Poets and Photographers Tuesday

'Seasons Change and so Do I'

Tuesday's post is about poets and photographers. We are sharing today with haiku poets and around the world photographers.
Above is a photo of an early hazy morning sunrise. Below is a photo of ArtMuse Dog enjoying the beach shortly after Labor Day. Hope you will enjoy our photos and haiku poetry. The blogs we are sharing with today are below the haiku. Enjoy.

'Boss Dog' ~ checking her beach ^_^


seasons rapid change
leaves, acorns fall on ground
soon winter creeps in.

walking on beach rocks
no tourists on beach, park
autumn is coming.

season of my heart
browning leaves, sunset early
crisp cool breezes swirl.

We are sharing today with:

Tackle It Tuesday

Our World Tuesday

Do enjoy the wonderful haiku and photography at the blogs we are sharing with today. Also wishing you a wonderful week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'It seems to me that when I see nature I see it ready-mode, completely written ~ but then try to do it.'
~ Claude Monet


  1. Beautiful capture of a lovely place and wise words as well!! And what would we do without our Boss Dogs!!! What a cutie he is! Hope you have a wonderful week, Carol!

  2. I love autumn, beaches, and little dogs. Your haiku perfectly captures the changing season.

  3. What a lovely view! And I love your cute doggie! Great post, have a happy week ahead.

  4. Very nice photos. Dogs seem to be happy as long as they're with their people!

  5. Muse looks so happy on the beach. Lovely photos. Interesting quote, too. :)

  6. I love the changing of the seasons. Lovely shots.

  7. Lovely presentation of photos. I like the photo effects you do.

  8. What a cute watchdog, I bet he does a goood job !

  9. Such a sweet face of that dog! :-)

  10. The beginning of a new season so well captured. Enjoy the rest of the week with that wonderful companion of yours.

  11. What a nice set on the seasons. Love the way you use the kigo for the seasons. Very well done Carol. My favorite is the third one a great picture on autumn you have written there.

  12. Hi! Your Haiku are very nice. I can feel the season is changing by your Haiku.

    Who Has Seen the Wind?

    Who has seen the wind?
    Neither I nor you.
    But when the leaves hang trembling,
    The wind is passing through.

    Who has seen the wind?
    Neither you nor I.
    But when the trees bow down their heads,
    The wind is passing by.

    Christina Georgina Rossetti

    I found a poem as above. Autumn is good season for me too.

  13. An adorable little doggie is such a joy. He seems overly confident on the beach. Thanks for sharing, Carol!


  14. Great shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. Such peace and serenity in your photos, Carol...:)JP

  16. Carol, omg, such awesome Haiku! Love both your photos. You are a pro at this. I love them most as they are so beautifully captured, so natural yet your point of focus is spot on!
    Mine is here
    Have you a FANTABULOUS WEEK!!!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)