Photography and Poetry Wed and Thurs.

For ABC Wednesday ~ 'I' ~ Ice and Snow every where on Cape Ann MA
For Walk and Click ~ Cape Ann MA beach after the snow storm
Carpe Diem Haiku ~ 'remaining snow'

'spring, remaining snow melting.'
For Rurality ~ In between Cape Ann Ma Snow Storms
Cape Ann Sunrise ~ for Cool Click Thursday

'Q' for Alphabe ~ Queen's Heavenly Sunrise on Cape Ann MA

Well, between New England getting yet another snow storm and not being able to get on the internet; I found myself without my routine. So I got creative and sketched, painted, did a pastel emotion painting, cleaned, shoveled. Waited not so patiently for Verizon to get their act together and get a new modem to me ~ Took them a week! I was like a 'duck out of water.' How soon we become addicted to 'things.' ~ What 'thing' do you miss when it is not working?

We are linked with these creative bloggers:

abc wednesday
carpe diem haiku
walk and click

cool clicks thursday
alphabe thursday

Wishing you the best in each day.

Your posted comments delight us in every way. We missed them when we couldn't get 'online' ~ will catch up soon. ^_^

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Shadow owes its birth to light.'~ John Gay


  1. Incredibly beautiful photos! I think everyone everywhere is wishing spring would arrive soon!

    abcw team

  2. I agree, as much as I have made my life more simple without my computer I am a bit lost, I hate to admit this but without our sirius radio I also would be lost!I embraced simplicity but I enjoy technology!

  3. oh I forgot to say, Beautiful photos, chilly chilly but beautiful!

  4. great one line... but absolutely splendid photos!

  5. The snow is lovely. But it will melt - and when it does, it gives life. :-)

  6. Welcome back to the rest of the world.

    winter resists
    but spring has the will
    to win

  7. Brrrr but beautiful.
    Love the dried stalks too.

  8. Beautiful shots and haiku. I like computer breaks but ones of my own choosing. I go nuts when things aren't working and I want them to.

  9. The INTERNET can be a respite in a snowstorm - if the connection is working!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  10. At lease you got a lot done and took some lovely photos while waiting for the modem. I guess I would miss my computer the most if it weren't working.

  11. Are those cottages in the distance? They're quite charming in the midst of all that space. Glad you're back, Carol.

  12. These are such lovely creations.
    You are good with words too. :)

  13. I miss my computer the most when we have no connection. I can read, paint etc but that machine has become part of my daily routine. Such is life.

  14. We had a modem go out with Verizon once too. What a pain. Sounds like the computer break gave you a creative opportunity, tho!

  15. Good to see you back online, and glad the snow is melting--at last!

  16. This looks like real winter! We had some snow this morning at 8 o'clock, but now at 1 pm it's gone already.
    I looked up Cape Ann MA and found it in the north of the USA. But it's a bit confusing as Wikipedia says: Cape Ann includes the city of Gloucester, and the towns of Essex, Manchester-by-the-Sea, and Rockport. It all sounds very British.
    I think that you live in a beautiful part of the USA!

  17. Beautiful pictures. We are the same way over here on the North Shore. I can't wait till the weather breaks.

  18. Lovely pictures, enjoying them very much, we don't have snow. Thank you for sharing your window on the world. Glad your back online. I miss my brain when it is not working :)

  19. When to power goes out. I keep switching the light switches even thought I know the power is out.

  20. You always have so much eye candy to look at, a person could never get bored visiting your blog...have a great day.

  21. Hi! Nice rhyme of your Haiku. I like your Haiku very much. It's good that you are able to use your internet again. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  22. Those are really lovely photos and I love the feel that I get from each and every one of them Thank you so much for stopping by my humble space.

    Take care!

  23. Very pretty.

    I feel like a duck out of water w/o the Internet.

    And when the lights go out I sure miss the water. :)

  24. Lovely photos. We had problems last summer. It seemed to happen every Wednesday, so frustrating. I would go to McDonald's just to use their WiFi.

  25. Lovely shots! I especially like the first sunrise shot!
    I'm addicted to my computer so when we lose power or something goes wrong I'm lost!

