Sketchers, Photographers, Poets, Sunday

Sunday Best Photo ~ Rockport MA
Le chat ~ Sunday Sketches

CARPE DIEM ~ haiku ~ (prompt ~ fragile)


SUNDAY POST ~ Another 'across the pond' post ~ since it is now Sunday 'over there'. My creative spirit has been indulged with a sunny day yesterday and somewhat sunny day today. Consequently, the first photo was taken of a friend's door, another was taken of lobster pots with sparrow perched on top of one them and another was a back street on Bearskin Neck with delightful window boxes of mums. The watercolor sketch is for Sunday Sketches. Haiku is Chevre's 'haiku a day', Carpe Diem.
Last, but not least, is the Universal Queen again for Rebecca's month of October post ~ remembering those we love who have passed on into the 'netherworld' and at this time of year the theory is that they come very close to earthland. You just have to listen for the 'whispers' calling you ~ Listen ~ 

I am remembering three very significant women in my life, my Mom, Grandmother and Aunt. They gave me love, taught me respect for all people, animals and things. They broadened my horizons through travel and cultural events. They gave me life.

Today we are sharing with:

Your Sunday Best Photo
Sunday Sketches
Carpe Diem haiku
Post Cards from Paradise

Click on the links above to see wonderful sketches, photography, haiku poetry and words of wisdom and memory.

Wishing you a loved filled weekend.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness, and the willingness to remain vulnerable.' ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


  1. Wow, I love your Haiku and your photos. Great !

  2. Awesome Carol. Very nice haiga. Thx for sharing. It's a gorgeous haiku.

  3. Love the photographs. Great post Carol.

  4. Beautiful collection of art & photos! :)

  5. Great collage of pictures. Love the array of pastels in your cat. The flowers and haiku are perfect for the missing of your loved ones. Wonderful post! Have a special Sunday. :)

  6. More lovely Autumn words and the cat painting is so cute!
    (Trees do look fragile, when the leaves are beginning to turn:))

  7. Great post love all of your photos and the poem is wonderful ♥ The paintings are very good. Have a peaceful weekend♥

  8. Beautiful post! I especially like the quote for the day. So true, even though it is hard to do.

  9. Stunning Photographs and a lovely post :D *New Follower*

  10. I love the cat! The colors are awesome and so is her attitude :)

  11. Love all of your images today Carol -- can't pick a favorite! xo

  12. Your photo montage is wonderful & your sketches and haiku are very nice.

  13. A beautiful collection of images. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I love your sketches.

    There is definitely a child inside you.

  15. I always adore your haikus. And the cat is such a cutie!

  16. I'd like to hop on over and take a walk through your charming town. I'll be flying over it next Saturday on my way to Texas. xo Jenny.

  17. Some days I feel like those fragile branches you describe!

    Scarlet Papers

    1. I have some of those days myself ~ particularly when there is no sun ~ thanks for coming by and commenting ~ C and A ^_^

  18. i love the cat! also love the photos of new england! makes me hapy - great quote today, too!

  19. Hi! Nice captures! I like your photos and a sketch. I like your Haiku very much. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

  20. great photos... sweet cat! thought provoking post!
    cheers, dana

  21. gorgeous collections this week. the haiku is stunning.

  22. beautiful photos, your cat sketch gave me a giggle and your haiku is fabulous the way you presented it!

  23. I love the colours on the cat! also really like seeing the haiku formatted the way it is

  24. Love the puss-cat. He looks very proud of himself :)

  25. Love the two window shots in the collage - especially the shadowed one!
    Cat and Angel are terrific!

  26. This is a great way to remember your mom, grandmother and aunt. May your arms be strengthened in seasons of strong winds. I really appreciated your haiku and the painting is wonderful. Have a great Sunday!

  27. dear carol,
    i love your universal mother with her compassionate heart for all. thank you for honoring your trio of women closest to your heart. i hope you will spin a story or two in the sundays to come and let us experience more fully the ones who remain in your heart with their constant love.

  28. A post packed full of fun, imagination and beautiful art!

  29. Carol, just beautiful. Love your thoughts.::hugs::

  30. le Chat is a delight

    and I too had many strong women in my's to them all!

  31. I like your collage Carol, its so sunny and cheerful looking. Your sketches are lovely!

  32. A lovely post - I really like your pictures and paintings. :)

  33. Hi Carol!!! lovely new paintings!!! your kitty cat is so cute!!!!

  34. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work and words. I love Haiku's and you do them so well. I especially love your kitty, so sweet!

  35. Wonderful post and beautiful little paintings!

  36. Oh that kitty got my prize today! Mine has been clinging to me since we got home from our trip. Are you visiting in MA or is that where you live? I love it there.

  37. Hello dear Carol, many gifts here today... I love your haiku, such fragility, but also a strength in the recognition of being buffeted by the winds of life... I loved hearing about your mom, grandmother, and aunt. I love the thought that my grandmother carried me also, as she carried my mom, who had the eggs that would make me... it is a comforting thought, this lineage stretching back as we step forward. XO

  38. I really like the cat! Thanks for sharing at YOur Sunday Best.

  39. What a cute little cat! And I like the "fragile" image. Thanks for visiting:)

  40. There is so much lovely inspiration in your blogposts! Such a cute cat and I love your dog muse too!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)