Art, Poetry, Photography Weekend

Art Class ~ Exploring with Pastels and Ink for Paint Party Friday

The above painting is just what it says, exploring with pastels and ink. When I first began to 'dabble in art', I began with pastels yet have not stayed with them. It would seem that I enjoy watercolor and pen and ink more. Whether, painting, writing or doing photography, my spirit needs to self express creatively. Still don't know 'what' I want to paint ~ maybe abstract. Do you know what you like to paint? How did you arrive at that point?

Carpe Diem Haiku (prompt) verdant 

For : Orange You Glad Its Friday and Weekend Reflections

For: Haiku Friday and Haiku My Heart

For: Black and White Weekend

Well, there you are, art, poetry and photography. Also linking up with creative bloggers listed below:

carpe diem haiku
haiku friday
haiku my heart
orange you glad its friday
paint party friday

black and white weekend
weekend reflections

Hope you have enjoyed your visit and will return.
Wishing you the best in each day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face...You must do the thing you cannot do.'
~ Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Hmm...not sure I want to be naive. But verdant? Yes! There's a line from one of the Psalms that says, "They shall still be fat and flourishing in old age." That's the kind of verdant I hope to be!

    Verdant Bowl

  2. When I first began in art class I had a huge fascination for trees loving the gracefulness of the limbs and the colors of the leaves. I used to love water paints; something I could afford. lol
    Love your poetry and art.

  3. Namaste back! It's still Thursday evening here, but I had to get a refreshing dose of haiku and loveliness from your awesome post!!

  4. Your verdant haiku has me thinking
    I was naive in a far more innocent time
    And too cautious to make many mistakes
    Not sure I would want to try it now


  5. Lovely haiku ... and I am so glad it's Friday :-)

  6. Nice post Carol. In some way I am verdant on the grounds of arts, but on the way of haiku I am not that verdant anymore, but how should it be if I was naive and I should write my first haiku ever again? I love to think this over and maybe I will give it a try to re-write my first haiku ever with the knowledge I have now according to haiku.

  7. Super liked the pastel painting. Both haiku are great. As we mature the fears of ripeness haunts and we want to be verdant again. second one is also nice. And that tree is soon going to be covered with lot of happy flowers, leaves colours.

    Enjoyed my visit here.

  8. Hi Carol..such beautiful art..i love the airy color and fantastic lines..gorgeous florals..fabulous piece!! how interesting you started with pastels..all of your work is beautiful! I arrived into painting..due to illness and a spiriutal awakening journey..i just felt compelled to create..I always drew as child..but suddenly needed to paint and draw like crazy. I have not stopped since! So that is how i began..and so far I started with acrylics..and have now tried watercolors too..and graphite pencils/watercolor pencils.
    Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Lovely and thought-provoking haiku. Thank you for sharing your art and your words.

  10. I love your "black and white weekend picture". The branch looks so vivid and I can nearly smell the fresh air outside. Your pastells are so beautiful too. And with regard to your question I always wanted to paint an ideal and happy world for myself fleeing from reality via painting. Therefore I love naïve paintings.

  11. Your Art, your Photographs, your Words in Haiku - lovely. Every bit. Thank you for bringing all of this to Haiku Friday.

  12. Pastels are fun to work with. I love how you can blend the colors right on the paper with layers and strokes of color. Beautiful this week, Carol.

  13. Wonderful photo reflection. Wonderful for just that!!! NO PUN INTENDED!!! So enjoyed this post!! Cathy

  14. beautiful flower painting today Carol. I just paint whatever I think is beautiful but haven't really thought about it beyond that. I like your black and white photo.

  15. Carol, the lamp reflection photo is so creative and inspired...haiku felt very meditative...

  16. Hi Carol. Hope all is well. Love your pastel work with airy flowers. Nicely done!Awesome Haiku as always. Have a great weekend.

  17. Beautiful art love your flowers. I find you love to paint what you don't have to strive at.

  18. Wonderful post.. Have a great weekend

  19. Please link up your new haiku at Haiku My Heart at Recuerda Mi Corazon. Many of us are using last week's link so we can keep in touch. Hope to see you there!

  20. Carol, your flowers are so delicate and beautiful in their pastel colors. No, I don't know what I'm supposed to be painting and I jump all over with different things. Mostly I do faces and flowers. Today I did a background.

  21. Dear and beautiful Carol. Your haiku melts my heart. Simple, wise,WARM and beautiful. I love visiting your blog and checking how creative and positive you are.

