Photographers and Poets

L ~ Love and Loyalty

WED and THURS POST:  Another 'across the pond' sharing so 'day ahead' posting. The above photo is of ArtMuse Dog (not her real name) to me is the ultimate expression of Love and Loyalty. She weighs all of 8 lbs but it filled with love and a delight in my life as well as others. Wherever I take her, she 'steals the show'. She is there when I am creating and there when I am writing this blog as well. She works hard, plays hard and has a real knack for napping. Yet, she is a wonderful blog assistant. Do you have a blog assistant?

'Guess Who Arrived for Breakfast?'

Yep, upon awaking I was greeted by this wonderful cruise ship out side my window in the Cape Ann Harbor. We now have several tourists ships that arrive in the Fall on our lovely island of Cape Ann.

We are combining two posts today, Wednesday and Thursday Post. The prompts for ABC Wednesday was (L) which is the first photo. The second photos is for Alpahbe Thursday as the prompt for this blogs was (T) for Travel.  Both photos are for Outdoor Wednesday, Rural Journal Thursday and Two Bears Farm. My haiku for Haiku Sensational are below. To go to those blogs the links are below:

outdoor wednesday
haiku sensational

alphabe thursday
a rural journal
two bears farm

creative everyday

Haiku(prompt was credit)

need to give credit
where credit is due, timely
kudos assistant.

give self credit now
do others really care now
does it matter now.

now, the present gift
missed myself credit due
oops, fell in black hole.

My creativity is needing a walk on the beach and it is 70 degrees here so guess it is a good thing that I had to post early for the European blog. Do hope you enjoy the photographs and haiku and will hop over the pond to view even more.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments to delight us all in the day, especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' There is no love apart from the deeds of love; no potentiality of love but that which is manifested in loving.' ~ Jean Paul Satre


  1. Great post for L day and your dog looks like a love. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  2. It would be hard to find a blog assistant more loyal and lovable than that!

  3. Love the creative helper who is so loving and loyal.
    Love the way he is looking at you.

  4. Love the creative helper who is so loving and loyal.
    Love the way he is looking at you.

  5. She is the cutest little thing. Love the ship pic.

  6. Love and Loyalty - man's/woman's best friend!

    abcw team

  7. Love and Loyalty - man's/woman's best friend!

    abcw team

  8. There is no LOVE quite like the LOVE and loyalty of a dog. Kate, ABC Team

  9. Oh how I miss having animals. It is so nice to come to different blogs and see all the cute animals everyone has. ArtMuse is such a cutie and she knows she is LOVED!

  10. all you need is LOVE
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  11. all you need is LOVE
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  12. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poems and pictures! Have a great day tomorrow.
    Wil, ABC Team.

  13. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poems and pictures! Have a great day tomorrow.
    Wil, ABC Team.

  14. So cute dog , I was so happy when I saw your pictures.
    The dog has an happy face.

    Marit from Norway.

  15. So cute dog , I was so happy when I saw your pictures.
    The dog has an happy face.

    Marit from Norway.

  16. Why, yes, I do have a blog assistant. In fact, I have two of them, both Labrador Retrievers one each of the boy and girl varieties. :) Love seeing the cruise ships.

  17. Great poem and AWESOME blog assistant!!! My kids would like to get one much like yours, but you know who'll be doing all the care taking and walking...!!! Thanks for the visit and have a great week.

  18. I love little ArtMuse Dog. Too cute! As you know, my Cody, is never far from my side either. Perfect companions!

    That's the view from your window?? I'm green with envy!

    Great Haiku...the last paragraph made me smile. :)

  19. I love little ArtMuse Dog. Too cute! As you know, my Cody, is never far from my side either. Perfect companions!

    That's the view from your window?? I'm green with envy!

    Great Haiku...the last paragraph made me smile. :)

  20. What a lovely view to wake up to outside your window! I would find it hard to get anything done with your view. ArtMuse dog is such a sweetie and I see why he still the show......

    The French Hutch

  21. What a lovely view to wake up to outside your window! I would find it hard to get anything done with your view. ArtMuse dog is such a sweetie and I see why he still the show......

    The French Hutch

  22. What a cutie...the doggy. Gorgeous view you have...thank you for visiting and leaving a nice comment.

  23. What a cutie...the doggy. Gorgeous view you have...thank you for visiting and leaving a nice comment.

  24. They just don't steal shows; they steal hearts as well. Oh I love dogs!

  25. Your muse is so sweet! I have mine, too, as you know--LOL!
    Those cruise ships are so huge!! Amazes me that they can float at all.
    Enjoy the week. :)

  26. Your muse is so sweet! I have mine, too, as you know--LOL!
    Those cruise ships are so huge!! Amazes me that they can float at all.
    Enjoy the week. :)

  27. 8 lbs of love-I think our cat weighs more than that! But,so sweet. I imagine the cruise ship is there for the fall colors?

  28. You live in a most beautiful place and your ArtMuse pup is so adorable and looks like the perfect companion!

  29. Lucky, lucky on an wonder you are always so inspired.

  30. Lucky, lucky on an wonder you are always so inspired.

  31. Lovely picture of your little assistant! What an adorable helper. The ship scene is beautiful. Great haiku!

  32. sweet pics and sweet sentiments and good credit forgives slips =)

  33. nicely done - and i loved that last lined.