  26. A winter wonderland! Although I sympathize with going Internet-less amidst storms! The break in routine makes one feel off-balance, but sounds like you put your time to great use.

  27. Absolutely gorgeous pictures !

  28. Lovely shots, but we do need spring, don't we?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. (Returning your comment from the Rurality Blog Hop!)

  29. lovely pics and haiku! I especially liked the first shot! just superb!

  30. Lovely winter shots, the footprints in the first make we want to jump in and follow them. We had spring last week and now we are back to winter with snow too.
    They are upgrading our local exchange on Thursday so I'm hoping it goes smoothly but I suspect it won't from the subtext of the message, grr.

  31. There are two things I can't live without, internet and photography. Exceptional photography I must say, as I noticed some really good use of shutter and focus settings on the photographs which I learned over at shoot digital pics like the pros that helped me relate to the settings with which some of the photos might have been taken. :)

  32. power. we lose it a bit up here and it is so boring and cold...

  33. It makes me so angry when internet is not working, I can't stand it.
    The snow can't make me happy anymore, I have seen that white stuff to long now. Can't see the beauty of it now, I want green!

  34. Your photos are stunning! Love the cape ane sunrise...those lights and darks...amazing! xox Conny

  35. It's all very pretty. I especially like the first one. It looks like a postcard. I can't imagine living where it snows or is so cold during the winter. I've lived in Texas and Florida my whole life. (Thanks for visiting my blog, too, btw. Take care and have a good week).

  36. I just love all these beautiful pictures! It's such a pretty winter scene. It's scary how much we are addicted to our Internet. (at least I am)

  37. Beautiful! I love snow and the second photo - magical.

  38. Beautiful series from your recent storms. New England certainly has had its share this winter.


  39. Love the border effects you created in these images ... very peaceful. Oh how I know the "not connected" feeling. When I switch phone providers I was without a phone for 24 hours and you would have thought I'd been sent to Siberia!! LOL Thanks for playing at Walk and Click Wednesday!

  40. These are wonderful shots! I especially like the first one, but I'm also very taken by that golden grass, too. Nice "light and shadow" quote.

  41. Oh, gosh, I go crazy when I can't get online. Your photos are beautiful - it sure still looks like winter there. Visiting from Walk & Click Wednesday.

  42. I love how your border melts into your lovely pictures.

  43. I especially like the Cape Ann Sunrise photo. Beautiful work as always and yes, we've missed you. :)

  44. Glad you're back in blogland with your wonderful photography! And yes, I'm off like shot to the nearest internet café when power fails here!

    Best wishes

    Nora & Lola:)

  45. great images, as always. the snowy scene is just lovely. as for computers, I am fairly lost without one, so hopelessly addicted, I guess.

  46. I love that light on the water.

  47. I would be like a fish out of water without internet for a day, let alone a week! Yikes. Too bad you guys got some more snow. But spring is around the corner :) I did enjoy seeing your snowy photos!

  48. Love that first photo with its blue shadows!
    I'm nuts without my computer and the TV if the electricity goes out (which it does on our side of the street during a storm, but not on the other side... go figure)!

  49. Lovely series of images... and I like the color and texture of the dried grasses... a beauty all their own... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #6' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #7...

  50. Beautiful images! Spring has begun to arrive here with sun and blossoms. Honestly, I envy your snow!

  51. The internet, for sure, but also my coffeepot.I was afraid it was broken this morning! Panic!! Beautiful photos!

  52. Beautiful photos and exquisite words♫ Thanks for commenting on my blog♪

  53. Very cold brrr.

    Internet is a Blessing

    Catching up with letter i entries.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  54. The thing I miss most is my memory when it's not working, which happens all too frequently these days!

    Closely followed by my computer.


  55. I love all the photos. I think the borders you put there makes them more beautiful. I'm trying to catch on my I's on ABC Wednesday. Thanks for the visit.

  56. Wow. These are really great photos.

    And your writing is, as always, sublime.

    I get pretty frustrated with this whole memory thing. I'm trying a vitamin D therapy but don't see much improvement yet.

    Not sure if I can remember when I started, though.


    Thank you for linking!


    PS. I love the way you manipulate your photos!


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)