Through the lens I see the beauty of each day.

(Scroll down for link you want, thanks.)

A playful mixed media sketch for Sunday Sketches link.

'She's at it again!' More photos ~ I am going out the door! ~ link for :

Camera Critters

Saturday Critters

Wild Rose of Cape Ann ~ 'rosa rugosa' ~ linked with I Heart Macro 2

Haiku linked with Carpe Diem Haiku Kai ~ Prompt ~ Special Music

Cape Ann MA beautiful sky last evening for Sky Watch Friday link.

Prompt 'Hot Springs' for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai link.

Haiku for Haiku My Heart link.

'E' for Eyes for Alphabe Thursday link.

Little boats on Cape Ann MA for Little Things link.

'Canyon' haiku for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai link.

Labyrinth in back yard for Black and White Wednesday link.

Another trawler on Cape Ann MA heading into port for Our World Tuesday Meme link.

We are wishing you the best in each day. xoxo

Your posted comments are gems to us. Thanks. 

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'I realize there is something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they are experts at letting things go.' ~ Jeffrey McDaniel

HOUSEHOLD HINT: Crush nuts without mess by placing whole shelled nuts in a zip lock bag and hitting with a rolling pin. Kids love this job.


  1. Lol. We are always using ziploc bags to help keep our meses to a minimum.

  2. the quote is fantastic, so are the pictures. have a wonerful week.

  3. I hope all is well with you and Art Muse doggie.. You do have lovely views of the harbor... The trellis is pretty, I wish I had one in my yard for the Clematis.. Lovely photos, have a happy week!

  4. Your photos always make me homesick for my childhood home by the ocean (Hull MA).

  5. I wonder where that trawler has been and whether it was a successful trip.

  6. Beautiful shots and I always like your haiku too.

  7. I like "Eyes' " hat! You have such lovely views of the sea.

  8. fabulous haiku Carol! And I would never tire of seeing boats on the waters:):) Hope you are feeling MUCH better!

  9. I was wondering how the sailors felt on that trawler as it was entering port after a long time at sea.

  10. Souls have to go deep to find the strength to reach up to the light.
    I like the quote about the trees in winter too.
    Thanks for visiting Half Moon Bay - a bit far from Maine. :)

    Cheers, Jules

  11. Fishing lover husband was interested in the trawler shot p;) All GORGEOUS shots and WONDERFUL haiku♡♡♡

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  12. Wonderful set of images, nice variety.

  13. excellent shot of the ship!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= <3

  14. Such a picturesque place to live. It looks so tranquil just watching the boats and ships coming and going.

  15. Hari Om
    A delightful visit as always - the haiku struck deep chords... YAM xx

  16. I love that Haiku, and great photo as always.

  17. Lovely to see the warmth of summer days coming through your photos, looks like you are having an OK summer?
    Have fun!
    Wren x

  18. I think that canyon canyon pitfalls are quite threatening

  19. beautiful haiku and photos . . . we can't go wrong following our inner soul. :)

    bright blessings, Lauren

  20. Love that haiku and the graphic it's on.

  21. I never tire of your photos of Cape May, so pretty! Love the quote too :)

  22. I don't know that I would ever get anything done if I lived where you do. I'd be so busy taking in the views. But-oh, how my blood pressure would improve!

  23. Great shots! I am ready to get out on the water.

  24. Nice labyrint, great using b&w!

  25. Got rid of all the unwanted blogs I was following and came across yours again, a gem buried among the rubble. I hope you're doing great Carol. Lots of love and hugs as always. xoxoxoxx

  26. Wonderful lines and curves for your labyrinth shot-aptly named.

  27. That is a stunning haiku!

  28. What a beautiful place you live in! I love the images of water - even living as close as I do to water on this side of the continent, I love the images from the Atlantic - home of my heart.

  29. Love the labyrinth! So pretty!

  30. Love that trellis at the labyrinth, and the "eyes" mannequin is quite unique! Great photos, as always :)

  31. I like the picture with the straw hat !

  32. Such beautiful photos. Love the labyrinth...wonderful idea and black and white is always a success no matter the subject!

  33. I do love your peaceful skies and all of your photos are terrific! Thanks for sharing the beauty!! Do give your little four-legged friend a pat for me! Such a cutie and I do miss my doggie friend so much!! Enjoy your weekend!

  34. I love the pinky blues skies in that first shot!

  35. :) for healing hot springs.

  36. I do love that while your title is a 'creative harbour', you are, actually, showing harbour sights! I love the water.

    1. Hi Jennifer thanks for the opportunity to remind readers that it is A Creative Harbor and I am being creative through, photography, haiku and a bit of art ~ Also there are other pages on the blog specifically about Creativity as I believe we are all creative ~ Perhaps, I should write a bit more about creativity on the main page at some point; but right now am still recovering from some 'viral' stuff that is zapping my energy.

    2. Hope you recover swiftly.
      I'm having a bit of a time posting another comment - error keeps popping up -
      so I thought I'd try here.

