Photography and Poetry Mon and Tues

Sea Shells for Mosaic Monday and Creative Everyday

Spring flowers, Fall and Winter leaves ~ for Happy Blue Monday 

Haiku for Carpe Diem ~ prompts, strength and hermit

Cape Ann Granite Rocks and My favorites ~ Dandelions ~  for Monday Mellow Yellows 

Cape Ann MA red boat for Ruby Tuesday2

Hope your Mother's Day was special and that your weekend was filled with love. I have learned that in order to love others I need to love myself with all the fragility of being 'a human being of light'. To me, we are all connected and 'it' is all Mother Earth's energy that provides that connection. So I send out love to you all wherever you may be and whatever you may be doing creatively.

We are sharing today with these creative bloggers:

mosaic monday
happy blue monday
monday mellow yellows
carpe diem haiku

creative everyday
ruby tuesday 2

Wishing you the best in each day. xxooo

Your posted comments delight us in every way.

' A mother's heart is a patchwork of love.'  ~ unknown author


  1. oh wow!!!! you have some amazing sea shells!!!! love shelling!!!! lovely photos and Poetry!!! Wishing you a wonderful week!!!

  2. Love your shots, especially the dandelion!

  3. beautiful shells! I also love the little red boat shot, is that a tug? As always beautiful words as well,

  4. I especially love the haiku, and the dandelions! I love dandelions! They are on my poetry book, "Weeds"!

  5. Great haiku for strength prompt! Pretty blue flowers and seashells.

  6. Nice set of images!
    I especially like the blue Spring flowers among the old leaves!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  7. HI Carol, I love your shell collection and your pretty haiku! I hope you had a happy Mother's Day! Wishing you a happy week ahead.

  8. Your haiku really touched me today, wonderful photos too!

  9. Your pictures are lovely! And, your Haiku was inspiring. Thank you for sharing your talent and gifts!

  10. You have a rainbow of colors here, Carol! I especially like the little blue flowers (whose name I probably know, but can't call to mind at the moment!).

    Mary in Blue and Red

  11. You visited one of my blogs and commented on my Tarot Strength haiku. I am glad you did, because I found your blog and am enjoying looking around. I would love to follow it, but am not sure how I do that since I use wordpress and you use blogger. I am quite new to the blogosphere. When my son and I went on a college trip to Boston some years ago, we made a side trip to Cape Ann. Did a whale watching trip, visited Rocky Neck Art Colony, and went to Rockport and Halibut Point State Park. Such a lovely area. You are lucky to be there.

  12. The seashell pictures take my breath away! Just amazing. Beautiful post.

  13. I love flowers and truly enjoyed seeing yours.

  14. Hi, Lovely pictures -- and a great combo take on two days Carpe Diem

  15. Wonderful message today, and your pictures leave me shell-shocked.


  16. The dandelions caught my attention for sure! They are tenacious...will grow anywhere.

  17. I do love dandelions even though many consider them to be weeds. Great haiku to go with the shells. :-)

  18. Beautiful images there, i love being by the sea too :)
    Best wishes, Ruth (Tawny Moon Studio)

  19. Beautiful photo of the shells and I love the haiku.

  20. Lovely photos, and haiku, Carol! The shells are beautiful!

  21. Hi Carol. Visiting from Creative Every Day. Soothing photos. Love the shells and the colors.

  22. Beautiful shots! Thanks so much for the prayers for my daughter and coming baby....Christine

  23. What lovely shots of your world.

  24. Such beautiful sea shells! Now I miss to go by the sea shore and pick up some shells.. :)

    Spring is lovely with its flowers and all sprouting up now.. It's a real joy! :)

    In my country we have mother's day on the second Sunday of February, each year.

    We must take care for our mother earth as well.. I think the earth needs that.

    peace & love :)

  25. I love the shells and the dandelions.

  26. Great Blog!

  27. Hi! Beautiful spring flower shots. I like your Haiku very much. Wishing you a wonderful day.

  28. Gorgeous photos! Love the shells mosaic! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

  29. The shells are really beautiful on the picture ! My mother's day was very special ... I did the laundry, lol !

  30. I have a stage when i also collected shells, but not as lovely as yours. But i know how the meat of your shells taste like, they are delicious and i miss eating them.

  31. Lovely sea shells, beautiful blue spring flowers! In Sweden we celebrate Mother's day the last Sunday in May.

  32. Dear Beautiful creative harbor, dear Carol. Beautiful and postive photographs and wise thoughts and haiku. Gorgeous creativity! Love and blessings to you

  33. Gorgeous haiku in the middle of a beautiful post. Thank you for participating in Carpe Diem.


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)