Veterans Day and Other Posts

" November on the Beach' ~ Boy's Toy for Sand Buildings

For All Military Personnel on Veterans Day and Everyday.

Again ~ To Honor All Military Past and Present

haiku ~ ( prompt ~ hero) for Carpe Diem Haiku

'She is at it again with that camera'

She is at it again with the camera and also on a 'rant' about honoring all military even though she is a peaceable woman.
Even the military want peace. Honor them all each day. Honor each other each day. See the creative in all.

Macro of a Rose ~ ' To all with Love'

In updating this post, I accidentally deleted what I had posted previously and can not retrieve it. So, a big hug and thank you to all military personnel in the United States for currently serving or having served. You deserve to be honored for your choice to defend our country. Peace to all. We love you.

We are sharing today with:

sunday sketches
macro monday
favorite photo monday
post cards from paradise
carpe diem haiku

creative everyday
our world tuesday

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day. ~ especially ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'We have met the enemy and it is us.'
~ Pogo


  1. I agree, I have great respect for our troops and all our veterans! Art Muse dog is looking cute, as usual.

  2. That little pooch just looks like the king of the castle ;-)

  3. Your little yorkie is so cute. At least she looks at you when you take a picture! One of my yorkies hides from me... now what is that about.

    1. Did you ever use a flash when taking a picture of the dog? It took awhile at first with my yorkie as when I first got my new camera I took a photo not knowing flash was on and needless to say it was 'one trial learning' ~ she didn't like that and I didn't either ~

  4. LOVE the art work!
    My Grandpa fought in WWII. Thanks for such a wonderful tribute post to our Veterans.

  5. Hi ! I love the pen and ink sketch, the the cutie on the couch looking all comfy !!

  6. The pic of your dog is so lovely, she's got that long suffering look! I agree with you all soldiers are putting their lives on the line and you have to respect that.

  7. Hello, congratulations on your blog!
    If you can visit this blog:
    Thank you for your attention

  8. I'm wearing my Poppy with pride for the 11th November. We should never forget.
    Love your sketches and your dog look so comfy...:)

  9. i love your first painting the most!!!
    and i love ArtMuseDog..i want to cuddle it!!! ^.^

  10. Nice post - really like your sketch of the flag and rose. ArtMuse is such a sweet looking dog! Does she lend lots of support in writing your post

  11. Beautiful photos and I love the quote too.

  12. Very well said, Carol! And a beautiful watercolor painting.

  13. Hi Carol, the photo of the cap is very touching in it's simplicity - highlighting the Veterans Day in a special way!
    So is your haiku and the art, have a wonderful Sunday!

  14. Just perfect for today Carol. Peace be with you.

  15. I love this haiku on Veterans day. I can't really find the inspiration back, but that doesn't matter it's a wonderful tribute to the Veterans. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Wonderful little dog. And a lovely haiku. No veterans day here, no veterans either since we have been blessed from war in more than 200 years.

  17. This is a perfect post. I also shared a Veterans Day post, but mine was not as thought provoking as yours.

  18. What sweet pictures...Your dog is adorable. Happy Veterans day!

  19. Yes you are right most do not want war. It is wonderful for you to post tribute to those who work to keep our nations secure. Blessings to you and your dear sweet little photo hound. :-)

  20. Lots of goodness today, Carol. Namaste!

  21. I want a Yorkie real bad, but my husband says no. I think I should just do it anyway. haha Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours.

  22. Your baby is way too cute for words and I love the first piece as a tribute to veterans day... really lovely...xx

  23. Your first painting is simple yet striking, just right to mark the occasion. x

  24. Love your paintings!!! Such a honor to our Heroes ♥

  25. I love the painting, Carol...plain and simple, like the message!...:)JP

  26. Awesome tribute! Love the last rose and also the quote is amazing! Love your work!

  27. That rose is gorgeous!
    Thanks for linking up with YSB this week!

  28. thank you carol for the warm welcome home. your post today is especially touching. today stirs my heart with so many family memories.
    thank you so very much.

  29. Art muse dog looks very stylish and a lovely rose for Veterans Day

  30. Lol that is just what my little dog thinks when I get that amera out!

  31. Your Veteran's Day painting is superb!

  32. Wonderful tribute to veterans... and a great message of peace!

  33. Great post. So happy to see Art Muse Dog :)

  34. Oh what fun paintings you have!

  35. Oh, yes! Sam Schnauzer thinks the same thing, too, when I get out the camera!! Love your shots for the day and beautiful paintings, Carol!! Have a great week!

  36. Lovely tribute for Veteran's Day! I would love to see peace for all. Your doggie is so cute, great post and photos. Thanks for sharing, have a great week ahead!

  37. Such a lovely post. Veteran's Day is always a special day for me. The painting is so pretty and really touches the heart. genie

  38. How beautiful an environment you live in.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  39. Love your pics & wonderful painting! Fantastic Tribute to our Veterans!Art Dog Muse looks very sweet!

  40. A nice post. I remember playing with Tonka trucks when I was a boy!

  41. What a cute little puppy dog:) And i like the tonka toy on the beach. You really do wonder about it's size at first.

  42. I love the tonka truck on the beach. What a great perspective.
    I am going to have to check out some of these challenges, What you have done with them is great .

  43. really nice tribute, Carol....and a unique take on the 'hero' prompt!

  44. Carol, your sketch to honor those on Veteran's Day is simply lovely and perfect. Well done! :)

  45. thank you for your heart-felt honoring of Veterans and Carpe Diem haiku. have a lovely week. xo

  46. Great post, Carol ... nice tribute and precious new photo of "Art Muse Dog" -- she is precious ... your caption matches her expression!!! :)

  47. Leaves as heroes of nature, lovely!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)