'Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die; life is a broken winged bird that can not fly.'
~ Langston Hughes

(scroll down for link you want ~ posting once a week~ eyes healing but still need respite from computer ~ thanks for understanding)

Monday ~ 

Most like lobster ~ even the seagulls in the blue, blue waters of Cape Ann MA

Sharing with Sally's Blue Monday

Tuesday and Wednesday ~ 

Beautiful Beach on Cape Ann MA at low tide ~ fun for the kids and big kids too!

Sharing with Our World Tuesday and:
Outdoor Wednesday


'S' for 'Seaweed on Cape Ann MA beach'

Sharing with Jenny's Alphabe Thursday


Haiku for you and Rebecca's Haiku My Heart


Beautiful sky over Cape Ann MA ~

Sharing with Sky Watch Friday


Little Critter looking at even smaller critters in tide pool at the beach on Cape Ann MA ~
See photo below

Sharing with Camera Critters 


This is what MuseDog saw ~ Moving periwinkles and crawling crabs in tidal pool ~ Cape Ann MA Beach

Sharing with Saturday Critters


WP from the little ATC I made a few weeks ago ~
Sharing with Sunday Sketches link.


Moving into Autumn shadows at the Beach on Cape Ann MA
Sharing with Shadow Shot Sunday2

Wishing you delight in your days. xox

Your posted comments are a treasure to us. thanks, ^_^


  1. Hello Carol, what a beautiful post and haiku. So many pretty images. I love the shot of the fishing boat with the gulls. The views of the beach and sky are just gorgeous. Your puppy dog is always adorable. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  2. North wind cools the air
    Art Muse Dog excitedly
    finds the mollusks

  3. Loved all your photos and I particularly loved seeing how focused ArtMuse Dog was in Saturday 1 :)

  4. Hi Carole,

    I'm happy to learn that you're healing. Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  5. Hope your eyes are doing better. Love Artmuse dog.

  6. Muse dog saw seafood. But how to eat it?

  7. Hari Om
    wonderful words and images... definitely get the sense of autumn drawing in! Blessing for the week. YAM xx

  8. I'm glad you're feeling better. I love the photographs and artmuse dog is so adorable!

  9. Alll lovely photos Carol! Sorry that you are having eye problems, but hope you are on the mend. I have just had shoulder surgery, so can empathize.... very hard for me to type. Best to you and get well very soon!

  10. Your water views are always especially beautiful. I like the things in the pond that the little dog is examining. Glad your eyes are doing better and I hope they continue to improve.

  11. Art Muse dog looks as though he is having a wonderful time exploring the rock pools. What beautiful skies you have there. Enjoy the week.

  12. Beautiful captures as always, Carol! I, too, am so sorry to learn of your eye problems and hope you continue to improve!! Give Artmuse a pat for me and have a good week!

  13. The birds on the first image knew that there's food in that boat.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  14. Such pretty photos - I love the beach. I wonder how my dogs would react on a beach, they've never been within a thousand miles of one!

  15. I can almost smell the briny sea as I look at your photos of the shore, Carol. I love lobster and would eat it every day if I could! Unfortunately I pay a high price for it here and can;t indulge as much as I like.

  16. oh I wonder what sort of fish the birds were trying to get?

  17. Love the photo of the fisherman at work :-)

  18. See the moment. Be the moment. That is what I find here every time *grin*. Cuddles to MuseDog

  19. Thanks for this lovely sharing. Take care of yourself

    Much love...

  20. Take care of you.Glad that you are improving.
    Amazing series of photos.
    Sriram & Krithiga

  21. Lovely pics! I can see why any dog would be interested in crawly things in the water--LOL!

  22. Hugs to Artmuse dog and hoping you are feeling much improved!

  23. Lovely shots from the beach, Carol! Have a great week!

  24. Gorgeous blog and fabulous pictures!

  25. This is such a lovely time of year to walk the beach. It's still warm but there are far fewer people.

  26. Apparently sea weed smells delicious !

  27. The lobster boat - priceless! Oh how I miss the water side!

  28. Your gulls certainly know where to find the good, fresh seafood!

  29. Beautiful post. I like the shot of the lobster fishermen and the seagulls!

  30. I enjoy coming here to look at your week in photos. Beautiful water and beach scenes , a beautiful pastel sky, and AMD cute as always. Your haiku sits well with me, solitude IS bliss!

  31. "Solitude is bliss!" But it is amazing to see so many gulls flocking about the fishing boat. Have a wonderful weekend!

  32. Lovely photos, Carol. Do take care of yourself. Have a great weekend.

  33. Solitude indeed is a bliss. Have a great weekend. :)

  34. Concerts are fun for the mind, and solitude is beautiful for the soul. Mr. A.M. Dog is having a wonderful time checking out the critters, it seems. Sweet photo.

  35. As always, your water shots make me want to murmur "peace be with you".

  36. One of the things that moves me the most of your posts throughout the seasons Carol is the shift in colors... today's theme for me is the vivid blues... your haiku pulled at my heart... thank you for these gifts! Have a great weekend exploring with your sweet muse!

  37. Love Art Muse dog sticking his nose in tide pool. :-)

  38. Beautiful photos and sentiments. Keep well.

  39. Hope your eyes are feeling better, Carol. Staying off the computer is a good idea. I think my eyes have gone too dry because I look at the screen much too much.

  40. what a wonderful week in pictures. your baby looks to be having a great time nosing about. am so glad to her that you are continuing to heal. I know it had been difficult. your sky this week is a lovely one.

  41. Hello Carol, I always enjoy seeing your cute doggie and images. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great weekend!


  42. All is good when I see little explorer'
    s face

  43. Great images! Love your cute little dog! Adorable!

  44. I adore your sweet dog, such a nose for finding treasures! I try not to envy your locale, but it's hard since I'd love to live by water of any kind. thank you for sharing this series of wonderful images.

  45. Lovely beach view - the shadows add a nice character to the mound - I can imagine really big rocks...or sand dunes...or even whales. A rocky shore adds such imagination and style to any landscape!

  46. wonderful photos and the last is so adorable! Cheers!

  47. love tues/wed's scene and that last shot, too!

  48. Such lovely photos - so many great shots. Love the shadows.

  49. I used to go through those tide pools just as fascinated as ArtMuseDog.

    In fact, I probably will again someday, when I get the chance.

  50. Hello Carol, thank you for visiting. All you images are so lovely. Your little dog is so cute and adorable. I guess most dogs will be amused by the finds on the beaches.

  51. Every one of us watches while being watched.

  52. what a great week....i like the weekend best ;)

  53. Hello Carol,

    Love the bright sunflowers and I always enjoy your haiku, water and doggie musings.!

  54. great photos :D fridays sky is gorgeous!

  55. aaaaw, dear little art dog!! Love your photos - what a wonderful paradise to be in. Your yellow flowers are soft and delicate - hope your healing continues well.

  56. I'm sure the shadows in your shot are as ready for autumn as I am!

  57. Nice ocean, a 'little' boat with a sprinkling of birds.
    Can't let that imagination die - Langston is right.
    Sometimes digging deeper is also necessary irrespective of what species one is.
    It too is driven by imagination in some sense, I reckon.
    Have a Great Week!
    Peace :)

  58. Wonderful week. So glad the beach is open for Muse Dog to explore. I'm with her .. I too love to explore tide pools. ( Perhaps not for the same reasons).


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A ShutterBug Explores ~ aka ~ (A Creative Harbor)