Paint Party Friday and Haiku My Heart

Asian Style Brush Painting

Welcome to our blog where I view life from the eyes of an artist's soul and with the help of my assistant, ArtMuse Dog, we explore how creativity enhances the inner spirit.

Whether you are viewing art, creating art or even seeing the beauty in nature, you are enhancing your inner spirit. Beauty is every where; one only needs to use their given senses to see, feel, hear, touch, taste and intuit the beautiful life. Today we are sharing with poets and artists who will add to your day with their wondrous creations. We are linked with:

Paint Party Friday

Haiku My Heart

The photo above is another of my Asian style brush paintings and is for Paint Party Friday. My haiku are below the next photo.

'Organic Fireworks'


organic fireworks
full moon dazzling eyes delight
simple pleasures, here.

woman in the moon
loving your brilliant mirroring
ah, such fine freedom.

looking upward sky
moon reflecting wonderment
nature's beauty found.

The gift of beauty in simple pleasures I wish for you.

Hugs and namaste,



We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

There is a blog hop every Monday and opened all week here at A Creative Harbor, Magical Monday Meme for all creative people of all creative mediums, art, photography, poems, needlework, crafts, etc.
Hope you will join us and help expand the world of creativity.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Work is not always required...there is such a thing as sacred idleness, the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected.' (George MacDonald)


  1. Your poem reflects the beauty of nature ... lovely :-)

  2. I love the drawing! You must post some more photos of the dog too! :) Have a great weekend!

  3. I like your Asian style brush painting, it has a simple yet beautiful feel to it.

  4. The woman in the moon. Yes, I call it Grandmother Moon as she has been here throughout it all, watching what mankind has wrought, but still shines down, raining peace and love. Natural organic fireworks, great description. I like that youmintertwine the Paint Party with the Haiku. Gives me two reasons to love your Friday posts! Wonderful.


  5. Love your playful cat today! Happy PPF!

  6. I really like this cat painting - wonderful.

  7. So wonderful drawing, love it

  8. cute painting, and that photo is amazing Carol!

  9. Your painting is so fabulous - I love the cat! Happy PPF! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. dear carol and ArtMuse,
    thank you for your bright beauty in painting and haiku. yes, life's simple pleasures are the most cherished gifts of all. may we all relish and protect our natural world.
    thanks for being here brightening our moment.

  11. These are beautiful, that we miss most of them and able to see one at a time.

  12. Lovely connection between moon, us and nature.

  13. perfection--->
    ~~~full moon dazzling eyes delight~~~

  14. Dear Carol, I love that cat sitting beneath a full pink moon-balloon and your haiku! Thank you for the reminder of beauty and how we just need to stop and use our senses, our amazing senses to experience such wonder around us everywhere... Thank you Carol!

  15. Hi Carol. Good to see you again. Love your Asian style paintings.Your Haiku's as always are spot on. Art Muse Dog is always so special. My regards to him. ::woof::woof::tee hee. Have a great weekend. I see your candle on the sidebar went out too. I've been looking for another one.

  16. Hi Carol..such a beautiful post..gorgeous spoke to my soul..beautifully written!! and love your art...always fabulous ..that sweet little cat stole my heart!! Wishing you a sparkling wkd full of bliss and magic!!

  17. Ah, we have both been in awe of the moon's beauty. Lovely haiku.

  18. Love the kitty! :) Great haiku as well. :)

  19. Loving this beautiful piece. Happy PPF, Annette x

  20. such a sweet painting
    enjoyed your poetry as well

  21. Your cat is so cute!! A favorite for sure. I also love, love, love that George McDonald quote.

  22. Wonderful Haiku and photo Carol!! Also love your kitty painting. Happy PPF! :-)

  23. What a lovely picture of the moon that is and your words match it perfectly. :)

  24. Visiting from HaikuWater. Ah that "woman in the moon" and "fine freedom" set me musing. Lovely!

  25. What a lovely kitty! Reminds me of the kitty I had growing up. Lovely moon haiku also... perfect tribute the lady in the moon. Have a wonderful weekend!

  26. Lovely moon and haiku, we had a beautiful bright orange moon rise while we were waiting for fireworks. I'll try and share it this weekend.

  27. Love your ode to the moon. Beautiful haiku. The kitty is darling. Happy PPF

  28. Cute cat!
    Lovely moon shot!
    My life has become sacred idleness. ;)
    Have a super weekend!

  29. Love the cat. Love the attitude you captured. Happy PPF. Thanks for your comment on my post.

  30. I always enjoy your beautiful haiku and your very simple but elegant Asian paintings.

  31. Stunning photo of the moon. It looks like a painting as well. Love the cloudcover. Your haikus are just beautiful. I am reminded of Ramesh and his offering of three. He so loves the moon as well. Very nice!

  32. I love how you capture so much with a few simple lines. Sometimes less really is more...

  33. I have a definite fondness for black cats and this one is no exception!

  34. Adorable cat, simple but strong!!

    Hugs Giggles

  35. Hi Carol and ArtMuseDog! Nice post this week :)

  36. Love your cat! I'm a 'scardy cat' when it comes to Haiku, never tried it. Happy PPF!

  37. All three haikus are so beautiful, Carol!
    Your blog posts are always inspiring!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  38. sweet cat Carol, and I love the picture of the moon! Good haiku too! I especially like the "simple pleasures here..."

  39. Love the cat and the poem. Blessings, Janet PPF

  40. Love the kitty!!! Good words too :0)

  41. What a cute painting. Such a leisure to enjoy the view

  42. Oh, that moon, 'la luna'... such an inspiring and wonderful haiku!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)