Weekend Blog Hop, Your Sunday Best, Haiku Heights

View from Deck of overall Labyrinth
Blog Hop every Monday here at Creative Harbor.

We are under construction. A labyrinth is currently being installed in the yard. What is a 'labyrinth'? Some of you probably already know. Its origins is from Greece and many churches have them. In keeping with my spiritual practice of staying close to nature this 'labyrinth' is a type of maze that you walk as a meditation. ArtMuse Dog and I do a lot of regular walking but this back yard labyrinth will allow me to practice a meditative walk each day should I feel the need to do so.

I am sharing the beginning of the construction of our labyrinth with you and sometime next week or earlier will have more photos. 

We are linked with 

Weekend Blog Hop

Haiku Heights 

Your Sunday Best

Workers at beginning point of Labyrinth


meditation, key
meaning found within the self
divine sparks unite.
carol l mckenna

Inner Labyrinth

Wishing you a meditative and cool temp weekend.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' I try to work all over the canvas at once, because I feel that the forces of nature are unpredictable.' 
( Nell Blaine) long time Cape Ann artist


  1. In your yard? How wonderful! Do you know Lea


    you should :)

  2. WOW!!! This is a great idea!! Cannot wait to see it completed!!

  3. Looks like a lot of work, but a very successful path....I can see why you would find it calming.
    Have a good weekend.

  4. Meaning is within one's self ~

  5. Really a nice thought ... wonderfully written :-)

  6. Here's a koan for you: If the self is empty, can any meaning be found?

    Meaning in Shadows

    1. Meaning comes from the 'mind' ~ go to the center of the spinning mind where it is empty and still ~

  7. Wow this looks great,thanks for joining us at welcome to the weekend hop :)

  8. Wow this is going to be beautiful. I am following you back now. Hope to see you at my Monday linky party.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Beautiful blog. Thanks for visiting mine. I am a new follower. I've always been fascinated with the eastern coastline and Cape Cod - never been there. I grew up on the other side of the country. 2 miles from the Pacific Ocean in a small coastal town. I know I will enjoy your blog and pictures.

    Your little dog is adorable. What a face! :-)

  10. Very spiritual way of writing a haiku on the theme meaning. Wonderful ... a really relaxing read with a very deep meaning.

  11. In philosophy, I am always on the qui vive when someone tells me that something is or has a "key meaning" -- I ask "what am I being sold". Guess I just don't believe the idea, repeated to the point of "it must be true", that meaning is always within. I think this is a bare solipsism, or at least a tautology -- but looking at this from within the assumed trope, it is nicely done!

  12. Yes, there's a special meaning in the shape of the creation! All in your own yard! Nice haiku, Carol!


  13. I just hope you don't get lost in the back yard. I've been lost in those things before. You need one way in and one way out. ;)


  14. How exciting! What a wonderful idea, it looks great already. I am looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

  15. This is so amazing. The whimsical feel to the swirls of your labyrinth... There is so much power in circles and shapes. This is going to look special.

  16. Hi, I enjoyed the post you linked in to Claire Justine. I have linked in a post about some rhubarb and banana jam I just made. Have a super week.

  17. I like your divine sparks and your labyrinth! Nice work and well written!

  18. What an interesting photo. It draws you in to see what the story behind it is and once you read what the photo is about it makes you smile while envisioning walking the path to a spot of relaxation and meditation. A very nice idea! And Great photo too!

  19. Love the orderly path -- and the flowing lines. Thank you for sharing at YSB this week.

  20. How wonderful to have your own labyrinth! Neat project!

  21. oh, how cool is that? i look forward to seeing what you're going to set in along side the path stones. wonderful idea! :o)

  22. Beautiful haiku. I think it is just wonderful that you are creating a labyrinth. I look forward to seeing its completion.

  23. Intriguing, both spiral and senryu

  24. Ah-this seems like a lovely pursuit. Love your haiku too. Very nice photos and artwork.

  25. Something I believe strongly in and admire in your building a labyrinth...have not been able to join your meme as grandkids require much time lately ;)

  26. wow, this is pretty interesting, a nice and refreshing haiku!

  27. I like that a meaning about ourselves is discovered through meditation.. Beautiful.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)