Paint Party Friday and Haiku My Heart

WIP ~ Collage Goddess

Another WIP ~ Collage Goddess II

The above collages are 2 of a series of 4 Collage Goddesses that are a WIP (work in progress). They are created on artist canvas with acrylic paints, specialty papers, clay, and other ephemera. The face still needs to be worked on with pan pastels and more fine tuning will occur as I progress with these two pieces and begin 2 more. I may create more when I have made more faces.
My haiku are below ~ Enjoy.

We are linked today (Friday) with:

Paint Party Friday

Haiku My Heart


ah, cool breeze streams in
humidity, history
 to come again soon.

mother nature rules
how like a queen on her throne
lovely surprises.

loving life you have
focus on breeze wafting in
or sometimes away.
carol l mckenna

Hugs and namaste,

We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

Blog Hop starting every Monday here and ending Sunday at 4pm and then begins again each Monday at 5pm or later. This blog hop is for all creatives of ALL mediums. Hoping you will join us and pass the word. Thanks. ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: on originality ~
'Know your own bone, gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still.' (Henry David Thoreau)


  1. I especially love the handmade paper in your collage--being the paper nut that I am. :)
    Never heard that quote before. Love it!
    Have a great weekend. :)

  2. I especially love the handmade paper in your collage--being the paper nut that I am. :)
    Never heard that quote before. Love it!
    Have a great weekend. :)

  3. Your collages have a mystical quality about them Carol. Those clay faces draw me in!

    The weather here is much the same as yours. We had a lovely day of 77 degrees and no humidity, after weeks of it...a welcome break.

  4. Your collages have a mystical quality about them Carol. Those clay faces draw me in!

    The weather here is much the same as yours. We had a lovely day of 77 degrees and no humidity, after weeks of it...a welcome break.

  5. Hello Carol.
    Beautiful collages you made - great to be so creative.
    Wishing you a good weekend :)
    Hanne Bente

  6. Hello Carol.
    Beautiful collages you made - great to be so creative.
    Wishing you a good weekend :)
    Hanne Bente

  7. These are wonderful haiku, very moving. I especially take as a lesson the breeze wafting in or away.

  8. Great collages- love how the faces are positioned on the layers!

  9. I love your collages. The textures are so rich!!

  10. Gorgeous color combination, Carol.

  11. Great collage! Love the mask. :)

  12. Your collages are lovely ! Such a gentle energy about them.
    And the haiku is a delight !
    Enjoy the cool where it comes !
    Happy Friday !

  13. Your collages are lovely ! Such a gentle energy about them.
    And the haiku is a delight !
    Enjoy the cool where it comes !
    Happy Friday !

  14. Lovely collages! They offer serenity and peace! Thank you for your kind words. I do so enjoy your visits! Cathy

  15. Wow! These are really cool and different! Love the masks; nice idea!!

  16. I love these works in progress! I agree with Kim, there is a gentle energy in them. Happy PPF!

  17. Enjoyed them - especially the last.

  18. Your collages are so pretty. I love the faces, and serene colors. Really nice!

  19. Oh these are absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to see how you finish the faces. Love the textures in the papers. Your Haiku is wonderful as on for this time of season. Happy Friday!

  20. loving life you have
    loving way you do
    everyday a happy day

  21. loving life you have
    loving way you do
    everyday a happy day

  22. always a place of beauty,
    i am loving the wisdom of this today...

    loving life you have
    focus on breeze wafting in
    or sometimes away.

  23. always a place of beauty,
    i am loving the wisdom of this today...

    loving life you have
    focus on breeze wafting in
    or sometimes away.

  24. Love what you have made, and the haikus! Valerie

  25. Loving the blues and texture in your mixed-media painting!
    Great quote by Thoreau, too!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  26. can't decide which 'collage goddess' I like better - both have great color and texture.....and I espec. liked mother nature as a queen,.....

  27. Hi Carol and ArtMuse, hope all is well. I love what you are doing with your mixed media. Really great Job Carol and your Haiku's as always are spot on! Have a wonderful weekend.

  28. Great work! I especially like your haikus. And that Thoreau quote at the end is just perfect! Never heard it before and so glad you included it in your post!

  29. Hello Carol! I love seeing your wips... they look like full moon goddesses right now, it will be fun to see them emerge! I am letting the cool breezes of your lovely haiku waft over to me and away, sending my best wishes to you this weekend!

  30. Lovely works of art. I do love your layers and construction lay out of these pieces. I look forward to more.
    Your poems tell me you long for cool breezes, must be very hot where you are.


  31. Lovely works of art. I do love your layers and construction lay out of these pieces. I look forward to more.
    Your poems tell me you long for cool breezes, must be very hot where you are.


  32. Hi Carol!!!! I love this dimensional art!!!! wow!!! looks amazing!!! wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  33. Love the Haiku and the art, just beautiful! Happy PPF! #3 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  34. I really like collage goddess I.
    Stay inspired!

  35. I really like collage goddess I.
    Stay inspired!

  36. I love these collages. The textures and the just keep looking deeper into them. Stunning.

  37. The first one especially touches me today. My son has moved from Oregon to Indiana this week. Temperatures are triple digits. There is heat lightning. AND - humidity. A soft breeze must be such a relief.

  38. Wonderful artwork and haikus.

  39. Wow Carol. I love the departure from the ink paintings... although I love those too. Your collage is lovely. The haiku is always great. Happy PPF

  40. Such a serene expression. I love the way the light plays on the face. Sweet and yet strong colours.

  41. I am really loving these collages you are doing, they are so tactile and the faces seem so peaceful.

  42. the texture that the handmade paper brings to these is really special isn't it... and the colours are so rich... enjoying seeing this series emerge...xx

  43. The collage is wonderful. Amazing. Blessings, Janet, PPF

  44. Love your WIP's, the texture is fabulous. They will look fantastic when finished.

  45. Love your WIP's, the texture is fabulous. They will look fantastic when finished.

  46. I love the textures in these, the browns are great! The faces looks so soft and I'm looking forward to seeing these pieces finished!

  47. I love the collages-series you are working on... the faces are very special and so are all the little papers/wood(?) Great haiku too! Enjoy the weekend!

  48. Very creativel and original, love the colors and the organic feeling!

  49. I hope I get to see them finished! They are lovely!

  50. Love the collages--especially number II. I feel like that's something that should adorn a front door or be placed somewhere in a garden. It's pretty in a very natural way.

  51. This has such a peaceful, organic look to it! I can't wait to see the finished work!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)