52 Photos Project,Haiku Sensational, Nature Step and Wordless

Son's House

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

NOTE: Blog hop here every Monday for 'creatives' of all mediums, Magical Monday Meme

Linked today with:

Dave Keller ~ Wordless 
(click on the links to go there)

Linky for my Wordless Wednesday is below ~ at end of post.

Today's post is for Wednesday and that means photographs, haiku and wordless ~ silence. All these blogs are creative in their own style. 52 Photos prompt was 'Where We Meet'. For family events we usually meet at my home, my brothers or I go to North Carolina where my son has settled into his new home. Here in MA we are always gathered something near the ocean. My haiku for Haiku Sensational is below and the prompt word was: 'landscape.' Once again the landscape most prevalent is the sea.

My House

'Red Sails in the Sunset'



gazing on landscape
a vista sparkling to eyes
welcome view my life.


earth such a treasure
ocean front and center here
grateful everyday scene


sky above, earth here
water everywhere we look 
always glad to see.

Enjoy the photos, the haiku, water photos, wordless, visit and comment on the wonderful artists, photographers and poets work.
Wishing you a magical and loving day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Join us on Monday for our blog hop, Magical Monday Meme for all 'creatives' of any medium. Love to have you ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'This is how it always is when I finish a poem. A Great Silence overcomes me, and I wonder why I ever thought to use language.' (Rumi)


  1. Thanks Carol! I will hookup with you on Magical Monday. Very nice haiku this week!

  2. Your dog is adorable!

    Beautiful photos and haiku!

  3. In reference to the top photo: if a man cooks and nobody sees it, did he still cook?


  4. Your haiku describes the view so beautifully!

    -:¦:- Featured Photo: Red Admiral Butterfly -:¦:-

  5. Oh to be able to view the water like that everyday! So lovely!

  6. sweet aquatic landscape haiku! and love the quote!

  7. Lots to be grateful for in your haiku.

  8. Your haiku are such a lovely celebration of the world around us.

  9. Really nice integration too!

    Have a great WW!

  10. I love the dominant water element in your haiku - like a 'hydro haiku'... water, water everywhere...

  11. Wow, you sure are busy with so many memes/projects!

  12. Vista, view, see,,,,all what we are lucky to be able to do or have the sense od..

  13. I love water and poetry so your blog is a hit! Thanks for visiting NanaHood. Come again real soon.


  14. i love that first photo--she looks so happy!

  15. it must be lovely to gather by the ocean... :)

  16. What a great series of haiku! Very descriptive.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)