Photographers and Poets T, W, Th

Winter arriving on Cape Ann MA for Our World Tues and Outdoor Weds.

'W" for Wrong Letter  for ABC ~ So 'White Lights' 'X' ~ Xmas Tree ~  for ABC Wednesday

It has been rainy and gray for the second day in a row and more tomorrow. Rather rain than snow at this point ~ Too hard for holiday travelers and shoppers to get around. Yet need to do some new holiday photography soon. Doing something creative every day fills my soul with life energy.  Hope you are all well and busy preparing for the holidays.

'Prompt' ~ Scarecrows' for Carpe Diem Haiku

'Prompt' ~ family for Sensational Haiku Weds.

'E' for Evening on Cape Ann MA for Alphabe Thursday

We are linked today with

our world tuesday

abc wednesday
outdoor wednesday
sensational haiku wednesday
carpe diem haiku
creative everyday

alphabe thursday

Hope you have enjoyed our photography and haiku and will visit the creative bloggers listed above.

Wishing you the magic of the season.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.'~ Edith Wharton


  1. A lovely look at your world, Carol, as always!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!! Enjoy!!

  2. great the 'family' haiku - I can relate..

  3. Lovely poems and photos! I hope your rain has stopped. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  4. Beautiful images & words! Merry Christmas!

  5. The subtle colors of that first photo are especially beautiful.

  6. Wonderful post Carol, nicely composed haiku on scarecrow. Thank you for participating.

  7. Another beautiful haiku, Carol.

  8. I really like the last quote you shared! I'm stopping back by from the hop and following! Have a great week!

  9. It has been raining here also for the past two days. I've been keeping busy packing for my upcoming move west. It is takig longer than I thought it would!

  10. I love your Wharton quote.

    Great variety of seasonal photographs. I'm kind of into the barren skies and empty trees look. The earth is resting right now is how I see it.

    And a double bonus with your haiku.

  11. ooo, this was a delight to read.

  12. Beautiful photos and accurate haiku :)

  13. What pretty pastel skies! Wishing you and yours a wonderful festive season.

  14. Happy holidays! ^^ It was a joy to drop by ^^

  15. Your first photo is delightful, lovely colours and silhouette.

  16. Beautiful, full of love and warmth haiku and lovely tree photographs. Big hug to you Carol.

  17. So much creativity! Your photography and haiku compliment each other so well.

  18. I really like the dark silhouettes of the trees in your photos...thanks for joining MammothLakesDP!!!

  19. Great photos! I agree; doing something creative every day gives me energy and is so important. I love to take photos around my property. Hope the weather clears up for you soon!

  20. Lovely post, Carol. Hope that winter is not dampening your spirits too much!

  21. Sunset pictures are wonderful...I NEVER grow tired of seeing them. Thanks for sharing. Hope your holidays are wonderful for YOU!

  22. This is as much of "winter" as I can take! More rain please rather than snow!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    abcw team

  23. Rain is a welcome thing here-we don't get rain or moisture of any kind that often. Your tree looks beautiful!
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  24. Even in California it has been "colder" and rainy for the last 2 weeks! Finally get to use my sweaters (which I like). You have a great Christmas season as well, Carol. May they bring bring whatever you wish for.

  25. Beautiful photography and poetry. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  26. Beautiful photography and poetry. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  27. Wow..beautiful photos, Carol! We finally saw the sun for a while today. It feels so good to see it after days of rain and grey!

  28. Love your shots of the trees and the pretty colors of the sky. Hope you are having a great week!

  29. The scenery is beautiful as well as the words. I absolutely love your little dog!!

  30. One of the things about short days is that sunsets are never missed, nice to see yours and to hear about your creative days. We have had nothing but rain and more to come so I'm hoping to wake up to snow on the 25th.
    Have a very merry December.

  31. A very nice post - I need to start getting into the Christmas spirit soon!

  32. Another delight to enjoy ... I wish you could send some of the rain down to Central TX!!
    Masquerading Gent

  33. White hair, white beard, white ball on the tip of the hat. Santa has plenty of W's for you :) Have a great week!

  34. Wonderfull words, great photos, such a lovely post!

  35. I like the winter trees - their stark outlines are splendid.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  36. Your photos of the stark and simple trees against the beautiful winter sky are my favorites, but I also really enjoyed the festively decorated Christmas tree! Enjoy a restful, cozy, creative holiday!

  37. I like the idea of scarecrows being winter watchers!


  38. Wonderful captures Carol!

    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
    Happy Holidays!

  39. Lovely page and haiku. Really like

  40. Here for SHW.

    Yes, family can be a mixed blessing.

    Concentrate on the good parts.


  41. Oh I just love that Santa ornament!!!

  42. Yes, those are real trees backlit poetry. Best wishes for you to have a Merry Christmas.

  43. Ordinary Words...Lovely Haiku and a great Wharton quote♫

  44. Beautiful photography and haiku. We've just started getting some snow. It's going to be a white Christmas for us.

  45. Can't tell you how thankful I am to be out of the snowy and wet winters! We do get rain, but not snow and usually sunny days between the rainy days.

  46. Love the soft colors in the photos of the trees--and LOVE 'gestation ripens'!!!

  47. I like your evening scene picture, Carrol. It makes for a good "E" word, evening. The picture is nice, the sunset shows red real pretty in contrast to the other dimly lit no-color atributes. My camera would call it 'red eye' and eliminate all trace of the sunset.

  48. Haiku on family right or write on !
    Thank you...gave me a smile.

  49. Family can definitely be a mixed blessing! I know what you mean about needing the snow for seasonal pics, put off taking the kids' picture for our Christmas cards hoping for snow...Ended up with what looks like a fall picture instead!

    Merry Christmas :)

  50. My favourite is the first one - so calm. And i love the delicate lines of the branches.

  51. Hi again!

    Such an inspiring *E* post with great pics that have really got me in the festive spirit!

    Have a great Alphabe-Thursday and weekend too,

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  52. Your picture are beautiful!

  53. Your post was a joy to behold, loved each & every one of it's elements.
    Happy A-T!

  54. Beautiful photos, as always - I love the Santa ornament. Hope you and your family (and Art Muse Dog) have a wonderful Christmas!

  55. it's so invitingly peaceful here =) love visiting!

  56. We are getting ready for what might be our first big snow. I love the season, but don't enjoy the driving. Wishing you a lovely holiday season.

  57. looks like lots of things are going on! Great photos! {:-Deb

  58. Your pics and haiki, as always, are wonderful.

    Merry Christmas!


  59. Thanks for the views - can't wait to see your snow! I like your Christmas tree and family haiku (how true).

  60. What a lovely post!

    I am sending you belated (but not diminished) wishes for a years end that is Merry and Bright and a New Year filled with possibility and joy!

    I admire your haikus. I'm going to work on writing those in the New Year!

    Thank you for linking your Excellent post!



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)