Tackle It Tuesday

Not 'Shooting Stars' ~ Fireworks

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Today we are exploring how poetry, particularly 'haiku' enhances the inner spirit. To me haiku helps me to maintain focus, and simplicity. Writing at least one haiku a day brings balance and detachment into my life.

We are exploring today with Tackle it Tuesday and the prompt word was 'shooting stars'. Above is a photo I shot last July 4th and it reminds me of shooting stars. Perhaps, I will receive the gift of a shooting star sometime this summer. Enjoy the poets at Tackle It Tuesday and enjoy my haiku below. 


night sky filled with stars
might there be a shooting star 
arriving for me.

shooting stars falling
ever closer to earth here
be my wishing one.

nighttime filled with wonder
black and dark, mystical might
ah, light, shooting stars.

Have a magical and loving week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight all in the day, especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^
She thinks Google + is pretty neat also.

Magical Monday Meme blog hop is here every Monday for 'creatives' and whatever you create ~ Come join us.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' Do you know where you are on your journey?' ~ (Deng Ming-Dao, 365 Tao)


  1. Beautiful sky and equally impressive haiku!

  2. These are so beautiful, all of them..one word..wow!! Thanks.. I am here..


  3. I love fireworks, both just looking at them and taking pics of them :)

  4. Hi there - I've never had much joy with fireworks. I think that digital may free things up a bit in that regard.

    Cheers - Stewart M

    PS: thanks for the comment about my pictures - if you have time you may enjoy my "other blog" where I try to carve out some words. The links on my photo-blog and my profile

  5. Hi there - I've never had much joy with fireworks. I think that digital may free things up a bit in that regard.

    Cheers - Stewart M

    PS: thanks for the comment about my pictures - if you have time you may enjoy my "other blog" where I try to carve out some words. The links on my photo-blog and my profile

  6. Great picture of fireworks, nicely written on the prompt for this week I love second one very much. I am waiting on my shooting star to make my wish.

  7. Me again - gald you liked the other blog. I'm working on the second part (which contiunes the theme of migration) it will be called "On Arrival" and it should hit the news stands sometime late next week!

    Cheers - Stewart M

  8. Me again - gald you liked the other blog. I'm working on the second part (which contiunes the theme of migration) it will be called "On Arrival" and it should hit the news stands sometime late next week!

    Cheers - Stewart M

  9. I loved your set....it was cheery and bright...nice phototoo

  10. Quite charming! Mystical nights always draw me in.

  11. Certainly an impressive, good picture, the beauty of haiku is exquisite.

  12. Love them all, but the 3rd one is my favorite. Enjoyed them immensely!

  13. Very cheery and full of hopes kind of haiku. I love them.

  14. Very beautiful haiku on shooting stars..

  15. Love the fireworks. I have only seen a shooting star very few times in my life, but they are memorable. :)

  16. Can't know till we wish and see, Carol. Good one!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)