Artists, Poets and Photographers Wed and Thurs

Zen Buddha Dog for ABC Wednesday ~ Letter 'Z'

Welcome to Wednesday post where we are sharing with art, photography and poetry blogs. Seem to be getting more centered and focused on what and how I want to create. It is a freeing feeling and also a feeling of integrating with my divine self. Thus giving me a sense of 'weighing less' as I am 'waiting less' and 'going with the flow' more. (Read Taoism or Shakti Gwain's book 'Living in the Light'. She writes about life issues such as 'weight' and the correlation with 'waiting' in one's life.) Go 'lightly through life.'

'Dog of All Seasons' ~ for Cool Clicks Thursday

Photo above depicts Winter on Cape Ann MA with snow and deep blue sky and chill winds in the air. Despite this, it is still wonderful to walk on the beach and ArtMuse Dog loves it because it is one of the few places she is 'off leash'.

For Carpe Diem ~ 'prompt' ~ seahawk

For Sensational Haiku Wednesday ~ prompt 'photograph'

'H' for Alphabe Thursday ~ Horizon

We are sharing with other creative bloggers listed below:

abc wednesday
carpe diem haiku
creative everyday
sensational haiku wednesday

alphabe thursday

cool clicks thursday

Wishing you the best in the day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: ' The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is not a problem of physics but of ethics. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil from the spirit of man.'  ~ Albert Einstein


  1. I know what you mean, Carol. Moon and Copper love being free!....:)JP

  2. oh your dog is so cute!
    Lovely haiku and art : )

  3. LOVE that Zen dog!

    abcw team

  4. unique Zen dog, at least to me! every time I visit here, I want a dog just like your adorable pet, but I have two cats and...
    I really love the last image (Horizon) and the haiku about photographs!

  5. Your smart dog likes being off leash, of course! Lovely pic.
    Beautiful sounds in your haiku, Carol, very well penned.

  6. beautiful wonderful post!

  7. Your posts radiate love and beauty!

  8. I like your dog's hair cut.

    Z is for...
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  9. Very nice Zen Dog... and your doggie on the beach picture is so darling.

  10. I love the zen budha dog. Great post!

  11. I love the pawprints in the sand, lol. Little cute doggie. :)

  12. That is a great Einstein quote - so true, so true. Is Zen dog ArtMuse's favorite dog :) I envy you walking along the beach on a nice cold crispy day. I loved taking walks when Mom lived in Cape Cod and feeling and smelling the cold crispy air. (Of course the secret is to be bundled up properly, right? :)

  13. Love this. I am using our new german shepherd puppy as a theme for the next round!
    We live near the sea too, so am looking forward in sharing the sights and sounds with him.
    Denise ABC Team

  14. very nice snow (?), sky and water shot - we could do with both snow and water here at present.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  15. Beautiful post Carol. What a lovely idea 'zen-buddha dog', very nice. I love the haiku you have written for Carpe Diem. Our next prompt will be 'whale' and I have just finished the new episode of Carpe Diem.

  16. Lovely post as always! Thanks for sharing the beauty in your world!

  17. Your posts have always been one of my favourites for being so joyful and fresh... you must be one fun loving person... What a lovely haiku there..

  18. such sweetness, photographs of loving you last forever =)

  19. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing and your doggie is soooo cute!

  20. Your Dog buddha makes me laugh not zen, lol ! Should have one in cat form !
    ABC Team

  21. A prompt just made for you.
    You always have great photos.

    The memory haiku is sweet, poignant and wistful.


  22. I have that same Zen Buddha Dog in my kitchen!! Love your post!

  23. The zen dog is so cute! And ArtMuse Dog is looking adorable in the coat :) I love your haikus!

  24. Nice winter photos, love the Zen dog paws, and ArtMuseDog looks the perfect companion on a beach.

  25. wonderful shots -- the colors of the horizon are beautiful.

  26. Your photography is wonderful. ArtMuse Dog looks so happy on the beach!

  27. As always, your blog posts are a breath of fresh air. I would love to be sitting on your deck six months from now. How lovely it must be for you and your "assistant!"

  28. Love the image of the Zen dog - but your gorgeous pet even more!

    Have a great Alphabe-Thursday and weekend too,

    Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

  29. ArtMuse is so adorable in the coat and standing at attention on the beach. thanks for sharing her with us.

  30. The ArtMuse Dog photo on the beach is wonderful!

  31. beautiful and positive post and lovely and relaxing haiku which is a pleasure to read and think about. Thank you Carol for sharing your creativity.

  32. Beautiful horizon / sky picture. I love it! And if I was Art Muse Dog well I'd love that walk on the beach too :)

  33. Your dog is so cute! Love the small statue!

  34. lovely photo. Love looking over the water - I could sit for hours. Enjoyed your haiku too! {:-D

  35. I'd love to be sitting on a beach chair looking over that gorgeous horizon!

  36. A beautiful post Carol! ArtMuse looks so sweet in her coat. Lovely haiku and your "horizon" capture is superb.

  37. Such a peaceful sky at the horizon! Great capture, Carol!

  38. Cute pup, and lovely haikus. Have a wonderful day!

  39. NIce series of photos and haiku poems.

  40. Those Buddha dogs are funny! Looks like a wonderful walk on the beach with your buddha dog--LOL! Love the sky shot, of course. :)

  41. Carol! I love everything you shared here, but the 'Dog of all seasons' is my total favorite!

    Thanks for sharing your happiness and haikus!



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)