Artists and Poets

Art Pages  ~ haiku pages will be included soon and then the cover

Above photo is the first stage of my Sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project 2013. As indicated, I will be including pages of my haiku and then will stitch the cover and pages 
together. Hopefully, I will have this completed within the next two weeks.
The theme, obviously is my 'blessing bowls' that I have been creating for several recent posts.

Sharing today with:

Paint Party Friday

Haiku My Heart 

Creative Everyday

So hop on over to see the wonderful variety of artists at Paint Party Friday and Creative Everyday. At Haiku My Heart, you will find very talented haiku poets. Haiku originated in Japan and  is poetry based upon lines and syllables in each line. I tend to write in the rather classic form of 17 syllables and a 5-7-5 sequence. There are a variety of ways to write haiku.


waiting, lagging on
be present, precious moment
cherish, let go.

being in the now
taoism emphasizes concept
ancient, living now.

breathe in nature's air
see all round, below, above
beauty surrounding.

Hope you are enjoying this post and will enjoy those we are sharing with today.

Wishing you a loving and fun weekend.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comm
ents, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day, especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'It is only when the mind is free from the old that it meets everything anew, and in that there is joy.'
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti


  1. Interesting art works. Loved reading the haikus. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  2. That is a paper quilt. Fun.

  3. Fantastic pages of art works! Your book will be fabulous.

  4. sounds wonderful, just beautiful,

  5. Great idea! And I always love your haikus. Happy PPF

  6. Love seeing everything together. :)Beautiful!

  7. your paintings look wonderful all grouped together like that!

  8. Beautiful work! Wishing you loads of success with your sketchbook project.


  9. Wonderful paintings and poetry!
    So glad you are including both in your 2013 Sketchbook Project!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  10. Your concept for your sketchbook has worked very well, great idea! Valerie

  11. There are beauties around us.

    Feel them, touch them which are in various forms.

  12. Interesting collection of bowl drawings. A nice form to paint!
    Meaningful poem too!

  13. Really fun, what a great handmade book this will be,


  14. Love your Asian style Carol. That's a great idea to paint the pages separate then stitch them together! I haven't decided yet if I'm doing the sketchbook project again. Can't wait to see it finished. Happy PPF! :-) ~Rhonda

  15. Sounds like a great plan for the sketch book.

  16. Beautiful! I love the idea of stitching paper together.

  17. You are starting so early and I think it's going to be simply fab. Have a great weekend.

  18. I hope you show us the book when it is all done. Nice!
    Have a fabulous weekend. :)

  19. Wonderful progress on your blessing bowl book, Carol. And your haikus as usual are beautiful.

  20. Beautiful bowl paintings and breathing in natures air while surrounded by beauty, beautiful!

  21. Beauty is all around...and in your artwork. Nice!

  22. This is and is going to be fabulous as a sketchbook!!

  23. your sketchbook will be so wonderful when it is done and will be such a great reflection of you...xx

  24. I'm so envious... I have not even begun my Sketchbook Project. Last year, I swore to myself that I would not wait until the last moment again... I better get cracking! ;-).

    Your work on yours is wonderful...a great inspiration. I love the fact that you're including your haikus along with your beautifully colorful sketches.

  25. Thanks for the reminder to be in the now!

  26. Wonderfully composed triplet ... my favorite is the third verse ... it's a strong spiritual one.

  27. All your pages look so pretty displayed together like that!

  28. How nice to see your bowls all together. Are you going to duplicate them at all? It is a wonderful series.

  29. Hello Carol, It is great seeing all of your note pages laid out together. I love your haiku. Patience is one of my greatest teachers, probably the thing I struggle with the most... I'm finding new ways to be with the letting go, patience and letting go... much like your wise words of being in the breath and in the now. Thank you!

  30. Sorry for visiting so late, but this has been a busy week. Thanks for your comment on 'olly 'ocks.
    Thanks also for sharing your creativity!

  31. Lovely pages for your sketchbook, lovely concept! Awesome haikus, love them all!

  32. The pages for the sketchbook are awesome! :-)

  33. I admire your tenacity to complete such a rewarding project!! Good for you! What you have done to date is so lovely it will be beautiful in completion!! Good job, nice poem too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  34. I loved seeing your sketchbook pages ... they look great all together :)


  35. I really enjoyed this post--the matrix of art and the triplet of haiku.

  36. Great collection of your art!!!!

  37. Love all your containers! Thank you for your kind words on my blog, and happy PPF.

  38. dear carol,
    this is such a lovely project which will inspire all from the pages of your journal! i love your pairing of haiku with your zen like paintings, so complementary a union!
    you and your art work fill my blessing bowl!
    thank you for your loyal place at haiku my heart.

  39. Great idea to include haiku with the paintings! It's very "you!"

  40. Hey Carol. Like the idea of blessing bowls; can't wait to see it put together with the stitching and everything. Thanks for the comment about Syca. YOu said she was magical and maybe she is. Blessings Terri

  41. Love seeing all the work grouped together like that, the book is going to be wonderful! :)

  42. The pictures are lovely, they will look fabulous when yp have them all in the journal.

  43. It's going to be a wonderful book!!

  44. How wonderful to have all your recent labors of love in one place. It will be a wonderful book.

  45. That's gonna be a lovely little book!

  46. Nothing like a haiku to bring me back to earth... or sky. :-)
    So nice to catch up here Carol... hugs to you too. xox


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)