Through the lens I see my daily gifts and am grateful.

(I continue to add to post throughout the week and weekend.)

(Scroll down for blog link you want) Thanks!

Fading Summer Geranium Macro Shot sharing with:

I Heart Macro 2

Black and White Sun reflection through clouds on Cape Ann MA Harbor ~ sharing with:

Black and White Weekend

Sun reflection through clouds on Cape Ann MA Harbor sharing with:

Weekend Reflections

to see more reflection photography click on above link

Toy Sail Boats crafted and for sale at local Maritime craft show on CapeAnn MA sharing with:

Shadow Shot Sunday2

Haiku with prompt of 'sparkling stars' sharing with:

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai

Character Dog ~ He was very concerned about the camera sharing with:

Camera Critters

Saturday Critters

Another magnificent sky on Cape Ann MA ~ Nature is so beautiful with signs of Autumn gradually moving in with its light changes. For:

Sky Watch Friday link

Friday Photo Journal link

Orange You Glad Its Friday link

Haiku and view of Cape Ann MA Harbor with a beautiful rainbow. Sharing with:

Haiku My Heart

Haiku Friday

Weekend on Cape Ann MA with the Tall Ships ~ 'Parade of Sail' ~ 'P' for:

Alphabe Thursday link

Ever wondered or been asked how a ship in a bottle is constructed? At Cape Ann MA, Maritime Gloucester held a craft fair all related to the ocean. This was one of many artisans there.

Little Things Thursday link

You may be bored with 'ships' on this post ~ yet this was the Weekend on Cape Ann MA ~ fireworks, parade of lighted pleasure boats and then the Tall Ships. For:

Black and White Wednesday link

'The Eagle' of the US Coast Guard was the highlight of Labor Day weekend on Cape Ann MA sharing with:

Our World Tuesday link

Haiku and prompt word was 'decay' for:

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai link

We are wishing 
you wonderment in each day. ^_^

Your posted comments are always a delight to us. Thanks! 

QUOTE TO PONDER: 'We are all so much together but we are all dying of loneliness.' ~ Albert Schweitzer

HOUSE HOLD HINT: 'To ripen avocados or bananas, place them in a paper bag for a few days with an apple. The apple gives off a gas that ripens them wonderfully.'


  1. Your photos are always great but this post is the best ever I think! I love ships of all kinds and a parade of tall ships is really great.

  2. I love the beautiful ships. Great post.

  3. What a view you had over those ships.

  4. The parade of tall ships must have been wonderful to. Nice photos.

  5. The Eagle sure trumps the Coast Guard vessels I show here!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    =^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

  6. I'm definitely not bored seeing these great ships - that coastguard one is fantastic. Wonderful maritime post!

  7. Hari Om
    Nope - never tire of ships!!! The ones past my window tend on the whole to be much less romantic, however. These are alluring. YAM xx

  8. I always look forward to visiting you and artmusedog. Oh the ships are so elegant!
    What a lovely haiku to greet a new season...

  9. Your shots of the ships are awesome and love your country's flag☆☆☆ And wish to see how to make ships inside the bottle p:-)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Awesome to be part of your world Carol ... I love the photo's of all those boats ... and than the nice haiku inbetween all those wonderful photos ... a surprise, really a nice one ... thank you for sharing. Namaste

  11. Wonderful series of shots.

  12. I could never bore of seeing the variety of schooners, ships, boats-LOVE them! Another lovely haiku for the daisy photo too.

  13. A wonderful series here -- really loving the sense of birds replanting for next year :)

  14. Thank you for sharing these fabulour photos...yourb haiku on decay is lovely

  15. Wonderful shots of the ships.

  16. carol, the shots are so beautiful. here's a bright September.

  17. I enjoyed seeing some of the ships in the Parade of Sails, Carol. I loved when this was also done in NYC's harbor. Lovely haiku and a good quoye to ponder!

  18. Love the tall ships and your view of the world!

  19. One looks in awe at big ships. A travelling hotel and leisure, how amazing! Great pics Carol!


  20. I love the ships. They're so beautiful. I never get tired of seeing them.

  21. As usual, enjoying everything here. I never get tired of looking at ships. They are so grand and stately.

  22. Cape Ann is so picturesque with or without all those boats. Have a lovely week Carol.

  23. Beautiful pictures, wonderful haiku! 'Eagle' pic is fab...and yes, I have wondered on how the ship got into the bottle :)

    ps: long time...hope you have been doing well!

  24. Wonderful shots, each of them.
    Please come link up at

  25. I will never get enough of 'your', they are so stately and evoke such emotion...

  26. Such beautiful photo's' I love those sailing days with the tall ships among them.

  27. Without the decay.. spring bloom would not be the same

  28. Lovely photos of amazing ships. There's something so graceful and elegant about these lovely sailing ships. I would never get bored looking at such beautiful shots. All the best, Bonny

  29. Your b&w photo is great!
    My post at:

  30. The harbor was certainly full. What a sight.

  31. Wonderful ships. we had some tall ships come here last year and it was wonderful to see all those sails and woodwork.

  32. Beautiful!!! I kept hearing about this, but since I can't stand "local" news, I hadn't seen it. What a sight ~ you must have loved every minute!

  33. Carol, those ship photographs are wonderful! My cousin is in Martha's Vineyard, and we love the New England Coast. I also love our harbor here in St. Augustine. There is something wonderful about boats on the water.

    Thank you for sharing this boat parade with us! And before I forget, that little dog face is PRECIOUS. What a doll!


