Poets and Photographers Tuesday

Exceptional Evening Clouds on Cape Ann MA

Day Clouds on Cape Ann MA

Tuesday Post ~ which means poetry and photography from our blog friends from 'across the pond'. The first photo is the sky at twilight here in MA. The second photo is a day time sky and harbor photo here in MA. We live in a beautiful place; forever grateful. My haiku is below and prompt was 'clouds' which is another reason I chose these photos. Enjoy.

clouds, my day, night friends
palette of nature's colors
giving so freely.

clouds swirling, being
  lovely energy rising
airborne blue,white puffs.

up in sky greeting
white, blue puffs dazzling the eye
ordinary gifts.

We are sharing today with:

tackle it tuesday
our world tuesday
creative everyday

Do stop by and read the poets and view the creative photographers from 'across the pond' listed above.

Wishing you a magical and creative week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.' ~ Francis Bacon 


  1. Lovely triplet of haiku Carol. Every haiku so strong and almost visible and touching the clouds. Good one. Thank you for sharing on Tackle It Tuesday.

  2. You have numerous lovely takes on clouds. I love clouds and enjoyed both your photos and your haiku. Raven

  3. Always love sky pics and that first one, especially! Nice haikus. Have a great week, Carol. :)

  4. What wonderful cloud photographs ArtMuseDog & Carol! They are indeed exceptional.

  5. I'm a cloud watcher from way back...they never cease to amaze me with their many formations, constantly changing. Beautiful pics and haiku!

  6. hello Carol, I love those skies and the sun, which can be as seen from inside out ... because I will happily the camera and take a photo ...

    warm greeting ...

  7. hello Carol, I love those skies and the sun, which can be as seen from inside out ... because I will happily the camera and take a photo ...

    warm greeting ...

  8. Clever way that you describe clouds...beautiful Haiku. This is a lovely posting and thought-provoking as your posts always are

    I saw four spent cumulonimbus clouds this morning with lovely ice-crystally anvil tops. It is good to be alive and appreciate the beauty of what our skies have to offer...so many beautiful moments and ever-changing


  9. Clever way that you describe clouds...beautiful Haiku. This is a lovely posting and thought-provoking as your posts always are

    I saw four spent cumulonimbus clouds this morning with lovely ice-crystally anvil tops. It is good to be alive and appreciate the beauty of what our skies have to offer...so many beautiful moments and ever-changing


  10. I love the idea of: "palette of nature's colors
    giving so freely", as the whole set, in fact.
    Best, MK

  11. Stunning sky shots and I also like the haikus.

  12. Haiku goes well with photos. Fabulous shots of the sky and lovely haiku depicting clouds!


  13. Haiku goes well with photos. Fabulous shots of the sky and lovely haiku depicting clouds!


  14. The clouds in the first photo are my favorite. In this month I have seen these scale-like clouds only once. We call these clouds "uroko gumo" which literally means "scale cloudls"
    The clouds are shining in gold and sliver. How gorgeous and fabulous!!
    I love your haiku on clouds.
    Have a great week!

  15. The clouds in the first photo are my favorite. In this month I have seen these scale-like clouds only once. We call these clouds "uroko gumo" which literally means "scale cloudls"
    The clouds are shining in gold and sliver. How gorgeous and fabulous!!
    I love your haiku on clouds.
    Have a great week!

  16. Nice sky shot. Glad you didn't vignette it like you usually do, I feel that takes away from the photo. This one looks good.

  17. Great shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  18. Lovely haiku, your are the poet. Your sky looks beautiful too and the harbor scene is very pretty. Thanks for sharing, hope the rest of your week is a happy one.

  19. Lovely post, Carol. Those clouds are amazing!

  20. there is always quite the show in the sky
    the first shot is wonderful

  21. there is always quite the show in the sky
    the first shot is wonderful


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)