Art, Photography and Haiku Sun and Mon

'Sea Nymphs' for Sunday Sketches

haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku ~ 'prompt' empress

Faces of Cape Ann MA for Post Cards from Paradise and Mosaic Monday

Lone Duck on Rock, Cape Ann MA for Happy Blue Monday

The wind has been wild and cold and you can see the roughness of the ocean in the photo above here on Cape Ann. Probably, we will move into Summer and skip the lovely temps of Spring. Mother Nature is so unpredictable. The sun is warm gratefully.

We are sharing with these creative bloggers:

sunday sketches
post cards from paradise
carpe diem haiku

mosaic monday
happy blue monday
creative everyday

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your comments delight us in every way.

QUOTE FOR THE DAY: 'Give yourself the gift of nature as often as you can.' ~ Wayne Dyer


  1. It has been unseasonably cold and windy here. But the sun is shining and the flowers blooming so how bad can it be?

  2. oh my, how beautiful, words art and photos, I hope the warm spring breezes find you,

  3. Your photograph are stunning as usual, and you make a very interesting point in your haiku this week. It's truly a point to ponder. Blessings!

  4. Lovely artwork, especially love your photos.. :)

  5. My intention for the month is to look and see beauty wherever I go. I always see so much beauty when I come to your site. Your photographs are wonderful. I love the blue in your sketch. Have a great week.

  6. I agree with you - get out and celebrate nature!

  7. So nice to feel Spring upon us.

  8. I love that ripple, the hard scape of the stairs and the soft invite of the sand.

  9. Oh, I like your sea nymphs! And I believe we ARE all queens and kings. :)

  10. I think we are going to skip the lovely temps of spring here too and go right into summer. Bummer

  11. Very especially like your photos today, Carol. Waterside pictures always are my favorites.

  12. wonderful shots and words. The left shot that's part of a montage has the best quality to the water in the wake of the boat. It looks like satin.

  13. I so love your collection of imagery and haiku. So very creative!

  14. I love the artwork and the colors, very pretty. We are having a chilly spring here, I would like some warmer days. Your scenes of Cape Ann are beautiful. You do live in a beautiful place. Lovely post, have a happy week ahead!

  15. wonderful shots and I am enchanted with the sea nymphs! :) So pretty and playful / happy! :)

  16. Love your Sea Nymphs, Carol, and your photography this week is stunning. It's been pretty breezy here, too, but we are grateful for the cooler temps. Here in Texas we treasure cool days as soon enough we'll be soaring into the 100's!

  17. onderful post Carol ... great photo's and that water painting is beautiful. I like your take on The Empress and emperor. Thank you for your participation.

  18. The photos of your lovely cape are so very beautiful... Lovely artwork too... Have a wonderful week. Hugs Judy

  19. Beautiful meaning to your haiku, and lovely photos.

  20. I adore your sea nymphs! Gorgeous/stunning photography and such lovely haiku!

  21. Love seeing your beautiful mosaic. It was a bit windy here today...but not a cold wind! Enjoy your evening!

  22. Lovely photos! And the only time I feel royal is when I'm near the ocean! Nice take on the prompt!Empress

  23. What a wonderful haiku! I also very much like the movement and vibrant blue in your sea nymphs piece. Beautiful photographs too, you put so much wonderful content into your posts...

  24. it was so windy here too! i had plans to plant flowers but the wind kept me inside all day painting...and yes, i am blissfully happy!

  25. I especially love the photo collage with the water, sand and steps. Together they create a quiet, cool, calm place.

  26. Love your thoughts on empress

  27. I rather like the idea that we are all queens and kings!

    Empress of Heaven

  28. Fabulous photography!..

  29. Beautiful photography and fitting Haiku and quotes. Enjoyed it all, especially the blue sketch. Well done.

    Thanks for your visit this Blue Monday.
    Sue CollectInTexasGal
    Blue Monday~Texas Chicken Farm Photography

  30. I like your blue with that single duck; thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Carol.

  31. we have had ups and downs in our temperatures! even though you are still chilled, the view is spectacular!

  32. I love that the empress comes first in your haiku...we all know that's how it works best!

  33. Lovely beach scenes. I really enjoyed today's haiku. You sea nymphs is just beautiful! I absolutely love it!

  34. hi carol, visiting your blog is always uplifting. i particularly like your sea nymphs today. i can feel them dancing in the sea.

  35. Wonderful pics. Happy Blue Monday. I played too. Mine are here and here.

  36. Love the photo of the stone steps....So much great texture!

  37. Lovely art,pics& verses! I love the quote,Enjoying nature is a gift!

  38. Great verse and delightful photos!

  39. Hi Carol, your sea nymphs are enchanting!

  40. love the colors you chose for the sea nymphs and their flowing beauty.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)