ASIAN type brush painting

Welcome to our blog where we view life through the eyes of an artist soul and explore what creativity can do to enhance the inner spirit.

(Please Note Haiku April has its own page ~ click on tab above if link doesn't take you there directly from Haiku Heights.)

Today, being Friday, it is time to explore artists who paint and poets who write haiku. Painting in a variety of modalities allows time to play, to get in touch with the inner spirit and 'let the world go by'. For me in some ways poetry helps me to do that also. So whether you paint or write or do none these, come enjoy the wonderful artists at Paint Party Friday and the excellent poets at Haiku My Heart. A big thanks to the hosts of both these blogs.

The above painting is about as 'zen like' as it gets. This week has flown by and have been busy with preparing for the art season here in Cape Ann on Rocky Neck. The fun part is creating then you need to frame them, write an artist statement, price them and you know the activity ~ I am thrilled to be doing this. So wish me luck and do visit these two blogs by clicking on the highlighted links above). They are very special. Below are my haiku.


light of the world shines
brighter it seems in spring more
risen from the dead.

cool air and wind still
april and yet winter lingers
nature wants to play.

we want to play out
earth delights, digging dirt, planting
come hither soon spring.
(carol l. mckenna)

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts, or questions to delight us all in the day, especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Join us Mondays on our blog hop, Magical Monday with your photo, art, craft, sketch or whatever you create. Have fun meet new bloggers. ~ Thanks ~ Carol

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic.' (Emily Dickinson)


  1. Hi Carol and ArtMuseDog! I am looking over in the right column and I see that ArtMuseDog is taking a break. That's good, because I see that you guys have been hard at work! First, the painting is GREAT! Love it! Secondly, the haikus are very fitting and lovely...I'm glad I got to see them!

  2. I love the fresh painting!!! charming and words that promise the joy of spring!

  3. Nature truly loves to play. I love those words. Namaste to you Carol. Have an awesome day.

  4. Lovely! :)
    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Lovely! :)
    Have a great weekend!!

  6. Spring has started to struggle where I am at the moment. It'll be back soon.

  7. Cute brush painting of the bird that looks out over the ocean!

    Thanks for sharing the tradisjonelel Japanese poetry form.

    I am so fond of Emily Dickinson, America's most important poets in the nineteenth century.

    A wondering Star

  8. Cute brush painting of the bird that looks out over the ocean!

    Thanks for sharing the tradisjonelel Japanese poetry form.

    I am so fond of Emily Dickinson, America's most important poets in the nineteenth century.

    A wondering Star

  9. Good day Carol, this are really nice haiku. I love the first one the most.

    Thank you for sharing.


  10. Good day Carol, this are really nice haiku. I love the first one the most.

    Thank you for sharing.


  11. I love the simplicity of the painting. I had a thought that if you drew a balloon around the three birds above the subject's head, it would look like what thew gull is saying. The caption would be left up to the viewers imagination. I am gutting used to your Asian style pieces. I like them. I believe they would kook great in a set of two, three or four. Some day, explain the Asian style. I could look it up, but would like your interpretation.
    I also love the haiku. That middle one, nature wanting to play, yes,m that's it. Nature fooling around with our spirits. Ah, but I fool her. I love the coolness of the mornings and the fog and clouds as I see her giving us all the elements in the course of a day. Very nice visit here today. Thank you. Best of luck during this art season.


  12. I love the simplicity of the painting. I had a thought that if you drew a balloon around the three birds above the subject's head, it would look like what thew gull is saying. The caption would be left up to the viewers imagination. I am gutting used to your Asian style pieces. I like them. I believe they would kook great in a set of two, three or four. Some day, explain the Asian style. I could look it up, but would like your interpretation.
    I also love the haiku. That middle one, nature wanting to play, yes,m that's it. Nature fooling around with our spirits. Ah, but I fool her. I love the coolness of the mornings and the fog and clouds as I see her giving us all the elements in the course of a day. Very nice visit here today. Thank you. Best of luck during this art season.


