Photography and Poetry Wed and Thurs

Another new adventure ~ G+ integrated with blog ~ check it out when you comment. Thanks, artmusedog and Carol ^_^

'W' for Willow for Alphabe Thursday

We are sharing today with these creative bloggers:

walk and click
outdoor wednesday
rurality blog hop
carpe diem haiku
aquariann's wordless wed

alphabe thursday

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your comments delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Sometimes life has a way of putting us on our backs to force us to look up.' ~ Charles L Allen

haiku for Cape Diem Haiku ~ prompt' full peak moon'

One of the first signs on Cape Ann MA of Spring for Walk and Click and Aquariann's WW

Eiderdown sunning on rocks in 'Cape Ann' Harbor for Out Door Wednesday
Cape Ann Granite Rocks and Dandelion for Rurality Blog Hop