  22. Great reflections for the day, Carol, and wonderful captures! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Enjoy!

  23. A lovely week-end post Carol .... Happy week-end.

  24. Love your creative artwork in the first image! Touches of line and colour blur the lines of reality and illusion! (I see a woman with a bowed head in the jar!) The naive have a rather closed life and tend to be vulnerable, so I am not sure that is how I would be, but many are happy that way!

  25. I love your pastel painting! So beautiful. I have never painted anything, but I think it would be fun to try :)

  26. Black lace against a cloudy sky - lovely!

  27. I love using pastels and ink as you know. Love your haikus too. Happy PPF friend and namaste.

  28. Loving the artwork and the beautiful words Carol. For me its the colours that draw me to paint even if I end up with a rubbish design, just love playing with all those fab colours. Happy PPF, Annette x

  29. Ooh, very nice pastel and I love the orange reflection in the window♫ You've already visited me, (Bear With Me) so thanks...have a nice week-end♥

  30. Wonderful post...thank you for sharing. HPPF!

  31. I like your pictures today very much esp the black and white. And the verdant take is brilliant.

  32. What a lovely view. And your pastel in the latest picture is wonderful. You are so talented. genie

  33. Lovely offerings Carol... love the full circle in the grace of your haiku. I seem to go through different themes in my painting, sometimes orbs and circles, branches, or themes. Just getting paint, mostly acrylic these days, onto paper is key...

  34. Lovely pastel and ink still-life! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  35. Beautiful bare branches for black and white. I enjoyed this post very much.

  36. I like the artwork and your words are always so beautifully crafted... and it took me years to let go of all the art school shoulds and paint and draw what interested me and what i connected with... xx

  37. Each time I visit I am enamored with your posts, your art, photos , and especially your haikus. What inspiration!!

  38. I would love to be naive - for a few hours or days a week. Lovely pastel -i love the flowers.

  39. No buds on that tree quite yet. Nice.

  40. I'm so glad I stopped by your blog today to enjoy your art, poetry and the quote of the day. Namaste.

  41. The reflection of the lamp is so pretty ! I like the frame you added...

  42. Beautiful pieces, love the tranquil, meditative atmosphere you have created! <3

  43. Naivety can be a blissful state. Nice one.

  44. So I paint in words in a thin line between being creative and an idiot.

  45. Looks like a gray, dreary day outdoors with your black & white!

  46. We're talking talent are talented! Great photos and I love it.

  47. Pretty pastel Carol!! Wonderful words never so true as when you age!!

    Hugs Giggles

  48. Nice springtime colors! And lovely haiku's. Just paint whatever you feel like at that moment. I've always drawn people and birds, so I never had to wonder what I wanted to paint. I sometimes try to paint different things, but it's just not me, I always come back to people and birds...

  49. I really like your pastel drawing - you are a lady with many talents!

  50. I was filled with so much joy when I arrived here. Your art inspires me, as do your photos! And your haiku always gives me something to meditate upon! Thank you for haiku-ing your heart!

  51. Beautiful art, poetry and picture! I need to tuck that quote between my ears!

  52. I really have two things I haven't done lately, Haiku & painting. Thanks for the fabulous inspiration!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  53. Nice reflection, the lamp is warm and inviting :-)

  54. hi carol, funny i have been prompted through an online art workshop to work with pastels this week. it's my first time. it's very different from acrylics, which is the medium i work with the most. very fun though to try something new. have a lovely weekend.

  55. I love that bitof orange reflection! Such a pretty shot!

  56. Enjoyed everything here, but especially thae photo shot through the blinds...
    that one really got me...the lampshade transferred...and are those prayer
    flags fluttering?

  57. Beautiful words and images as always, Carol. Your ink and pastel piece is delicate and peaceful. Happy PPF! - janice

  58. I like your silhouetted branches!!! Thanks for visiting MammothLakesDP!!!

  59. Very lovely post.
    Thanks for dropping by :)

  60. Carol, gosto da foto com a luz escondida...ficou muito interessante. Uma braço!

  61. I love the soft color hues in your pastel, and your branch photograph is amazing. The haiku about maturity and still being alive (verdant) also spoke to me. Blessings!

  62. I love pastels best. Your flowers a beautiful. Blessings, Janet PPF

  63. Great post. I love the Weekend in Black and White image.

  64. Wonderful imagery and haiku... Ties together quite nicely. ;-)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)