Artists and Photographers Monday

Rosa Rugosa on Cape Ann MA

NOTE: Magical Monday Blog Meme is no longer due to life demands. Thank you all who supported it. Wishing you magical and fun blogging. Do enjoy our links today for Monday.

Today's post got wiped out and I had to do a completely new post late this evening. The photo above and below (black and white) is of Rosa Rugosa ~ a wild rose that is all over Cape Ann. Some folks here even make what I believe they call beach plum jelly from it. I have also included a haiku at the bottom of the page.

We are exploring creativity today with two very creative blogs:

Creative Everyday

Macro Monday

Rosa Rugosa on Cape Ann MA

Do hope you enjoy the macro photos and haiku and check out the great creative blogs listed above.


monday, just a simple day
every day sacred
joy and sorrow in each one.

(carol l mckenna)

Wishing you a magical and loving week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'The human heart is like a ship on a stormy sea driven about by winds blowing from all four corners of heaven.' ~ Martin Luther


  1. Beautiful flower and the photos are quite lovely!

  2. Well, if that Art Muse Dog is not just the cutest thing!

    I will have to look into "beach plum jelly" as it sounds delightful, but without the rose it would not likely be the same thing.

    Thanks for the haiku!


  3. Very beautiful rose pics & lovely poem!

  4. Lovely images of the rosa rugosa -- interesting how different it looks in black and white! Your post brought back so many memories..... I used to make beach plum jam many years ago when we lived on Cape Cod. Have a great week! Namaste, Gina

  5. Beautiful flower and picture.
    Have a lovely Monday

  6. I love both of them. The light hits it just perfect!

  7. Nice flower, who doesn't like rose? Beautiful.

  8. Beautiful flower displays you Carol.
    Wishing you a good day / good new week.
    Hanne Bente

  9. Rose is so perfect, it almost looks artificial (but I know it's not)....

  10. I went back after commenting, and could not figure out how to post a link on your new the way, the haiku echoes my day to day existence......

    1. Joanne ~ that is because there is no longer a Magical Monday Blog Hop ~ I am linked with two blog hops on Monday and that is all ~ Hope you had a good weekend ~ ^_^

  11. Beautiful wild rose!

  12. A stunning rose- the way you have the buds in the background is stunning!

  13. What a lovely rose. The wild roses are the best. :-)

  14. The old rose colors--like this heartbreaking pink--have no rivals from the modern hybrids. Your photo really highlights the delicacy of this beauty.

  15. Roses are just too pretty n so fragrant! Great shot of this beauty!

  16. So beautiful! Both in color and b&w!

  17. Gorgeous! I don't thing I've ever seen a rose I haven't liked.

  18. Hi ArtMuse Dog & Carol, I will miss Magical Mondays, but I can tell what you have up will be magical regardless! Gorgeous rose...

  19. Lovely! I like both colored and b&w versions :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)