Poets, Photographers and Artists Thursday

Rocky Neck part of Cape Ann MA ~ for (N) at Alphabe Thursday

Notice the white caps on the ocean. It was quite windy and cold that day here on Cape Ann MA. A snowstorm arrived a few days afterward. Between the sky and ocean here they are rather consistent predictors of the weather.

For Carpe Diem Haiku ~ prompt ~ 'courage' ~ also for Creative Everyday

Whether it is poetry or photography it is all creatively inspiring to my inner spirit. There are many other modes of creativity at Creative Everyday.

Hawaii for Cool Clicks Thursday

Hawaii where I visited a few years ago and right now would be a lovely place to be, out the snow, ice and cold of New England.

We are sharing today with these creative bloggers:

alphabe thursday
cool clicks
carpe diem haiku
creative everyday

Wishing you the best in each day.

Your comments delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave.' ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