  34. A big 'ello from Cornwall to you Carol. I think we're going to enjoy following you and ArtMuse Dog. Our pooch, Podge, is always at my feet whether I'm writing our blog or working on other writings. Stunning pic of the harbour. Mr and Mrs M

  35. A big 'ello from Cornwall to you Carol. I think we're going to enjoy following you and ArtMuse Dog. Our pooch, Podge, is always at my feet whether I'm writing our blog or working on other writings. Stunning pic of the harbour. Mr and Mrs M

  36. Your wee assistant is so cute :))

  37. Nice blog assistant is my cat Tess. Doubling up the memes works well♫♪

  38. Nice photo of the tourist ship! And I always love photos of your "assistant". I wish I had one!

  39. Are you out of that black hole yet? Hope so!

  40. your assistant is absolutely darling. (and thanks for following. love the dog ears on your signature!)

  41. Your assistant is Beautiful; aren't we fortunate, Carol, to have beloved animals to share our lives?

    1. Yes most fortunate to have this little doggie to share my life with as well as good friends ~ and my higher self and Tao ~ ^_^

  42. Well I have the same assistant...BUT one BIG difference!! Mine trys to do anything he can to stop me from blogging so i will play with him instead!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  43. Well I have the same assistant...BUT one BIG difference!! Mine trys to do anything he can to stop me from blogging so i will play with him instead!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  44. Nice pics. youre showe.... I like youre dog.
    Hanne Bente

  45. Nice pics. youre showe.... I like youre dog.
    Hanne Bente

  46. Awww...she's adorable and obviously the perfect assistant :) Great photos today. I would love a walk on the beach!

  47. Awww...she's adorable and obviously the perfect assistant :) Great photos today. I would love a walk on the beach!

  48. Sweet dog! I guess my muse would be my boys - they sure give me lots of blogging material!

  49. What a sweet puppy. Mine looks a lot like yours. She's a Silkie.

  50. The ship picture is very nice but I am LOVIN' that Pup Pic the most. She is so darn cute!

  51. The ship picture is very nice but I am LOVIN' that Pup Pic the most. She is so darn cute!

  52. Your assistant is cuddly and awesome. I love the ferry they are surely a city on water amazing. Great shot. B

  53. Woof! Woof! You got a CUTIE assistant. For sure she enjoys lots of belly rubs while you blog. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  54. i love your adorable pup!

    what a cutie!

    your post brings a smile to my face.
    thank you!

  55. i love your adorable pup!

    what a cutie!

    your post brings a smile to my face.
    thank you!

  56. Wish I could go for a walk in the beach as well.

    Catching up with ABC. Got busy the past couple of days and just now have the time to visit entries.

    Leaping Chipmunk
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  57. I don't have a blog companion, just little old me plugging away eating lots of food, drinking lots of wine!

  58. I don't have a blog companion, just little old me plugging away eating lots of food, drinking lots of wine!

  59. What a gorgeous assistant you have, wish I had one. I love your photo's and words

  60. What a cutie! The view out of your window is gorgeous!

  61. Hi Carol,

    Wonderful photos of both your friend and the cruise ship. Something lovely to wake up to!

  62. Hi Carol,

    Wonderful photos of both your friend and the cruise ship. Something lovely to wake up to!

  63. What a sweet assistant you have. Oh yes, I usually have assistants laying across my arms as I type!!!
    What a pretty photo of the ship, too.

  64. What a sweet assistant you have. Oh yes, I usually have assistants laying across my arms as I type!!!
    What a pretty photo of the ship, too.

  65. Lovely pictures! Creative Haiku! What a love your assistant is!

  66. Beautiful! I love cruise ships! :):)

  67. What a view you have from your window!
    Your blog assistant is adorable.

  68. What a view you have from your window!
    Your blog assistant is adorable.

  69. Lovely photos, Carol! I can only wish to have an assistant to my blog like you have :)

    Saying 'hello' via Alphabe- Thursday - mine for letter 'T' @ ImagesByCW is about the Ticino / Valle Verzasca

  70. The view out your window is spectacular!
    A postcard lovely capture of the ship.
    Your assistant is a cutie. Mine is of the feline variety and usually snoozes on the wicker settee behind me in the sunroom. It's nice to have company.

  71. The view out your window is spectacular!
    A postcard lovely capture of the ship.
    Your assistant is a cutie. Mine is of the feline variety and usually snoozes on the wicker settee behind me in the sunroom. It's nice to have company.

  72. I don't have a blog assistant, although I'm getting one tomorrow. Tomorrow (Friday) we're adopting a puppy. Yikes!

  73. Well I have several blog assistants -- yet they seem to distract me more than assist me. Cute post, Carol.

  74. 70 I know it was in the 90s in CA this week, but in UT in the mountains we barely hit 50 today. crisp. cool. fall.

  75. I'm looking forward to 60 degree temps in Oregon!

    It's still just under a 100 here.

    You have a terrific little assistant there.

    Lucky you!

    Thanks for linking.


  76. I'm looking forward to 60 degree temps in Oregon!

    It's still just under a 100 here.

    You have a terrific little assistant there.

    Lucky you!

    Thanks for linking.



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)