Tackle It Tuesday

Tackle It Tuesday

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

NOTE: MAGICAL MONDAY MEME ~  blog hop for all creative mediums runs until late Thursday.

Tuesday ~ Today we are exploring poetry, more specifically, haiku, which originated in Japan. Basho is one of the noted historical poets who wrote haiku, particularly in the 5-7-5 form. According to Minor, another blogger from Japan, an excellent book you might read about Basho is A HAIKU JOURNEY, Basho's 'Narrow Road to a Far Province'. Having just begun to read it, I am fascinated by his 'journal writings' of his travels and his haiku.  Along with that suggestion, a good haiku blog meme, one we are linked to today is Tackle It Tuesday. The word prompt for this is 'frog' and my haiku is below.



laze on lily pad
none other than mister frog
simple pleasures Tao.


divers of the deep
frogmen exploring ocean
another world is found.


garden bug eater
saving nature's wonder growth
come to my garden.

Enjoy Tackle it Tuesday and the wonderful poets of haiku.

Have a magical and delightful week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day, especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^.
She also loves Google +

Link up with our Monday blog hop, Magical Monday Meme and show us what you create ~ poems, crafts, arts, photos, etc.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.' (T.S. Eliot)


  1. Cute girl! The fishing and the frog haiku go together quite nicely. :)

  2. Nice haiku set ~ I like that creative twist, the frogmen exploring the deep ~

  3. Great haiku Carol! Love the last one, maybe I should use frogs for pest control in my garden!

  4. So special the way you went from a pond frog, to a frog-man, to a land frog.....and the set was so well-written....

  5. I love the last one too. Very well crafted.

  6. love the gone fishing drawing, but love the doggy more :)

  7. I love your work Carol. Your girl is wonderful and I enjoy your Haiku so much. You have introduced to me to something new to enjoy. Although I taught haiku, in a very elementary way, to my students I have a new appreciation and love of it from your work. Thank you.

  8. Beautiful! The 3rd haiku is my favorite. :)

  9. A great haiku set, Carol! And perfect to the prompt!


  10. Awesome! Nice haiku triplet. I especially love the first one. Nicely done. Thank you for being part of "Tackle It Tuesday".


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)