Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise

Asian Style Brush Painting

Welcome to our blog where we view life from the  eyes of the artist's soul and explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Today's post we are exploring artists' sketches and painting along with photographs that the photographer feels is a place of paradise for them

Therefore we are linked with Sunday Sketches and Post Cards from Paradise where you will view many artistic styles and a variety of photos. The above photo is of a recent sketch I did of a gold fish using the Asian brush style technique. The photo below is of the recent phase of the moon. It appears to be a full moon but due to photography and my still learning it was nearer to a half moon but was taken with a telephoto lens on my camera. Because I like most people, I guess, have an affinity for the moon, I chose the moon to express a feeling of 'paradise'. Nature has many facets of being an attraction for 'paradise'. Plus, I am grateful that all I have to do is step out on my deck and there nature is in all her glory. Tonight it is very rainy, windy and wild! Two nights ago when I took this photo there was a 'haze' around the moon which 'they' say means foul weather is coming and it did.

So enjoy the artists and the photographers. Here is a small added attraction for those of you that enjoy haiku.


good night moon shine on
lighting up world glistening
 bit of paradise.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day, especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^
She thinks Google + is pretty neat also.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' Chance favors the prepared mind.'


  1. I love everything, the asian style brush painting is beautiful, I also appreciate the difficulty of taking a picture of the moon, just lovely! I couldn't put together a haiku if my life depended on, but I've always been drawn to them! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  2. Love the soft colors around the gold fish.....Judith, Texas

  3. What a cute fish! I just love the little fat orange and white goldfish. They're my favorites.
    Great moon shot, too. Have a great Sunday. :)

  4. What a cute fish! I just love the little fat orange and white goldfish. They're my favorites.
    Great moon shot, too. Have a great Sunday. :)

  5. that is a beautiful goldfish... the tail gives it such movement... and yet it still looks very tranquil... I used to have a hyperactive goldfish... a total nutcase that did frenzied circles all day long... nothing like your calm looking lovely...xx

  6. love the fish - i can fell the movement - beautiful moon too-
    have a great weekend!

  7. love the fish - i can fell the movement - beautiful moon too-
    have a great weekend!

  8. i love the colors you used! this is so pretty!

  9. That wee little goldfish is a winner!!

  10. your asian brush painting is delightful....and the photo is great..I love the moon 'glistening bit of paradise' ....feel warm and warming...

  11. cute goldie, love her colours! I'm attracted by the moon too, lovely photo!

  12. your moon is the shape of a shining heart! yes, i find paradise in the arms of nature and seek it daily. there too for peace and reflection, thank you for sharing yours today.

  13. A whimsical painting and a lovely moon shot Carol.

  14. What an amazing goldfish, Carole. I reaaly think you found the style that works best for you. You continue to amaze me with your Asian Brush style art! :)

  15. Hugs and Namaste back to you dear Carol.Goldie is wonderful.

  16. Love your colorful fish!! So summery and fresh!

  17. It's always a joy to see what you are working on in your art, and what a bright cheerful fish painting!

  18. Love your moon, it reminds me of a lotus flower ready to open with it's white bright light. x

  19. I love your fish! just beautiful:)
    The haiku is lovely as well:)

  20. I love your fish! just beautiful:)
    The haiku is lovely as well:)

  21. I would have thought Asian even if you hadn't mentioned the Asian brush! Lovely!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)