Through the Lens Week

Through the Lens I see the miracles of nature. carol, xxx

For Carpe Diem Haiku 'tan renga' link and Creative Everyday link

The prompt for November at Carpe Diem Haiku is to add to another poet's haiku thus creating a 'tan renga'. The above haiga is my completion of the tan renga started by poet, Maggie Grace.

For Creative Everyday the month of November is to be creative every day and posting your creation. Since my focus has been on photography and haiku  I have done very little art lately. I am working on some lino cut pieces of art that I hope to post soon.

Last of the Sunflowers on Cape Ann MA for 'Y' for Alphabe Thursday link.

Sun Setting on Cape Ann MA ~ for Rurality Blog Hop link.

Early Morning Blue Skies on Cape Ann MA for Happy Blue Monday link.
It rained later. Couldn't you predict it would?

Somewhat Cloudy Day on Cape Ann MA for Our World Tuesday link.

tan renga ~ for Carpe Diem Haiku link

A haiku for Creative Everyday link.

We wish you the best in each day, xxx.

Your comments continue to delight us. Thanks.


(We are sorry that G+ is now our comment base, for those that don't have a g+profile or link ~  evolving world of cyberspace and felt it best to get on this track as the train seems to be moving in a new direction ~ will see)

QUOTE TO PONDER: ' Walk over the 'boulders' exactly the same way as you would walk over 'small rocks'.' ~ Derek Lin
from the (THE TAO OF JOY)


  1. Wasn't able to leave a comment earlier as only permitted if you had G+profile - which I seemed somehow blocked from accessing. So glad commenting on your lovely blog is now as before!

    Have a lovely week!

    PS Love Yorkies as much as Bichons!

  2. This is very nice... Love your completions

  3. Yowsers! What a happy link!

    That sunflower just makes me smile!

    I think the posting is working okay now!


    Thanks for linking.



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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)