      I have always liked the dance of lightning :)

  37. Love the sky with the pretty tones!

  38. love looking at your photos. Have to visit that part of the country - haven't been there in a long time! {:-D

  39. Beautiful scenes. Love that first seascape, and your "eyes" shot is so fun!

  40. Haiku, ocean, sky very creative stuff. Hope you will be full of energy soon. Viral stuff not fun!
    JM Illinois

  41. Such a lovely array of photos and thoughts. Your header photos is just awesome too. Have a nice weekend. Mickie :)

  42. Pinkish sky! That's something we don't see everyday.

  43. What lovely skies!

  44. I especiall enjoyed the pretty sunset.

  45. dear carol,
    i hope you are finding your strength and returning to the light and warmth of summer. thank you for being a safe harbor of inspiration and delight.

  46. "Blinded by the green" - thank you for putting into words how I have been feeling the past few weeks, enjoying the lushness of the green that this spring has brought us after that horrible winter.

  47. "Scroll down for link you want, thanks."

    {{ i am picking ALL the links ... }}


  48. Now I would never scroll down past all the goodies on your blog! It's all wonderfully uplifting! I hope the summer breezes bring you the healing you need. Cyber -hugs to you!

  49. Hello Carol, your haiku this week... oh my! I loved the "looking between the leaves now" and mineral springs... there is a special place near here that I am longing for... your haiku makes me want to go! I love seeing your labyrinth in black and white. Thank you for this Friday feast! Enjoy your weekend!

  50. haiku my heart 'vacation memoir' have a nice Friday Carol

    much love...

  51. I especially love "follow inner soul". We should all do that.

  52. Lovely post, Carol. As always.

  53. Beautiful shots and words. I like the pastel quality of the first sky shot.

  54. oh my oh my....from the sky to the the sweetness of your own back yard! JUST LOVELY! Hope you continue to feel better....I've got a little weekend travelling coming up these next few weeks....might try to work out a visit to your neck of the woods in July - I'll "invite myself" properly - if that's even possible!!?! - when I have a couple of dates to suggest.

  55. I enjoy these glimpses through your lens. :-)

  56. Wonderful! I love the first shot! So great!

  57. Magical evening sky in the first photo. And such gorgeous scenery in your world.

  58. So sensitive words in your haiku "believe remedy
    hot springs, mineral springs heal
    trust in universe" ... And It's so impressive, every time, to look at the pictures of your amazing harbour!! All the best to you!

  59. Great pictures and thoughtful words. My favorite "Some pitfalls deep as canyons. (But if you) follow your inner soul (you can climb out)" ... The household hint today brought back memories of when my kids were little ...they did love to do that job.

  60. Carol, thank you for sharing Art Muse doggie with my critter party.. Enjoy your weekend!

  61. Well, I'm always a little more chilled out after reading your posts. I love the haiku, the fishing boats, and I love the labyrinth. I've never seen one so compact but size isn't what counts is it.

  62. A beautiful post, Carol. Enjoy your weekend!

  63. There are few things finer than being blinded by green--something we see too little of here in the desert!

  64. cute pup tired of the camera. :)

  65. I have always like the dance of lightening :)

  66. testing ~ people want to post another comment ~ not working ~

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Beautiful post- haikus are perfect. I love the misty scene with the ducks on the water- peaceful!

  69. Love the backyard arbor.

  70. Amazing photos. I love the Cape Ann area so much. One of my favorite painters lived there Cecelia Beaux. I love her place (saw it from front and back, but not inside). "E for Eyes" is adorable. Thanks for the visit. Blessings, Janet

  71. A lovely post Carol! I see sweet AMD has had her summer haircut! Lovely sky scene, and as always, excellent haiku!

  72. I love your music prompt haiku, and the art work is perfect!

  73. I was in a little mountain town in New Mexico recently (Jemez Springs), and could have spent an hour indulging in the mineral waters. Unfortunately, I felt too pressed for time. Now that I've read your haiku, I wish I had stayed that extra hour!

    Hot Springs

  74. Music is such a great motivator to wax poetic. Ah... ArtMuseDoggie, how I love thee!

  75. love all the words and fun sketch of your cute little dog

  76. Another awesome post, Carol! Love your sketch, images, and haiku! Artmuse Dog is SO cute ~ xx

  77. A great post Carol, and your dog is gorgeous.

  78. Everything has a peaceful and quiet feel to it. Just lovely!

  79. Love the pics today! Your painting of your dog is playful and fun!

  80. Your mixed media is cute. I've never tried mixed media. Maybe one of these days. :)

  81. Cute little mixed media pic. Lovely pictures... your flowers are gorgeous

  82. Know I've been here before, but just came back to look at your wild rose. Just took a million pictures of them here in Alaska and wondered if yours were the same.. They are. (Or at least so they look to me.). Again, a wonderful post.

  83. Your sketch looks adorable. Your nature photos are lovely.
    Have a great week.

  84. I love your photo of the lightning, and the poetry. I like the hot springs photo too, they are one of my favorite things but none very close so I can't go to one very often. That is my favorite vacation.

  85. What great shots! Love your dog.

  86. A lovely selection of photos!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  87. Sweet coat your dog is sportin'! And fun sketch as well. Thanks for stopping by.

  88. Love the pictures of the ocean, and the rocky road haiku really hit home. Haven't blogged/read blogs in a while, but found instant happiness here!

  89. Love your boats, and your puppy!


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Love and Light,
A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)