Favorite Things, This and That, Color Our World

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Note: Blog Hop here every Monday ~ Magical Monday Meme for all 'Creatives'.

Linked with: (click on links below to go there)

Today we are exploring what delights us in our life. What adds creativity energy to our life? What makes you feels good and triggers a response of creative ideas. Some of our photos may delight you and remind you of your childhood when creativity came naturally. The other blogs that we are linked to will also add to your creativity energy by viewing other creative approaches to blogging, to home decor, to art, adding color to your world and bring new ideas to many other facets of your life.

The photo below was taken Saturday at a place called Salem Willow which is the photo above. It has gotten much traction this week in my blog because it was such a delightful day for me. It brought out the 'inner child in me'. ArtMuse Dog and I rode the 'flying horses and had the time of our lives! Fun! 

For me to create, to live I need those fun times, those laugh out loud times! The child like joy that radiated from my face and soul and was an A+ day. ArtMuse Dog wasn't quite sure of it ~ totally new experience for her. She did wonderfully, though.

We didn't buy any except to take home to my brother's wife but they even had the 'old fashion colored candy corn' which is the photo below. You will also see the impact of color in your life with Color Your World link. Popcorn photo below:

Hope you enjoy our post today and also Favorite Things, This and That and Color Your World.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^

We have a blog hop here every Monday, Magical Monday Meme for 'creatives' from all areas of creativity. Hope you come join us and add your blog to the fun. Thanks.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: Genius is not having enough talent to do it the way it has been done before.' (James Broughton)


  1. Oh my word, those photos are amazing! The trees at your park are the most brilliant green! Thanks for linking up! I look forward to reading more!

  2. That picture really captured the real beauty of Salem Willows.....and the Carousel captures the honky-tonk side....Riding the "hossies"? You're such a card....

  3. Love those beautiful GREEN trees!

  4. Looks and sounds like such a wonderful day! That first photo is just beautiful... so much green! So happy you joined us for the 'Color Your World' challenge this month! :)

  5. Wonderful photos! I just LOVE carousels :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful day. I would love the try that candy corn!

  7. Very nice landscape shot. Ooh, I love that pink popcorn!The only place I know to get it near me is down Coney Island. Brings back memories, it does.

  8. I'm having a very stressful day today. I could use a walk in that park to calm down and be grateful things are a lot worse!

  9. Oh I love willows, they're my favourite trees. I'm going to enjoy wandering around your blog, love looking at photographs of other places.

  10. Wonderful pictures. I especially love the carousel. Brings back childhood memories. Thanks so much for stopping by My Life. I would love to participate in your Monday hop. I am a GFC follower. Donna

  11. beautiful photos! The carousel photo is wonderful. The candy corn prices are too, giggle Hugs and thank you for joining in the hop fun xo


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)