Magical, Macro and Creative Everyday

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of the artist's soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Today is our blog hop, Magical Monday Meme for 'creatives' of all mediums. Join us by linking up below where it reads 'enter' 'you are next'. 

We are also exploring photographers at Macro Monday and Artists of various mediums at Creative Everyday. The first  photo is a macro of the sky yesterday as the sun was glistening through. 
There is a related haiku below also. The second photo is of a 'merry go round or also called a carousel. I actually rode on one of the up and down horses on Sunday. There was a lovely park thatwent to with my brother and his grand children and 'my inner child' I could not resist a ride. I had not seen a carousel in several years. Fun!

clouds, clouds masking light
stronger than covering of sky
sun beam rays abound.
(carol l mckenna)

As you can see I find 'magic' everywhere whether it is skyward or at a park filled with delightful fun rides and games. Hope you will share your 'magical creations' with us today on Magical Monday Meme with linky below.

Have a magical week ahead and enjoy each precious moment.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or ideas to delight us all in the day ~ especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Grace of the Tao, surrounds us always. Whenever we are open to it for a moment, it enters into us.'
(Hermann Hesse)


  1. oh how I love carousels!!! and all of your photos!!! I will be back to share something!!!!

  2. Both pictures are beautiful, and I love the haiku!

  3. I so enjoy visiting your blog Carol! I haven't seen a carousel like that in years!

  4. These visits are always great. Thanks for hosting, have a great week.

  5. Hi there - that sky shot is great - really like the little pacthes of blue.

    Stewart M

  6. This is my first time visiting your blog. I love your haiku and photos, and your description as this being a place about seeing through the eyes of the artist's soul... i can totally relate - my place is an online art space.

  7. Gorgeous Carousel...beautiful and magical! we have a few here where I live..and they are a visual treat!

  8. I do love the sky I think it is often the best source of natures art work.


  9. Fantastic post. Wonderful sky picture.

  10. Magic IS everywhere...just takes an open mind to see it sometimes.
    Lovely words and thanks for advice in the comment you left for me.
    I will try to join you here, later:)

  11. I love the cloudy sky with light shining through! Gorgeous shot and wonderful haiku! I haven't ridden a carousel in I can't remember how long... years. Sounds fun. Happy Monday, Carol!

  12. 'vackra bilder och tänkvärda ord !
    namaste !

  13. i love that you appreciate the simple things in life, Carol.
    Funny, about the caroussel... i was actually at the beach (by myself) this am
    and after my long walk, i went on the swings for a while! WEEEEEEEEEE!!
    (who made up this stupid growing up rule?!?) ;-) xoxo

  14. I can see just what your haiku describes.....really like it.....

  15. Gorgeous and dramatic image of the sky.

    Happy MM

  16. thank you everyone for all your delightful comments and sharing in blog ville with me and ArtMuse Dog (who incidentally went on the carousel with me ) Have a Magical Week ^_^

  17. Hi Carol thanks for stopping by at my blog. Joining your site here too. Happy weekdays!


  18. Love your haiku and photos - very interesting sky! I collect carousel horses - yours is lovely!

  19. Your sky image is so dramatic and lovely! I like your haiku. Namaste, Gina

  20. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and taking time to leave a sweet comment!
    Greetings from Australia♥

  21. Hi again Carol...thanks so much for your beautiful words and lovely are a beautiful soul...i am happy to play was fun..thanks for hosting it for all!
    Wishing you a blissful week..

  22. Thanks for participating this week, I love your photograph, it fits the theme perfectly. Hope to see you next week!

  23. I love you Haiku and the accompanying visual. Beautiful!

  24. What an awesome shot of the sky and the poem was perfect! Warmly, Tracy

  25. Really love the contrasts in the cloud photo and I agree with Jennifer, it really fits the darkness and light theme. Stunning.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)