Photographers and Poets

'KEEL' of Boat for ABC Wednesday

KITE for ABC Wednesday

WEDNESDAY POST ~   'Over the pond' Photographer bloggers and USA Photographers and Poets. The first photo was taken last week when we had such lovely weather. Yet, Autumn is approaching and soon the boats will be stored for the winter. We take walks all year and fill our creative spirit with nature's energy. We will check back to see the cove again. The second photo is of a Warrior Kite created and  painted by Sumi-e artist Takumasa Ono. I thought 'kite' was most appropriate also for ABC Wednesday and well as 'keel' of a boat. I am sure there are more k's and you will find them as you view the photographers' blogs.
Outdoor Wednesday is another wonderfully creative photography blog that we are sharing with today as well as Haiku Sensational with the word prompt being 'chapters'. My haiku is below:


each day, life chapters
fleet by ever so quickly
almost missing day.

appointments with life
day by day, choosing time spent
chapters by chapters.

sing to me a day
trilling birds softly cooning
chapters dawning light.

Today we are sharing with:
haiku sensational
abc wednesday
outdoor wednesday
creative everyday

Hugs and namaste,


QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Grace or Tao, surrounds us always. Whenever we are open to it for a moment, it enters into us.'
~ Herman Hesse


  1. I love the colored boats against the water. Won't be long and they will be stored away. This year went by sooo fast!

    Awesome kite. "sing to me a day"--I LOVE that line!!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday. :) :)

  2. I love the colored boats against the water. Won't be long and they will be stored away. This year went by sooo fast!

    Awesome kite. "sing to me a day"--I LOVE that line!!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday. :) :)

  3. Love those boats and the way the clouds are reflecting on the water!

  4. what a klever kite!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. what a klever kite!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. The boats are so colorful and sit prettily against the blue. I love your kite!

  7. I love your haiku. Time seems to fly by so quickly some times and your words captured that very well. Your photograph with the boats is also quite lovely.

  8. THe kite is so unique!

    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  9. Wishing you lots of happy kite flying:)

  10. Wishing you lots of happy kite flying:)

  11. Great haikus and I love the colorful boats with their ABC Wednesday Keels.

  12. Great choices! Love the kite design too.

  13. Wonderful interpretation of the letter "K". Mystical photgraphy too.

  14. great shot of 'keels'....and what a unique kite! I think anyone reading my 'chapters' would be very bored....

  15. beautiful pictures, thoughtful haiku!

  16. the boat scene is very appealing...

  17. I colorful boats are very charming.

  18. I love your trilling birds.... haiku. And your boat picture - such a great place to take a nature walk!

  19. You always write the most interesting, beautiful and such inspiring Haiku. Love them. Mine is here
    Have you a truly BLESSED WEEKEND!!!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)