Art, Photography and Poetry Friday

Dancing Flowers for Paint Party Friday

'Fado' for Cape Diem Haiku

Sun setting on Cape Ann MA for Orange You Glad It's Friday

Snow arriving on Cape Ann MA ~ for Haiku Friday

Whether it is the airwaves and storm coming, or what ~ it took me two times to put this post together. Ain't technology wonderful? When it works! I am taking deep breathes here and doing a mantra!
Happy Creating with whatever medium you choose because it is all wonderful for the inner spirit. Sending you lots of healing energy to work on being 'in the now' and letting go.

We are linked with the following creative bloggers:

carpe diem haiku
haiku friday
orange you glad its friday
paint party friday

We wish you the best in each day.

Hugs and namaste,


We love to have you post your comments, thoughts or questions to delight us all in the day ~ especially, ArtMuse Dog ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it.'
~ Rabindranith Tagore


  1. Your dancing flowers are so sweet!

  2. Your dancing flowers are so pretty! Hope you stay warm if a storm is heading your way!

  3. Oh, yes! Aching is at the very heart of fado! Thank you, Carol!

    Toothless Fadista

  4. The dancing flowers are so pretty. And I love the sun shining on the houses in Cape Ann.
    Stay safe and warm from the storm

  5. Hi Carol, the flowers in the vase you are well done ... I am happy with the weather when I see bright colors

  6. The dancing flowers are so whimsical and fun! Great job :) I hope you don't get too much snow out your way - stay safe!

  7. I love the yellow flowers--remind me of calla lilies =0) Stay safe and warm this weekend!

  8. Dancing flowers is a wonderful painting Carol. A lovely post. Thank you for sharing your haiku on Fado with Carpe Diem. It's a wonderful piece of poetry.

  9. Beautiful painting, photo, and haiku, Carol!

  10. The sun setting on thingamjig is quite spectacular, Thanks for sharing.

  11. I hope your area isn't debilitated by the big snow storm they have predicted. Love the haiku.

  12. Flowers are always so glorious when painted, I can never get enough of them, though I can't do them myself. Happy PPF dear friend.

  13. Love your flowers and haikus especially! Nice to see splotches of colour on a very snowy day!

  14. What a bright cheerful painting on a dreary February morning. HPPF!

  15. You captured the spirit of fado in your haiku.

  16. Your picture warms my hearhey, lovely warm colours, flowers are really dancing on the canvas.

    One haiku had the pain of longing and other is throbbing with embrace. Lovely!

  17. perfect postings for a gloomy your dancing flowers - can't wait to see these blooms in nature again - the haiga - both so well-done....I like the way you ended the entire post with snowflakes....

  18. Love every bit of this! Beautiful! You inspired me to write a haiku on my blog the other day and with my year-long project I decided to incorporate poetry. It just seems to go so well with it! :)

  19. Love your Dancing Flowers. Very loose and carefree. Nice job, great Haiku's as always.

  20. I love the paintings - it looks like something I might enjoy taking a shot at - I usually do oils - but watercolor is something I've had my eye on for a while.

    Haiku is great -strong images and gentle mood. Love them. Thank you so much for being a big part of Haiku Friday. :)

  21. Gorgeous paintings..I totally love the color-palette of the blooms..such a soft yellow-orange glow..fabulous! and beautiful poetry!!
    hugs and blessings friend!

  22. Loving your dancing tulips, so fab. Happy PPF, Annette x

  23. I love you painting pictures and words. The sun on the houses is beautiful.

    Karen x

  24. Love your yellow flowers, really cheerful and fresh! Beautiful haikus with warm and cold feeling! <3

  25. There is such a freedom of movement in your happy orange paintings. Love the warmth the color brings. Beautiful.

  26. I really like your snow haiku! I hope the snow falls gently, but it sounds like it might be coming in sideways! Stay warm and safe!

  27. I love your bouquet- tulips?
    And of course, your haiku is beautiful too- you really captured the way it feels to watch snow, so wonderfully soothing!
    Happy PPF,

  28. Fado haiku captures the yearning of the notes.

  29. Love the sunny colours you have used! Valerie

  30. beautiful flowers, romantic haiku and love your photo today Carol!

  31. Well, I'm glad you got your technical difficulties under control....lovely blog today...thanks for visiting my blog♫♪

  32. Your art, photo and haiku,,,a very special treat.

  33. gotta love those sunshiney dancing flowers, and lovely pics and haikus. Hope the winter storm wasn't too bad for you. We got lucky and had only 4 ". Happy PPF!

  34. Lovely work........and words........HPPF.

  35. Your dancing flowers are so wonderful!

  36. Thank you for working so hard to get this up -- such a beautiful post, it would have been a shame to miss it! That orangey sunset photo is spectacular!

  37. Lovely dancing flowers! I really like your snow haiku too x

  38. Your dancing flowers are so joyful and lovely.

  39. Enjoyed your painting Carol! Love the technique you use.. so free!

  40. I want to get up and dance with those flowers. So lovely and lively!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)