Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

Today as a prompt from 52 Photos Project  we are exploring what 'coloring outside the lines' does to enhance the inner spirit. The above photo tempted my 'inner spirit' to 'play' to take one of my very traditional photos and put a different 'spin' on it. The results are unique and my muse gave me permission to 'Let it Be'.

We are also exploring another type of creativity prompt from Haiku Sensational and the prompt was 'excitement or excite'. The words illicited a feeling of 'joy' within as I began to create and write my haiku. It was another experience of 'letting go' and trusting my inner spirit or muse. The following are my three haiku:



green buds bursting through

ah, can it be excitement

new season soon, Spring.


what excites you now

warm air circling in the windows

caressing lightly.


excitement today

green, yellow, pink flower buds

gently birthing Spring.

Watery Wednesday

Water, the ocean always does amazing things to up lift my spirits. Check out photos from around the world at WW. Thanks

We are also exploring 'silence' and what a Wordless Wednesday can do to enhance the inner creative spirit. Thus, we are linked to:

Aquariann's Wordless Wednesday, In Him We Live Dave's Life, Wordless Wednesday Photo Blog  (click on the link and )See what they have to offer your spirit.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comment, thoughts or questions to delight us in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

You might consider linking up with our Magical Monday Meme and meet new bloggers and their talents. It runs until Sunday ~ so join in and 'let your light shine.'

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'One must also accept that one has 'uncreative' moments. The more honestly one can accept that, the quicker these moments will pass. One must have the courage to call a halt, to feel empty and discouraged.' ( Etty Hillesum)


  1. You have so many things going on! I love these photos. Bit of spring fever up here, too. Been 61 the past two days. All the snow (except the snow pile) is melted! Spring is coming. :) Happy Wednesday!

  2. The water scene looks so peaceful. The colors of the first photo remind me of the different colors of our energy aura. Very nice linking up again, Carol. Thanks for including my link above. Have a great week!

  3. You would like the artist Andy Goldsworthy. He's a nature artist. They have videos on YouTube.

    I love that first image!

  4. interesting quote! i have to think about it more to know what if i believe it or not.
    Your haiku is a beautiful and the sky and water too...
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  5. The photo of the rocks is something I really love. Rocks have always been something I appreciate, having collected them since I was a child.

  6. Love the great use of color in the first photo. Went hiking this weekend and didn't see anything like that--wish I had!

  7. Perfect!!!
    Loved your Haiku's Carol.

  8. A terrific haiku trio! Great photos Carol!

  9. I like your haiku trio and your different spin on the photo. It turned out cool.

  10. Enjoyed them all. Spring is definitely in the air.

  11. Telling photos and heartfelt haiku, thanks !

  12. I'm so pleased that your muse allowed you to post your outside the lines photo, it's beautiful

    I like your first haiku the most but then again all 3 are joyful

  13. Your watery image is just spectacular!! And I also loved your "coloring outside the lines" photo!

    Happy Wednesday to you.

  14. I'm still holding out for winter

  15. Your spin on the first photograph is so unique and magical! Lovely haiku, too - I'm so excited for spring!!

    -:¦:- Featured Photo: Disco Horse -:¦:-

  16. The photo in your header is Fabulous!! and love the other pics too and love the Haiku ~ love it all! Very wonderful Blog! :-) Good for you! Happy WW to everyone!

  17. Your creativity flows from poetry to photography. You see beauty all around, wherever you go! Very nice.

  18. spring is an exciting time. i just hope summer doesnt hop on over it! 80 in the midwest today!

  19. I like the colors in that first shot. :)

  20. Beautiful post, Carol, both words and images.

  21. your imagery is great as is your Haiku

  22. Lovely as always Carol :)

    I really enjoyed the haiku. I don't have the nature for haiku or poetry, but I do very much enjoy others work. I am more of a random thought writer, so my poetry never rhymes or does what it is supposed to, much like, well, ME ;)

  23. Such a lovely post and so relaxing...

  24. I can't imagine anyone not getting excited about the coming of spring!

    Fevered Excitement

  25. Really love the soft colors and tones you capture in your photography--beginning with your blog header. We are so fortunate to have many editing programs that make it easy for us to unleash our creativity with our photos. Have fun this spring--it's almost here!

    1. Thanks, Faye ~ The first photo was purposely manipulated ~ for the most part I do little editing of my photos ~ nature or Tao is with me when I am creating ~ Wonder what a good inexpensive editing program might be? What do you use? ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ^_^

  26. Delightful set ... I believe the last one is a favorite! Thank you for sharing! :-)

  27. "green, yellow, pink flower buds
    gently birthing Spring" ... this makes me happy :)

  28. Hi Carol,
    Thank you for your visit and your nice comment, I'm very happy I! Your blog is beautiful, I like him very well. I like your photos very well! I'll come watch determines the occasional surf!
    Best regards, Joana

  29. "gently birthing spring" I love that!

  30. Lovely series of inspiring haiku! Excitement has many faces!

  31. We've never been referred to as "Haiku Sensational" before - it's cool!

    Great haiku - spring really is exciting, and I for one, cannot wait. As it turns out, I don't have to! Happy Spring (tomorrow)!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)