Poets and Photographers

Night Time Comes To Cape Ann MA

Summer is winding down on Cape Ann yet the sky is still looking rather summery. This photo is similar to another one posted but the sun is more prevalent here. It was taken at an outdoor concert and felt so inspiring and divine. My blessing bowl was full. (see previous post about 'blessing bowl', 'begging bowl'.)


(prompt was commit)

persevere on path
life commit to self, being
dance while you can, now.

others frequently
know their wants,needs in living
commit time to self.

always asking you
everyone looking for something
commit to yourself first.

We are sharing post with:

Haiku Sensational
ABC Wednesday ~ F ~ for Flower
Outdoor Wednesday
Aquariann's Wordless Wednesday
Favorite Photo
A Rural Journal
Two Bears Farm
Alphabe Thursday ~ N ~ Night
Creative Everyday

Time was being taken from my art time and family time so have merged posting for Wednesday and Thursday. Do hope you will continue to enjoy my post and come back. I will be making sure the post gets out to the various social medias I have links with.

Wishing you a happy and loving week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'The observation of nature is part of an artist's life. It enlarges his form knowledge,keeps him fresh, and feeds inspiration.' ~ Henry Moore


  1. Lovely photo Carol! Scratch the Art Muse Dog behind the ears for me.

    Susan and Bentley

  2. The outdoor concert sounds fun! And wow, the way the red bleeds out of that flower is amazing.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Sweet Potato Duck

  3. WOW, is that a message to buys mom's or what?! LOVE it, thank you for this! xoxo

  4. Sky shot with blooming flower is excellent. Haiku is a
    "sweet" addition.
    Joyce M

  5. Beautiful captures Carol!

    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  6. You are blessed, indeed to live in such a beautiful place. I have been to Massachusetts a few times but have never explored Cape Ann. My loss.

  7. Fantastic framing of the flower.
    Happy WW!

  8. Very beautiful photos, indeed!

    Check out my WW entry for this week, where my boys prepared get well soon cards for me when I was hospitalized. :)

    Happy WW!

  9. Beautiful sky and flower! I feel like summer is winding down too but I love fall. Thanks for stopping by, Laura

  10. Your poetry is always so clever... and I love the flower pic. Hello to gorgeous Art Muse dog!

  11. Amazing how you capture so many prompts.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  12. Commit is such a beautiful word !!!

  13. Beautiful photos. It's amazing how expressive the sky can be.

  14. That is a beautiful shot! Sad to think that soon it will be too cold (but hopefully not too snowy)for summery outdoor activities.


  15. Hey, ArtDog...hope you have a day filled with love..and naps.
    Wonderful quote, haiku, and photo...what talent!

  16. the only way to commit is if you really want it!

  17. A beautiful haiku. We need to dance while we can.

  18. so beautiful!! compromise, commitment and cupcakes, (that's what we tell everyone) keeps our marriage strong, 34 years - forever!!

  19. Such lovely photos and wonderful Haiku. I love the last one. Bravo!
    Mine is here
    Have you an AWESOME WEEK!

  20. You've handled the prompt from every direction. Nicely done.

  21. Lovely flower shot. I really like the color combination. And your Haiku is really very beautiful.

    Visiting from ABC Wednesday.

  22. a 'committed' set.....espec. liked the last 'commit to yourself first'....great message....

  23. Temperatures dropped in the Netherlands, so I could finally come visit you and DANCE with you without spraying sweatdrops... the photo is marvelous too! Divine indeed!

  24. What a lovely post and blog. I am your newest follower.

    1. Thanks Riet for the GFC follow ~ am following you back also ~ glad you mentioned it ~ namaste, ^_^

  25. I like the idea of taking time for myself. :))

  26. Visiting From Alphabet Thursday...I did a night sky too! :) Great minds think alike! :)
    Your little pup is the cutest EVER! Tell him I have two dogs that say "hello" :)

  27. Dear Carol,
    That style of poetry is very creative, so i admire those (you) that write like that. The flower did it for me. Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  28. The photo is beautiful and the haiku is fantastic!

  29. Lovely sunset photograph. We have to set our priorities and family absolutely comes first. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Enjoy your evening.

    The French Hutch

  30. I agree tha family comes first and I am in the prcess of moving closer to my children and grandchildren for that very reason! Loved your photo and haiku, but your puppy's photo was the best! :)

  31. Lovely and I really like the Henry Moore quote!

  32. Beautiful photo. I like your Haikus.

  33. A very pretty picture! I'm ready for summer to wind down - I look forward to the adventures fall will bring.

  34. Oh I love the photo it makes me want to be there in the middle of the festivities. B

  35. Beautiful sunset and white hibiscus! I like how you edited them :) Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting. Have a great weekend!

  36. Nice pictures you show.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    Hanne Bente

  37. Lovely! What a creative stop today...

    love the pup!

  38. Sorry to be so late in my visit!

    What a beautiful flower!

  39. I love the sky in your first shot and your white flower looks amazing.
    Thanks so much for your lovely words on my blog - I very much appreciate them :)

  40. I love that white Hibiscus. :) It´s gorgeous. :)

  41. Is that a hibiscus? It's gorgeous!

  42. Carol,

    Thanks for coming by. You have some lovely photos. I especially like the white Rose of Sharon. Hoping you have a great week.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  43. Beautiful photos and words!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Wish you a wonderful and creative weekend.

  44. Beautiful pics!!

    Give ArtMuseDog a pat for me. :)

  45. Your commitment to Haiku is commendable♫ And I concur with consolidating posts...Happy Summer♪

  46. Hi Fellow Photo Meme participant, Just a quick note to let you know that starting tomorrow, I will begin hosting a new photo meme on my blog. Please come join me at "Orange You Glad It's Friday", and post a photo displaying a little or a lot of orange, my favorite color! Hope to see you there!

  47. Simply lovely! I have always treasured haiku! This is wonderful! Your photo is excellent! I am happy to be here! Thanks for the share.

  48. Carol, I love your photo! It is still definitely summer here in coastal Georgia, but not as HOT as Tucson. I'm hoping to get some good photos of this area for my blog.

  49. Hope you continue to enjoy summer weather before winter comes. It's been very cool here and tonight, I sat on the back porch wearing a wool sweater. Quite comfortable! Winter is closer than I think...LOL...and today saw a wooly worm that had NO black...brrrrr, means a long, cold, snowy winter or so I've been told.

  50. Beautiful images and words!

    What a nifty link for so many wonderful memes!

    Thank you for sharing!



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)