Weekend Through the Lens 47

'Ring bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything; that's how the light gets in.'
~ Leonard Cohen

This weekend we are sharing with these creative bloggers:

'Enough said?'

A 'Haiga' for you.

Very 'scenic' on Cape Ann MA in all seasons.
Done with Winter, I am.

'Hey, it is not snowing!' Looks familiar!

The 'Queen' over seeing her domain on Cape Ann MA

Antique Door Stop 'Critter' guarding Muse Dog's food cabinet.

Magical pink sun set on Cape Ann MA Friday night ~ Snow to follow again on Sunday.

We are wishing you warm spring thoughts each day. xo

Your posted comments are keeping us warm and cozy. thanks!


  1. Love the light over the bay... and a great quote.
    You have more snow than we had here in this winter.
    Greetings from Germany

  2. Holy Spokes - that's a lot of snow, Carol!
    In your photos snow looks so beautiful.
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  3. So beautiful. So cold. Had to laugh at me. After enjoying your little furbaby on the deck, I was trying to figure out was the dog at the door was. Then I read the caption. Face palm, time.

  4. Hopefully that snow shovel won't be needed in another month. I'll miss winter though.

  5. Hari OM
    what a wonderful rose glow over the snow!!! AMD cuts a fine figure with her new 'do'... Hints of spring this side of the Big Water... hope you don't have to wait too much longer! Blessings, YAM xx

  6. The snow by the water is so enchanting. And your little queen looks so adorable peering at her world.

  7. Beautiful pictures, I love your doorstop critter.

  8. Oh dear - lots of cold snow! Excellent photo.

  9. Hello Carol, I love your Queen looking over her domain.. And scenic shots, the pink sunset is lovely.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  10. The last shot of the water turning kind of pink is really interesting. I'm sure everyone in the Northeast is getting really tired of scooping snow!

  11. A great serie, and your b&w photos are nice!
    My post at: https://hanshb.wordpress.com/

  12. Glad you and little Artmuse Dog are keeping warm and cozy in this crazy weather.

  13. yes, beautifu, but ENOUGH! Artmuse dog looks like he's yearning for it go away too:) LOVE that antique doorstop! I have one but it's a big bug-not so cute.

  14. Your last shot with the hint of pink in the water and sky is so calming...

  15. Your photos are beautiful but it does look cold.....I love the pink glow!

    Wishing you a cosy and peaceful week,

  16. Lovely but honestly gives me chills to look at that snow!

  17. You have an amazing view out over the bay. Stay warm!

  18. Love the pinkish tones. I'm still waiting for snow, so quite envious of the top shot.

  19. Darn that snow ... It's very beautiful, but I can only imagine you must be terribly tired of it. That's nice that the Art Muse has a helper to guard the frig! ))

  20. Hi! Very beautiful scene photos! I like your Haiku very much. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Amazing photographs... love the tones and colours. It looks awfully chilly
    Stay cozy and give 'The Queen' a hug from me ^..^

  22. a lovely set of pictures as always

  23. Awesome photos Carol ... your haiga is gorgeous ...

  24. Love the snow shovel shot but I know you would like to put that thing away,,,,,far away:)
    Cute doggie shots too.

  25. Beautiful shots and words. I love the pink sky and water in conjunction with the snow.

  26. Lovely colours, the harbour lead picture is my favourite.

  27. Wow, great pictures but it does look pretty cold! Zena from Zena's Suitcae

  28. Good afternoon. Such superb photos you have shared. Hope you have a nice week.

  29. What a beautiful setting, so amazing

    Thank you for linking up

  30. No end to your snow, I see! Ah well, spring will be here ... some year ....
    Lovely haiga :)

    Scritches to the muse

  31. I am freezing when I see your pictures !

  32. I just love your dog. I can see how cold it is there too. still it would be better than the heat we have here.

  33. Beautiful photos! I really like Leonard Cohens music and lyrics.

  34. Amazing series! Always love snow photos as they make everything lovelier =) #mysundayphoto

  35. Lovely wintry shots.

  36. Without trees as companions, where would we be?

  37. Your snow is beautiful, but I do hope you get a break.

  38. The pink sunset looks magical. That's a beautiful photo. Snow always makes things look so pretty.

  39. Brrrrr! My goodness that is a lot of snow! Stay warm Carol :)


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)