!!

  34. Lovely piece this week! Nice Haiku as well.

  35. Awe, this is wonderful!! I love the kitty and it reminds me a bit of a Japanese brush painting! LOVE it, xoxo

  36. Great kitty and haiku. Spring with hints of winter reminding you that it takes both seasons to know the difference.

  37. beautiful painting and the beautiful words,, as usual, just wonderful,

  38. 'Kitty at play' is my new favorite of your works.
    And you Haiku are so ambitious, and true...the transition, from any place to another is never without remorse and least for me

  39. Carol....your painting and the haiku's are wonderful.

  40. I love the kitty!!! Very nice words too. Words always elude me .

  41. Again such a lovely combination. The cat is adorable, love it!
    Have a wonderful weekend ~

  42. There's a chill wind blowing and I hear it howl - your haiku is just perfect!

  43. Aw love the kitty and the angle of the silhouette.

  44. Absolutely fantastic brush painting! You must just want to sit and stare at it...I know I would if I'd painted it.

  45. #2 speaks of this unsettled (and sometimes unsettling) time of year, when it's hard to know if it's warm or cold. May we all know with certainty soon!

    Eager Wildflower

  46. That cat is so cute! I love the way you have done that! There is peace in your blog.

  47. LOL - such a cute cat with his string/wool. Love the colours you used for it.

  48. Hi Carol,
    I guess we were both thinking about black cats ; ) Love the way you illustrated him from his rear, makes the painting capture the fun in his play.

  49. Wonderfully alive! So much movement implied.
    BTW: I´ve got a little something for you at my blog. :)

  50. Love the simple drawing of cat and the haikus are lovely with their seasonal elements. What happened to our spring today - we got a lot of new snow (in Finland)!

  51. Funny cat, love the cat and mouse (could be a logo). The poem is telling, very interesting. You could do a book of poems like that as your journal. Blessings, Janet PPF


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)