    Sheila :-)

  34. I liked your "'Parade of Sail' ~ 'P' for:" pictures, Carol. I suppose 'the dog' had to stay home for that. Those ships are sooo pretty and you got some very good pictures. I hope they will come to Galveston (Texas) again soon. I missed last. Our tall ship, Elissa, may have been there. Do you remember her coming? [ ]

  35. Love the sailboats! The Coast Guard one must be a beauty when all its sails are unfurled!

  36. Ships galore!...lovely post and haiku♪

  37. The "Eagle" looks beautiful on the blue water !

  38. Your lovely photographs always make me homesick for the water....

    Need a trip to the coast, I guess.

  39. When I drive to the island from Brunswick, I love to see all the sailboats from the yacht club, taking advantage of the breezes! Great post, Carol.

  40. Would be a fun visual treat to watch ships being put in a bottle!

  41. ...and beautiful post for SWF too!

  42. Amazing ships, glorious skies and terrific captures!! Thanks for sharing the beauty and the fun!!

  43. Spectacular sky shot, Carol! I love the warmth of it.

  44. Spectacular sky colors in that first photo!

  45. Such wonderful photos. I will never ever get bored with your photos of boats and ships and especially your sailboats. I love them. Post some more!! Beautiful haiku also.

  46. love your parade of sail photos. I grew up sailing, and miss it greatly... {:-D

  47. Your pics are all so fantastic! They fit the theme posts so well. :)
    Have a happy weekend!

  48. Wonderful set of images. The first shot is too good.

  49. Lovely captures, Carol. The Coast Guard (sponsored?) craft is colourful. Blessings for a great weekend

  50. Wonderful skyshot!

  51. I agree with the rest, a really great series of photographs. Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday. Glad you enjoyed the images. Will visit again. Take care.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  52. I love the orange sky. No signs of Autumn until next week, it's HOT here.

  53. Every time I come across your blog I spend at least half an hours looking at your amazing pics!

  54. Neighborhoods change, and the flowers still bloom. My neighborhood ages, children on tricycles now driving cars, and the flowers still bloom.

  55. Wonderful share! Ships in bottles always tickled my fancy.....

  56. Thank you for the seaside glories.
    Sorry for your sad heart at losing your neighbors. Perhaps the new ones will offer new adventures in the neighborhood?
    Have a sweet weekend!

  57. Thank goodness that roses bloom, no matter what! Have a good weekend!

  58. How exciting to be able to see all those boats on parade and especially the tall ships! Such a poignant haiku, about neighbours moving away and their flowers still blooming after they have gone. Life does go on, doesn't it?

  59. LOVE the tall ships! We saw the Parade of Sail in New York Harbor in 1986 (while there for the re-opening of the cleaned and refurbished Statue of Liberty for her susquecentennial) and again have seen many in Norfolk, Va. when we lived there. They are wonderful!

  60. Oh I love it! Great photos. The Parade of Sails was one of my favorite events while I lived on the coast. Wonderful choice for your Haiku, I really enjoy reading what you come up with from the prompts.

  61. I know a little something about changing lifestyles. I highly recommend them. They are fabulous opportunities for growth and change even into our retirement years.

  62. That first photo is so beautiful! Lovely light in the sky.

  63. Roses still blooming.

    Mushrooms still mushrooming.

  64. Gorgeous photos. I especially like your shot for B&W Wednesday. Roses keep blooming is a rather calming line. :-)
    Take 25 to Hollister

  65. Beautiful ship silhouettes...poignant haiku with the impending season change/endings somewhere/beginnings in others...the post is alive as always!

  66. Great monochrome!

  67. The Parade of Ships pass through here in mid summer, so amazing to see but we lack the the beautiful landscape you were able to capture.

  68. your sweet doggies face welcomes me every week and oh that oldie you got . He looked skeptical .

  69. Carol what a great stroll I had here this morning.
    Loving those white daisies , the Haiku, and of course Mr Poochie :)

  70. The sun through the clouds photos are especially lovely, Carol.

  71. Character dog, indeed! I had to chuckle at the look on his face…


  72. Lovely photos and how nice to see Character dog. I enjoyed the nautical theme today.

  73. Hi! :) Loved seeing the tall ships, and sunsets. My dog doesn't like having her photo taken either, but it's a great photo.

  74. I love seeing those tall ships. The dog has interesting and beautiful markings.

  75. Such a lovely array of photos! Especially love the sunset! Gorgeous sky!

  76. I just love all those ships! Cute dog, and that first haiku is wonderful. Hope you are doing well.

  77. Lovely images especially the dog and his thoughtful expression.

  78. Cool....I especially like the 'Tall Ships'!

  79. beautiful, beautiful offerings dear Carol!

  80. Looking at the stars ... wonderful to get the joy back that way.. they are nice friends to have.

  81. Great shots. Thanks for sharing these beautiful images. I love the water. I've never had a chance to spend much time around it! Thanks for brining it to me! Have a beautiful week.

  82. 。°°。✿⊱。
    Suas fotos são surpreendentemente lindas!!!!
    Bom domingo!·..✿✿
    ♪♬♫°。 Boa semana!

  83. Great captures as always ... my favorite is you BW shot!

  84. I dont' know if those little sail boats work, but they sure are cute!!

  85. I love the toy sail boats Carol!
    Visiting from Shadow Shot Sunday.

  86. really nice collection

  87. You took so many gorgeous shots, Carol! Love all the ships at the harbor!

  88. Lovely haiku for Carpe Diem. I enjoyed your photos too.
    If you are stuck with green tomatoes at seasons end, just put them in a brown paper bag too and they'll ripen up with their own gases.

    You could also make fried green tomatoes or green tomato salsa - add some pineapple for a sweeter salsa. :)

  89. Hello Carol! A lovely series of images! The sky shots are beautiful. And I love the cute dog! Thank you for sharing your post and linking up! Enjoy your week!

  90. Beautiful offerings Carol! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  91. I like the ships outside the bottle! Great photos, again.


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)