Through the Lens Day by Day

Through the lens I see we are all connected. ~ Peace and love to all. ^_^ ~  

(Scroll down for Alphabe and Rural ) thanks.

A Perfect September Day on Cape Ann MA in the USA for Happy Blue Monday link

After the Storm Rainbow on Cape Ann MA for Mosaic Monday and Water World link

'Scarecrow' - for Carpe Diem Haiku link
End of the Season ~ Family (could be any family anywhere) enjoying the warm day on Cape Ann MA - for Our World Tuesday  and Wonderful Wednesdays links.

'READY TO CLIMB'  for Alphabe Thursday and Rurality Blog Hop links
Fascinating Tree at local park on Cape Ann MA

We wish you the best in each day. xxooo

Your posted comments bring delight into our day. Thanks, ^_^

QUOTE: 'How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve.' 
~ Anne Frank


  1. What a delightful Haiku, Carol!! And as you know I love trees -- the tree photo makes my heart smile!! :)

  2. beautiful series, especially the rainbow after the storm, and the haiku. thanks for sharing - enjoyed on a grey monday morning.

    1. Hi Carol,

      Thanks for sharing this pleasant blue sky.

      Happy Blue Monday!

  3. Anne Frank was so that quote and your "anywhere family"...:)JP

  4. Love your haiku Carol.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful images.

    Happy Monday!

  5. Beautiful blue in that top photo -- not to mention the rainbow! Happy Blue Monday!

  6. exceptional photos....varied, interesting, and well-shot....I took a pic of that 'square-branch' tree last week! great minds, and all that....and thanx for the info about the sandwiches....

  7. And the clouds you captured amazingly!


  8. Such beautiful photo's, my favorite is the last one with that beutiful tree.

  9. wonderful rainbow.
    Great family picture, and of the dog joining in on the fun.

  10. Nice reainbow capture!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  11. The rainbow is a nice treat to see. Looks like the puppy dog is enjoying the water too. The tree is pretty, a great climbing tree. Lovely series!

  12. Gorgeous photos Carol! Cape Anne sounds delightful!

  13. How we all love that beautiful blue sky! We've had a terribly rainy day today so I am happy that my painting is done by now!

  14. The haiku so precisely written painted a clear image in my mind of autumn coming.

  15. Apparently, Carol, you have met a more effective scarecrow than I have! :)

    Old Strawhead

  16. Sweet family, child, dog. Lovely beach. Very nice scarecrow haiku.

  17. yes that is quite the tree
    great pix
    nice haiku


  18. Looks like a beautiful day. Love the rainbow shots!

  19. Beautiful photographs! specially like the last view.. the dog looking in the enjoyable mood...

  20. Some great photos as always but I think my favourite would be the family one enjoying the end of the Summer.

  21. I'm hoping that the scarecrow is at least as tall as the corn that he's supposed to be protecting!


  22. Beautiful photos and lovely depiction of the scarecrow in his 'element' :)

  23. Wonderful set of captures. I like that first and last shot very much.

  24. I love your photos, quote and poetry...especially love your photo of the tree with its limbs calling out to be climbed upon!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Now that our son's wedding is done, I am catching up once again to blog visits and blogging. Thank you for stopping by (I cannot recall who I have made return thank you visits too! so I want to be sure that I say thank you! :o)

  25. love your photos! My cousins live along Cape Cod, near Eastham, and my younger summers were always spent there. The family shot reminds me of all of us in the flats... sweet memories
    thanks for stopping by my Blue Monday

  26. Such a lovely rainbow over the waters. And the family enjoying the water is delightful.

  27. Wonderful post ... and the haiku is really nice.

  28. Awesome series of photos. I always love seeing rainbows, wherever it is.

  29. Hi Carol

    May all your September days be as perfect as your photography ;)
    Have a great week

  30. End of season and Ready to climb are perfect!

  31. Great thoughts and simply perfect pictures to accompany those ideas Carol.

  32. I love each one of these, especially the family and dog enjoying the water. Such a beautiful shape to the tree, too.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Rural Blog Hop post.


  33. Carol,
    Looks like your autumn is off to a good start. I love the green tree for your "Rurality" photo and rainbows are always a fun capture.

  34. Rainbow - great choice for an R word. Love those rainbows! My favorite photo I have ever taken of one was when I did an "Amen" post on my Rock4Today blog. The double rainbow that day almost took my breath away because it was so beautifully awesome up against a sunrise!

  35. I love photographing the US flag waving against a beautiful sky! Yours turned out so nice, too. I have yet to capture a rainbow. It's cool how you placed it in a collage. The father & child in the water is priceless and looks so much fun. I see I am not the only one who loves interesting trees. They really fascinate me, but I don't believe I'm ready to doing any climbing. lol Great "R" post!

    Thursday Thoughts: North Country Wind Bells Review & Giveaway

  36. Carol, your family playing in the water...loved the dog looking SO intently on their play.

  37. Cape Ann looks gorgeous. And so does that amazing tree!


  38. What a beautiful collection of photos! I love the rainbow, and that tree really does look quite inviting! Lovely haiku.

  39. Hi Carol,

    Lovely photos (especially the tree ready to be climbed) and great haiku! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today and leaving such a nice comment -- so very much appreciated!

    Greetings from Germany,

  40. Beautiful images and thoughts Carol. Thanks so much for stopping by. xo

  41. Love the way you put your blog together...Thanks for your visit...Happy thoughts back at ya♫♪

  42. climbing trees - such fun! i always seemed to get up the tree, it was the getting down that was a challenge!!
    Beautiful photos and haiku verses.

  43. you've got so much history and lovely water all around. I say "So lucky!"
    Great looking tree - I wonder how old it is? Looks like a great climbing tree! {:-Deb

  44. I remember trees like the one in the photograph...

    When we were younger we would run around and climb all over them!

    Those were remarkable times...Relaxing on the branches in the radiant sun, while the wind rustled the leaves!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "R"!



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)