  13. How wonderful that Easter happens around spring too. Lovely haiku.

  14. Lovely haiku and your gull is sweet. I like how he is thinking of flying off to be with the others. Happy PPF

  15. I love your haiku and your seagull!

    NAMASTE Carol!

    xxx Susi

  16. I love your haiku and your seagull!

    NAMASTE Carol!

    xxx Susi

  17. Wonderful seagull! Happy Easter! :)

  18. Both lovely and inspiring. I love how you strip things down to what's really important.

  19. Wonderful painting, Carol. I need to drive across town and wander the shoreline at the park to listen to the call of the birds and the sound of the waves upon the shore. I love your haiku, especially "nature wants to play". Come hither soon Spring. Have a wonderful Easter!

  20. Light does seem more luminous and beckoning in the Spring, doesn't it?

  21. I feel like you caught that seagull in a split second before he flapped his wings to fly off with the others! I love your haiku and what it evokes in me... Yes Carol, your imagination is alive and and well! Thank you!

  22. That beautiful, I love this bird, delicious haikus.

  23. I can feel the sand between my toes! Joy! Hope!

  24. Hi Carol First off, have a very Happy Easter and PPF. I love your bird just looking at the waters and enjoying himself. Ah to be a bird.

    Birds are fancy free.
    We watch their beauty of flight.
    Ah to be a bird.

  25. Hi Carol First off, have a very Happy Easter and PPF. I love your bird just looking at the waters and enjoying himself. Ah to be a bird.

    Birds are fancy free.
    We watch their beauty of flight.
    Ah to be a bird.

  26. Very nice poetry and painting. I love the Emily Dickinson quote, too.

  27. Awesome Haikus! Your Asian inspired bird painting is perfect. Happy Easter and PPF! :-)

  28. Loving the simplicity of the style and great poetry. Happy PPF and a Happy Easter, Annette x

  29. Lovely poetry Carol and I love your bird painting. :)

  30. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Art muse dog is adorable..He does need a break..Theres lots to do for a show. Enjoy. Cute Zen painting and Haiku.

  31. Such a lovely painting... hope you also have a great Easter and gets lots and lots of Chocolate...xx

  32. Always enjoy your painting/poetry combination!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  33. Carol, I love your Asian brush painting!!! You captured the style perfectly. Your Haiku is beautiful. And I love the photo on your previous post with the glass starfish, that is sooooooo cool!!! Namaste, Deb

  34. I like the strong strokes you used for your seagull, carol! :^) patsy

  35. Lovely works, always enjoy your haikus so much! Good luck with the art season, sounds exciting! Happy ppf!

  36. The cusp of winter
    and spring. We are like puppies
    and kittens at play.

  37. The cusp of winter
    and spring. We are like puppies
    and kittens at play.

  38. Hi Carol,
    Luv your little birdie and the haiku, beautiful as always.The sound of seagulls in the air always reminds me of the sea.
    Happy Easter Carol. P.s. adore your little fella ; )

  39. Hi Carol,
    Luv your little birdie and the haiku, beautiful as always.The sound of seagulls in the air always reminds me of the sea.
    Happy Easter Carol. P.s. adore your little fella ; )

  40. I love the simplicity of line in your painting. A quick touch of the brush to the painting that says so much.


  41. I love the simplicity of line in your painting. A quick touch of the brush to the painting that says so much.


  42. Ah! To be by the sea.... nicely done!

  43. Birds are my very favorite. . . this is a truly beautiful picture reminding me of where I would really like to be. . . on the water. Blessings, Janet PPF

  44. Oh yes. This does remind me of the sea. Such a wonderful place to be.. Looks wonderful!!


  45. Oh yes. This does remind me of the sea. Such a wonderful place to be.. Looks wonderful!!


  46. You are really getting good at this style, capturing the essence of of something with such simple brush strokes is not easy.

  47. i always love that your work is so evocative, despite the simple lines. nicely done!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)