Through the Lens Weekend ~ March 8th

Through the lens I see the 'yin and yang' of life. ~ carol

(scroll down for the link in pink that you want) ~ thanks.

Cape Ann Ma 'yorkie' ignoring the camera for Camera Critters link.

Haiku for Carpe Diem Kai ~ Temple 49 link
and Haiku My Heart link and Haiku Friday link
(Friday has just been a 'mixed bag' ~ a little late posting.)

Cape Ann MA has had enough of snow and winter for
Weekly Top Shot link.

Mourning doves on Cape Ann MA are here every morning for the sumac for
Saturday Critters link.

'Crocuses' for I Heart Macro 2 link

Cape Ann MA for Post Cards from Paradise link.

Practice koi fish for Sunday Sketches link

We are wishing you the best in each day. xxx

Your posted comments continue to delight us. Thanks, ^_^

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.'
~ Rachel Carson


  1. I am so excited that you can see earth and green piercing the soil! … here the snow is still blanketing everything AND it is only temporary. Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro Carol:-)

  2. I am so glad you are here as I was missing you! Yes. Your haiku... says so much. We must have the yin and yang. I strive to live in that curve between... I have been fascinated of late by koi. I love your sketches. And as to the winter snow... Ugg boots really do say it all, don't they! Have a good and cozy weekend Carol. Thank you for your gifts here. XO

  3. Oh the crocuses brought a bit of joy to my winter dreary heart!! Thanks!

  4. Wonderful sharing, luv the crocus sprouting, have a nice Friday, thanks for stopping over at my blog

    Much love...

  5. Lovely... such a creativity!! Happy 8th of March!

  6. Love the koi sketch but I'm afraid the cute doggie steals the show!

  7. Lovely capture of the new shoots! the boots are equally good.
    Great series!

  8. The yin and yang of the 2 gold fish is just perfect, Carol! Great!


  9. Knowing the circling, that the 'round and round' is just one more round reaching upward,
    it is soothing to the spirit for each wave falls back to the beautiful ocean...
    Have a lovely weekend in Cape Ann. x

  10. Very nice post Carol. All those wonderful photos and your sketch of the Koi is so beautiful. Thank you for your daily effort to share your haiku with us all. By the way ... a great haiku you've shared today.

  11. I know those daily disappointments; I'm sure we all do. The question is: Will they over take us or will we overtake them as we go round and round?

    Tattered Scraps of Shade

  12. Dearest Carol;
    Oh, what a fantastic post with varieties of topic as usual♪ Loved to see your Artmuse baby ignoring camera and boots sure represent your cold winter, aren't they(^^;) I'm always looking forward to reading the haiku you picked up. Beautiful sketch♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  13. Artmuse doggie is always looking cute! It is nice to see the crocuses coming up... I am looking forward to spring.. Your koi sketch is wonderful.. Wonderful photos and post, Carol.
    Thank you for joining in on my Saturday's Critter party. Have a happy weekend!

  14. Very nice to see the crocuses making their way to the sunshine!

  15. Thank you for that sweet face and the crocuses

  16. could I share that crocus picture on fb with my friends?

  17. Crocuses = new life and spring approaching. My fav photo.

  18. Great photos, pictures, Haiku and writing, I love them all.

  19. I say Ugg to winter too! Beautiful Koi, its me laurie from I love a cloudy day, in December my eyes became much worse and I thought I was finished blogging but I managed to come back with the help of a program for the non sighted, I missed you, I have a new blog, almost the same name though,

  20. thank you for your embrace and delight of spring. lovely to see you are painting again!

  21. I like your colourful sketch Carol. Poor AMD still looks sad. Is that the box of toys I still see there?

  22. UGG to snow and winter / LOL too funny!!! :)

  23. It's nice to see the bits of green peeking out from the soil. Maybe that means we can put out Ugg's away soon.

    Artmuse Yorkie looks like he has had enough to the camera, my cats get like that too sometimes.

    Have a great weekend!

  24. ha-ugg is right Carol! Darling Art Muse can always bring a smile to my heart. The crocu shot is especially wonderful. Love the koi fish-nice brush painting!

  25. Just beautiful photos...and that is the CUTEST little dog !!

  26. A lovely collection!

    We have a mourning dove couple that's visited our deck every morning for years. I love them...and so do our cats. :)

  27. Excellent quote and yes, ugg to snow and Winter!!
    Happy Woman's Day Carol (and to Artmuse Dog!)

  28. My Uggs said Ugg this winter and fell apart. They lasted three three winters though, so fair enough.

  29. That's funny the UGG picture! Your haiku seems a little 'down' for you...hope it is just because of too much winter (not that that wouldn't be enough reason for me to be a bit down).

  30. A nice collection of photos. But I love the one of your dog the best! :)

  31. What a great, fun group of images!! The ugg comment is priceless, and I like that "fluffy" dove!!

  32. AMD looks smashing, has she just had a haircut? I love my Uggs, and they sure were needed this winter!

  33. Lovely koi... Beautiful colors. Definitely UGG to winter.

  34. love the crocuses sprouting!

  35. The image in your masthead is really superb!

    «Louis» thanks you for visiting «Louis'» California Travels. :-)

  36. Love your pics this week, especially with the chubby bird, also enjoyed your painting and haiku! Happy ss!

  37. Beautiful photos! I love your sketch of the koi. Have a great new week!

  38. Hi super gorgeous..your posts are always chalk full of pure beauty and harmony..I so enjoy your photso and poems..and all that you shine out!
    Happy SS

  39. Such beautiful photos and your sketch is a delight too, Carol! I love the pic of the mourning dove especially.

    Have a great week!

  40. hello lovely photos, haiku and sketch

  41. I concur with your Uggs!♪

  42. Lovely photos and poem! Love the Koi fish! Happy creating!

  43. Great shots. And the koi fish delight me. The colors, the swirls of water. Love it.

  44. I just love your koi fish, Carol. Very, very good. Made me smile as I take a break from my mid-term exam studies. :)

  45. All your photos are beautiful and sweet! Such lovely koi fish!

  46. Hi Carol - You have Ugg's?? Why didn't you say so before, that means we are related! Lovely to think of you stepping out in Aussie style through out your long, cold winter :)
    Wren x

  47. sweet photographs to remember your day by and the koi came out great! Thanks for the visit.

  48. Great photos :) Have a great week ahead


  49. lovely collection of photos, are there signs of spring on the way for you soon

  50. Beautiful photos Carol! It' so reassuring to see new shoots emerging.

    Happy emergent Spring!

  51. Great photos and I like your koi fish too! Happy week to you!

  52. Your paradise has plenty of clouds protecting the harbor!

    Honey on the Way

  53. So enjoyed your Haiku and the koi sketches-perfection.
    You are inspiring me for the week to come-
    Have a lovely week, Carol,
    with warm hugs,

  54. Love your koi sketch. Hello sweet little dog!

  55. I love the fish, and I agree, ugggggggggh to winter!

  56. Love your koi. You're so very talented. Pretty picture of the dove. As always, your little pup is lovely.

  57. Thank you for your visit...
    I just read something about goldfish - if put out in the wild (which they shouldn't be) they can grow up to a foot in length.

    Be well, Jules

  58. Your photos, words, and art are lovely! I especially like the photo of the dove.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)