Through the Lens Week

Through the lens I see bloggers once again able to comment on my blog whether you have g+ or not. I love my commenters. xxx

Look real closely they are the hind legs of deer leaving our back yard (which is conservation land)  They have been coming up our steep and winding  driveway for several days for Rurality Thursday Blog Hop link.

Zen like photo (minimalist) for 'Z' for Alphabe Thursday link.

Tan Renga for Carpe Diem Haiku ~ team work ~ completing a haiku of one person to make a 'tan renga') ~ 

Local Cape Ann MA lobsterman working hard for a living. For Our World Tuesday link.

Veteran's Day in MA and a special tribute to honor those veterans in my life who chose to serve or are currently serving.Whether you are a 'dove' or 'hawk', very few like war or being a warrior ~ they learned to be a warrior in order not to fight.
My much loved veterans, Sean P Murphy, Peter G. Murphy, Walter T. Murphy, J. Carlton Macauley, Paul G. Ronco and all those not named. We honor you and thank you. xxx

For Happy Blue Monday link ~ a slightly tattered American flag with an amazing blue sky on Cape Ann MA.

Tan Renga for Carpe Diem Haiku link. Also Creative Everyday link.

We wish you the best in each day. xxx

Your comments are a treasure to us. Thanks, ^_^

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'All change is a miracle to contemplate, but it is a miracle which is taking place every instant.'
~ Henry David Thoreau


  1. Those are some great shots! What a site to see the deer in your yard!

  2. Beautiful photos..The tattered flag is still a great representation!

  3. A lovely tribute and some great shots of 'life' as it goes on. Thank you for visiting and your kind comment. Blessings. Pamela

  4. Nice photos!
    Have a nice monday! RW & SK

  5. Wonderful tribute, Carol. We celebrated the Heroes Day yesterday (Nov, 10th).
    Enjoying your other shots too.

  6. What a nice tribute! Lovely photos.

  7. That flag seems to have seen some wind. Today is the anniversary of the end of WW1 - so its important here as well.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Lovely shots....and a nice tribute for Veterans Day.
    Over from Smiling Sally's...

  9. Beautiful tribute, and a great post, Carol!

  10. Hi Carol,

    Shame on the flyers of the tattered flag; they should know better. A flag should never be allowed to fall to such disrepair.

    I spotted your deer; how sweet. I hope they don't eat your plants.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  11. Through the lens, I am a recognizable Rainfield again.

    Feel so good.

  12. Your image of the tattered flag reminds me of the War of 1812 when Francis Scott Key looked through the glare of rockets to see the battle flag over the fort still flying and wrote our national anthem as a tribute. I believe that was Ft. McHenry in Maryland if me Roy serves me corretly.

    Happy Blue Monday and Happy Veterans Day!



  13. Beautiful photos ! Great tribute for Veterans Day.
    Greatings from Romania!

  14. Whether tattered or perfect, our flag stands proud!
    Lobsterman -- I had one of those Live Maine Lobsters recently... oh so delicious!

  15. Beautiful, exquisite tribute! A lovely photos!

  16. Lovely completion of the Tan Renga and I agree :-)

  17. Wonderful photos and an amazing tribute!

  18. A wonderful post and beautiful tribute! Thanks for sharing!

  19. A nice tribute for Veterans Day! The lobsterman looks cold! Cool having deer in your yard, they are cute visitors. Have a happy week!

  20. Beautiful photos - I especially like the one of the harbor and the fisherman in his boat.

  21. I especially like your zen-like photo, and what a lovely tribute to our veterans!

  22. beautiful as always dear Carol… we had a 3 point buck just standing in our front yard the other day… he was majestic!

  23. lovely photos and a really beautiful watercolor illustration Carol!

  24. A nice tribute to our veterans and a great series of photos. I was unable to comment for a while, as I'm not willing to use Google+ (or any other of those types of sites).

  25. I have been having trouble commenting. I hope this goes through. You are such an inspiration!

  26. Wonderful .. love your completion... (I have some problem visiting your page sometimes... my PC locks up).. works today :-)

  27. I'm quite surprised that you are allowed to have a flag that looks so worn! It's not really a tribute to you country when it looks like that.
    But a nice blog post, as always!

  28. As far as I am aware, flags are not removed when they are old and worn but I can't remember when you are supposed to renew them. I wonder how the lobster fishing went and whether he found any in his lobster pots.

  29. Great reflections of the autumn time when life prepares for winter.
    Your tribute to Veterans was sweet. Few of us who served wanted war.

  30. I always enjoy your combination posts, Carol. I leave refreshed!

  31. Oh! That is a lovely image captured of stocking up for the winters and overall, lovely photographs. :-)

  32. such a beautiful inspiration!

  33. super cute capping verse to the tan renga.

  34. A wonderful tribute and so many lovely photos. Have a great week and thanks for sharing with all of us.

  35. Lovely Tan Renga Carol and your images all compliment them so well!

    This Dark Autumn Night

  36. came in to read the (Rheumatologe) tan renga and was treated to other lovely things

    much love...

  37. Great photos again!!!! Love your art too. Have a great week ♥

  38. Beautiful tribute for Veteran's Day (and any day) and I love your nature lovely to have deer in your yard!

  39. The elk are beginning to move down a bit which always means winter is on the way.

    lovely shots...

  40. Great post today.

    Wonderful pix, and nice completion on the tan renga.


  41. Love your tan renga AND your images!!

  42. I, of course,love the deer! They are my favorite backyard visitors.
    Your artistic tribute is lovely!
    I love seeing a flag waving in the wind but that one definitely needs to be retired.

    Glad you've gone back to this comment form. Google+ does not afford the anonymity some of us prefer. i.e.the use of our last name.

  43. I like that zen photo, wonderful capture.

    have a great day.

  44. Wonderful capture, nice photos!

  45. What a lovely post! I love the poems as always.

  46. Simple and serene...Thanks for putting out such a thoughtful blog♫♪

  47. Love your photos. Thee deer are so nice and I do love the stark zen of the branches….

  48. What wonderful visitors! I love when I get to see those beautiful creatures. That blue sky certainly is very zen-like.

  49. Their tails are down, but look like when they''re up, they would look like white flags waving as they run... Thank you for coming by to share on Rurality Blog Hop #40!

  50. thanks for a lovely moment - the tan renga finishes a joy to read and your photographs, beautiful.

  51. I am so glad the deer are safe roaming about your winding driveway. We have them here on the property, and we do NOT want anyone coming near them or the turkeys that live in the woods, too. Such a nice piece of rural life. genie

  52. I adore your "zen" photo, Carol!!

  53. That poor flag has seen better days!

  54. Always such a great pleasure to view all your beautiful images!

    Have a great weekend too!

  55. Wonderful words and photos, as always. I especially loved your Veteran's Day tribute.


  56. Perfect ending to the haiku.

  57. It would be incredible to see all those deer right in your backyard...

    I love the simplicity of your zen-like photograph!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "Z".



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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)