Poets and Photographers Tuesday

'Inner Harbor ~ Eastern Point ~ Cape Ann Ma

Fall Flora ~ Near Harbor ~

Haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku

TUESDAY'S POST ~ The world turns and brain spins with words, visuals and other creative ideas. I need another assistant to keep my life on track. Choices, always choices, grateful.
Today's post is about poets and photographers from around the world.  The creativity is astounding when we start to connect with the internet world. Amazing how small the world is becoming as we connect with each other through our creative works. Do you think this might be away to have world peace?Today we are sharing with:

Our World Tuesday

Carpe Diem Haiku
Creative Everyday

Hope you will explore the wonderfully creative blogs listed above and support them with great comments.

Always great to have you 'visit' ~ come again soon ~ have a wonderful and loving week.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuseDog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' Believe nothing, O monk, merely because you have been told it.' ~ Siddharta Gautama


  1. Lovely photos and haiku, as usual, Carol,


  2. Beautiful photos! I love how blue the water is in your first picture. Breathtaking!

  3. A lovely harbour shot Carol! Those blooms look like something right out of a Dr, Seuss book!

  4. What a lovely place. The water is so inviting.

  5. Great photos of a very beautiful harbor.

  6. Soft, mighty, respectful, excellent combination of adjectives to describe a harbor. Powerful men should be like this.
    I love the pictures too.
    A hug, Carol.

  7. Lovely shots of the harbor and I like the haiku too.

  8. Lovely captures and the haiku reads good.

  9. Such a lovely place, beautiful water and wonderful captures for the day! A great look at your world, Carol!! Hope you have a lovely week!

  10. The water is so amazingly gorgeous in both your shots. I, too, find things around the coast interesting.

  11. Love your photos and haiku. You even through in a thoughtful quote for good measure, or did Art Muse Dog do that?

  12. It's always a pleasure to visit your weblog Carol. It amazes me everytime that you are that creative with painting, photo and haiku. Really stunning to read your post. This haiku ... is wonderful ... very well in balance and strong in the chosen words 'soft' 'mighty' and 'respectful'. Great one. Thank you for sharing.


  13. lovely scenes. wonderful composition on the first photo.

  14. What wonderful blues in these shots.

  15. Hi there - I love those fluffy seed head looking sort of things (which I believe is their technical name!).

    I think me and the bees were the only ones who were relaxed about the whole "bees in the street" thing!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  16. world peace, that would be an achievement
    those cotton flowers are really stunning and lovely concise words :)

  17. Beautiful views, Carol!
    Warm greetings, Anna :))

  18. Hi Carol & Art Muse Dog, I do think you live in Heaven. One of my favorite poems is "Afternoon on a Hill" Edna St. Vincent Millay. Have a great day!

  19. I think you live in Heaven. A favorite poem is "Afternoon on a Hill" by Edna St. Vincent Millay.


  20. · Thanks for your visit to my blogs.
    Nice landscapes in yours.

    · regards

    CR· & ·LMA

  21. Beautiful words and photos! And I do love how the internet connects us and makes the world so much smaller!

  22. great pix, with haiku that reminds us that the sea is an incredible force of nature.....The quote should have a p.s.- '....or merely because you saw it on the internet!'
    Carol, isn't your assistant keeping up with everything, that you need another?

  23. hello Carol!! oh, those photos are just beautiful!! Such a lovely place to be.
    Your haiku is so profound.
    Yes, world peace by sharing our art (and our heart)... a girl can dream. ;-)
    Beautiful work Carol. Thanks for sharing and for always being so generous with your comments on my blog. xox

  24. First time visitor ... and I very much enjoyed my visit! Give AtMuse a good scratch behind the ears from me. :o)

  25. I like the balance of power and tranquility in this piece.

    Safe Harbor

  26. I have only been to Maine once but I loved it. Your pictures always make me want to go back. Maybe one day we will be able to enjoy a cup of tea together in your beautiful state.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)